matrix of tests
- find a way to easily test a huge number of combinations (channels/substrates/topologies/etc)
- (1h1c, 3h1c, 3h3c, 6h3c?) + disaggregated x (storage / no-storage) x (all substrates) / (1 db / many dbs) (all channels)
- ping the initial demo vm, ssh to it and test communication to internet
- manually create more VMs in admin and demo projects, same test as above
- enable most plugins (they usually time out enabling) - build or test stage?
- test plugins as possible (SQA has some tests already)
- run tempest with a test list (from SQA) -- will need various plugins enabled
try to pass non-conflicting IPs for simultanous clusters tests in maas? (only releant if testing)
try to optimize equinix costs with spot instances?
add proxy support tests (blocking direct access)
Remove escapes/colors/ConsoleNotes from jenkins console log?
Migrating equinix substrate to equinix_metal with shared L2 and public gateway
- how to get allocated ip block in terraform?
- maybe wait for juju spaces support instead??
rename current jobs to edge-edge, add more jobs for edge-stable and stable-stable