diff --git a/app/services/voting_poster_creation.rb b/app/services/voting_poster_creation.rb
index c7f91aac..7c44cf38 100644
--- a/app/services/voting_poster_creation.rb
+++ b/app/services/voting_poster_creation.rb
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ class VotingPosterCreation < ApplicationService
def initialize(exhibit)
@exhibit = exhibit
@url = new_vote_url(@exhibit)
+ @stroke_bounds = false
def call
@@ -17,26 +18,39 @@ def call
def filename
- type = @exhibit.is_collab? ? 'COLLAB' : 'MOC';
+ type = @exhibit.is_collab? ? 'COLLAB' : 'MOC'
def voting_poster
- throw "Exhibit #{@exhibit.to_s} is not votable" if not @exhibit.votable?
- pdf = Prawn::Document.new(margin: 7, page_size: 'A6', page_layout: :landscape, print_scaling: :none)
+ throw "Exhibit #{@exhibit.to_s} is not votable" unless @exhibit.votable?
+ pdf = Prawn::Document.new(margin: 7, page_size: 'A6', page_layout: :portrait, print_scaling: :none)
width = pdf.bounds.width
height = pdf.bounds.height
+ name_top = height - 40
+ name_height = 75
+ instructions_top = name_top - name_height
+ instructions_height = 60
+ qr_top = instructions_top - instructions_height
+ qr_height = 220
logo_url = @exhibit.attendance.event.logo_url
unless logo_url.blank?
pdf.image URI.parse(logo_url).open,
- position: :center, vposition: :top, width: width * 0.9, height: height * 0.2
+ position: :center, vposition: :top, width: width * 0.9
+ else
+ pdf.text @exhibit.event_title, align: :center, style: :bold, size: 14
- pdf.text @exhibit.event_title, align: :center, style: :bold, size: 12
pdf.float do
- pdf.image StringIO.new(qr_png.to_datastream.to_s), position: :right, vposition: :bottom, scale: 1.20
+ pdf.bounding_box([0, qr_top], width: width, height: qr_height) do
+ pdf.stroke_bounds if @stroke_bounds
+ pdf.image StringIO.new(qr_png.to_datastream.to_s), position: :center, fit: [width, qr_height]
+ end
pdf.float do
@@ -45,35 +59,39 @@ def voting_poster
pdf.float do
- pdf.bounding_box([0, 110], width: 275, height: 70) do
+ pdf.bounding_box([0, instructions_top], width: width, height: instructions_height) do
+ pdf.stroke_bounds if @stroke_bounds
current_locale = I18n.locale
- I18n.locale = :de
- pdf.text I18n.t('voting_poster_intro'), align: :right
- pdf.text I18n.t('voting_poster_instruction'), align: :right
- pdf.move_down 5.mm
- I18n.locale = :en
- pdf.text I18n.t('voting_poster_intro'), align: :right
- pdf.text I18n.t('voting_poster_instruction'), align: :right
+ [:de, :en].each do |locale|
+ I18n.locale = locale
+ pdf.move_down 1.mm
+ pdf.text I18n.t('voting_poster_intro'), align: :center, style: :bold
+ pdf.text I18n.t('voting_poster_instruction'), align: :center
+ end
I18n.locale = current_locale
pdf.float do
+ pdf.bounding_box([0, name_top], width: width, height: name_height) do
+ pdf.stroke_bounds if @stroke_bounds
+ end
pdf.text_box "#{@exhibit.name}" +
(' + @exhibit.installation.name + ')' if @exhibit.installation}" +
(Gemeinschaftsprojekt / Collab)' if @exhibit.is_collab?}",
inline_format: true,
- at: [0, 210],
+ at: [0, name_top],
width: width,
- height: 80,
+ height: name_height,
overflow: :shrink_to_fit,
style: :bold, size: 24,
align: :center, valign: :center
pdf.float do
- pdf.bounding_box([0, 40], width: 275, height: 40) do
- pdf.text @exhibit.platform_position, style: :bold, size: 24, valign: :bottom
+ pdf.bounding_box([0, 20], width: width * 0.6, height: 20) do
+ pdf.stroke_bounds if @stroke_bounds
+ pdf.text @exhibit.platform_position, style: :bold, size: 18, valign: :bottom
@@ -81,6 +99,7 @@ def voting_poster
def qr_png
- RQRCode::QRCode.new(@url).as_png
+ RQRCode::QRCode.new(@url).as_png(size: 100)
diff --git a/config/locales/application.de.yml b/config/locales/application.de.yml
index 00897d06..bce0c792 100644
--- a/config/locales/application.de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/application.de.yml
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ de:
no_file_added: "Keine Datei angegeben"
only_csv_files_allowed: "Nur CSV-Dateien können importiert werden"
vote_for: "Ich möchte abstimmen für das MOC"
- voting_poster_intro: "Wähle dieses Modell als einen Deiner Favoriten"
- voting_poster_instruction: "Zur Stimmabgabe den QR Code scannen"
+ voting_poster_intro: "Gefällt Dir das Modell?"
+ voting_poster_instruction: "Dann scanne den Code und gibt Deine Stimme ab!"
exhibit_voting_results_for: "Ergebnisse der MOC-Wahl für"
no_votes: "Keine abgegebenen Stimmen"
number_of_votes: "Es wurden %{size} Stimmen abgegeben"
diff --git a/config/locales/application.en.yml b/config/locales/application.en.yml
index 9d7723ab..456f4d63 100644
--- a/config/locales/application.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/application.en.yml
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ en:
no_file_added: "No file added"
only_csv_files_allowed: "Only CSV files allowed"
vote_for: "I'd like to vote for MOC"
- voting_poster_intro: "Vote for this model as one of your favorites"
- voting_poster_instruction: "To vote scan the QR code"
+ voting_poster_intro: "You like the model?"
+ voting_poster_instruction: "Then scan the code and cast your vote!"
exhibit_voting_results_for: "Results of the MOC voting for"
no_votes: "No votes"
number_of_votes: "We got %{size} votes"