Setup a Pool for a pair of assets. The Pool account should be a LogicSig contract account.
- Pay - pay fees from Pooler to Pool
- fees to cover Tx 1,2,3,4
- Signed by Pooler
"txn": {
"type": "pay",
"rcv": "{POOL_ADDRESS}",
"snd": "{POOLER_ADDRESS}",
"amt": 961000, // or 860000 if asset 2 is Algo
"fee": 1000,
"note": "",
"sig": "{POOLER_SIG}",
- App Call - OptIn call to Validator App with args ['bootstrap', asset1ID, asset2ID]
- signed by Pool LogicSig
"txn": {
"type": "appl",
"snd": "{POOL_ADDRESS}",
"apan": 1, // OnComplete: OptIn
"apaa": ['Ym9vdHN0cmFw', '{ASSET1_ID}', '{ASSET2_ID}'] // ['bootstrap', asset1ID, asset2ID]
"apas": [{ASSET1_ID}, {ASSET1_ID}] // or just [{ASSET1_ID}] if asset 2 is Algo
"fee": 1000,
"lsig": "{POOL_LOGICSIG}",
- AssetConfig - create asset for liquidity token
- signed by Pool LogicSig
"txn": {
"type": "acfg"
"snd": "{POOL_ADDRESS}",
"fee": 1000,
"apar": {
"an": "TinymanPool1.1 USDC-ALGO",
"un": "TMPOOL11"
"au": "",
"t": 18446744073709551615, // 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
"dc": 6,
"lsig": "{POOL_LOGICSIG}",
- Asset OptIn - Pool opt in to Asset 1
- signed by Pool LogicSig
"txn": {
"type": "axfer",
"arcv": "{POOL_ADDRESS}",
"snd": "{POOL_ADDRESS}",
"fee": 1000,
"xaid": {ASSET_1_ID},
"lsig": "{POOL_LOGICSIG}",
- (Optional) Asset OptIn - Pool opt in to Asset 2
- Only if Asset 2 is not Algo
- signed by Pool LogicSig
"txn": {
"type": "axfer",
"snd": "{POOL_ADDRESS}",
"arcv": "{POOL_ADDRESS}",
"fee": 1000,
"xaid": {ASSET_2_ID},
"lsig": "{POOL_LOGICSIG}",
a1: {ASSET1_ID
a2: {ASSET2_ID