Popular commands that won't help us and why
geth --syncmode "fast" --cache 2048
is missing the flag for RPC connections (so can't connect from web3 or a web app)
geth --syncmode "fast" --cache 2048 --rpcapi --rpc
not needed
default port is 8545 which we're fine with, so omitt this flag
default is localhost which we're fine with, so omitt this
API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface (default: "eth,net,web3")
CORRECT Command for starting geth
geth --syncmode "fast" --cache 2048 --rpc
Check that syncronisation is working properly It should settle on log activity like:
INFO [02-14|17:17:31] Imported new block receipts count=124 elapsed=203.265ms bytes=9311747 number=5086552 hash=a4e3fe…2c9c60 ignored=0
- where
is the Block Height (i.e. latest block mined) - so 5,086,552 blocks in the Ethereum blockchain as of 02/14/17, which are 52GB on my machine.
du -h ~/Library/Ethereum/geth/chaindata
to find out how many GB in size it is
Geth is now running on port localhost:8545
and our node script will communicate to it in step 3.
Import a Private Key
- This associates one of your account addresses to web3.accounts[...]
- In a new shell window (consider doing this before running Geth node. shouldn't hurt to do it afterwards though)
geth account import ~/path/to/<keyfile>
do not put in ./hash-tronic or ~/Library/Ethereum, for security - Save the passphrase somewhere secure
- Confirm the public address it gives you is same as the one your privateKey already corresponded to.
- Open a geth console by typing
geth attach
and then> eth.accounts
to make sure your account is there. - Check the balance using a RPC command
- See that a keystore file was created like `~/Library/Ethereum/geth/keystore/UTC--2018-02-15T01-52-15.596264000Z--7d0a72767347332be638a0b9f3d751601ac03c8f
You can also create a new address/privateKey, instructions
Communicate to geth using one of the following:
- Run the hash-tronic node script
npm start sendEther 0.003
geth attach
in a new terminal, so you can run RPC commands to interact with it- start a
console and run web3.method's to interact with it from there
Note - Web3 config makes JRC-20 protocool requests to the node your started on localhost:8545
. This address:port is specified in the index.js file during web3 instance configuration.