Odeon is an application I maintain on my spare time. It's not a corporate product that tries to make money using your personal data. It's goal is to be useful to its users, nothing more.
The only data Odeon collects are to do its job: find, manage and play music files stored on your device's storage. Because Odeon does not interact with any remote server, any personal data used by the app is not shared with anyone else.
Here is an exhaustive list of data that Odeon collects. These data are only stored on the device and are not shared with other applications.
- The list of all music files stored on the device's storage. This includes their title, artist name, album, and the date at which they were added to the device.
- The number of times each file has been played. This information is used to determine which are your favorite songs.
In order to provide the best user-experience, Odeon relies on features of the Android system that may allow other apps to control playback and list available media.
The Google Assistant and Android Auto are such applications. If you use one of these applications, they might collect information on your music library.