#627 Fix: Usemin:html adds image file before a 'a' anchor
#636 Python3 support for Insight
#603 Add ability to specify a base path in the usemin block comment
#660 Determine linefeed from the content not the platform
Upgrade to latest Bower
- Updated to Bower 0.2.0 (Issue #551)
- Less verbose
yeoman init
(Issue #605) - Ability to disable Insight (Issue #305)
- Corrections to generator docs (Issue #608)
- Fixes to usemin:html skipping anchor tags with images as href (Issue #615)
- Fixes to main.css not being replaced with compiled version unless tag structure is exactly as yeoman expects it (Issue #502)
- Stops yeoman from looking for win32 binaries in ../vendor/ (Pull #519)
- Support for installing Yeoman behind a corporate proxy server (Pull #587)
- Remove a trailing comma in the options of the HTML task and add missing semicolons in the server task (Issue #589)
- Fix to enable blank lines in usemin blocks (Issue #560)
- Updates to Insight documentation
- Fixes usemin:css inserting invalid element (Issue #586)
- Fix for usemin replace task incorrectly matcheing filename when files in subfolders have the same name (Issue #565)
- New Windows installation instructions
- Temporary fix to allow Bower dependencies to be correctly copied to app/components. As a result of this patch RequireJS wiring of Bower deps is currently disabled
Removal of stdout checks, test against fs (Pull #473).
Fix for initializer example (Pull #447).
Support for an expanded compass --require arg (Pull #483).
Yeoman setup gets a colored art (Pull #493)!
Added ability to configure app index file for rjs task (Pull #505).
yeoman server:test and access to the app js files (Issue #443).
yeoman install backbone deletes existing files in app/scripts/vendor issue was fixed (Issue #460).
Replaced coffescript task with grunt-coffee (Pull#522)