ASN.1-Attacker is an open-source framework for generating arbitrary ASN.1 structures. The tool also provides mechanisms to define modifications of original ASN.1 values. Resulting binary ASN.1 structures can then be used for further processing in other tools.
The tool is not intended to be used directly, but by other software projects as a library.
In order to compile and use ASN.1-Tool, you need to have Java and Maven installed. On Ubuntu you can install Maven by running:
$ sudo apt-get install maven
ASN.1-Tool currently needs Java JDK 11 to run. If you have the correct Java version you can install ASN.1-Tool as follows.
$ git clone
$ cd ASN.1-Tool
$ mvn clean install
If you want to use this project as a dependency, you do not have to compile it yourself and can include it in your pom .xml as follows.
The framework was initially developed by Nils Kafka ([email protected]) during his master thesis and since then heavily reworked by Robert Merget @ic0nz1
This framework is used in TLS-Attacker (