The spaceporn wiki is a list of GLSL tutorials and online fragment shaders to generate procedural pixelized space content. Shaders documented are or will be integrated in the spaceporn generator.
Tutorials are not written by a professional graphic programmer. The author did not receive a formal shadering formation. The author learned by himself (and from ressources found on Internet). So details are explained the way the author understand them. This is why:
- tutorials can leak some knowledges and/or precision,
- articles/tutorials are linked as mush as possible.
The author assumes:
- you have maths knowledges (or at least curious and not afraid about maths),
- you know what is a fragment shader,
- you already have basic knowlegde of GLSL shaders. At least about specific types (vec2, vec3, vec4, ivec2, uvec2, mat2, ...) and built-in functions (abs(), sin(), floor(), fract(), length(), ...).
If not, you can follow this tutorial but it will not be easy. So the authors advise you to do some reading/testing first.
Here are the instructions.
- Setup
- Circled light (in progress)
- Circles grid (in progress)
- Random
- Randomize circles grid (in progress)
- Parametrize circles grid (in progress)
- Cloud shape (in progress)
- Triangles texture (in progress)
- Swirl (in progress)
- Swirls grid (in progress)
- Randomize swirls grid (in progress)
- Nebula (in progress)