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⚔ ES2015 cheatsheet

A ES2015 cheatsheet for the rest of us

Table of contents

  1. Declarations
  1. Functions
  1. Objects
  1. Strings


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Let variables are scoped to the nearest block and are not hoisted to the top of the function like regular variables declared with var.

function testFunc (){	

	// Variables that get hoisted
	// var x, xIsTrue, xIsFalse;

	var x = true;

	if (x){
		var xIsTrue = true;
		var xIsFalse = true;

	 * Returns undefined rather than a reference error, meaning the variable exists
	 * This happens b/c vars are hoisted to top of the function
function testFunc (){	

	// Variables that get hoisted
	// var x;

	var x = true;

	if (x){
		let xIsTrue = true;
		let xIsFalse = true;

	 * Will return refernce error
	 * Reference Error: xIsFalse is not defined

let variables can be reassigned

let x = 1;
x = 2;

but they cannot be redeclared

let x = 1;
let x = 2;

the above will result in a type error

> TypeError: Identifier 'x' has already been declared

Using var in for loops may also cause some unexpected behaviour because of hoisting. Especially, if you have callbacks within the for loop.

function sayHi (names){
	for (var i in names){

	  someFunc('do something', function(){
	  	// Console log within callback function
	  	console.log('Hi', names[i])

Executing sayHi(['Tom', 'Gaby', 'Audrey']) within the callback will print out the following

	> Hi Audrey
	> Hi Audrey
	> Hi Audrey

Use let in for loops to prevent hoisting

function sayHi (names){
	for (let i in names){

	  someFunc('do something', function(){
	  	// Console log within callback function
	  	console.log('Hi', names[i])

Executing sayHi(['Tom', 'Gaby', 'Audrey']) will now print out the following within the callback function as a new instance of i will be created in each iteration of the loop.

	> Hi Tom
	> Hi Gaby
	> Hi Audrey


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const keyword creates read-only named constants.

const MAX_TRIES = 5;

Constants cannot be reassigned. The following will not work and MAX_TRIES will stay equal to 5.

const MAX_TRIES = 5;

Constants also cannot be initialized without an initial value. The following will not work.

const MAX_TRIES;

Similar to let, constants are block scoped

function someFunc (tries){
	const MAX_TRIES = 5;

	if (tries > MAX_TRIES){

		const LOCKOUT_TIME = 600000; // not visible outside of if block

	 * Will return refernce error
	 * Reference Error: LOCKOUT_TIME is not defined


Default Parameters

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Take the following function

function showUsers(userNames){
	let numUsers = userNames.length;

Below would return 3

showUsers(['Tom', 'Gaby', 'Audrey']);

The following would return a type error

// TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

You can not always assume that userNames will always be assigned a value. So, historically, a common practice is to check for the presence of arguments as the very first thing in the function.

function showUsers(userNames){
	let users = !userNames ? [] : userNames;
	let numUsers = users.length;

There is a cleaner way of doing this. Enter default function parameters.

function showUsers(userNames=[]){
	let numUsers = userNames.length;



will return 0 instead of a type error as userNames will default to an empty array if it is not passed.

Options Object and Named Parameters

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The options object is a widely used pattern that allows user-defined settings to be passed to a function in the form of properties on an object.

function doSomething(action, options = {}){
	let visible = options.visible;
	let expires = options.expires;

	console.log("visible", visible);
	console.log("expires", expires);

doSomething("Something cool", {
	visible: true,
	expires: 50000

The problem with the above example is that it is not clear what options the function can take. Named parameters for optional settings make it easier to understand how a function should be invoked.

function doSomething(action, {visible, expires}){
	console.log("visible", visible);
	console.log("expires", expires);


doSomething("Something cool", {
	visible: true,
	expires: 50000

What if omit options object in function call? A type error

doSomething("Something cool")

Rest Parameters

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The new rest parameter syntax allows us to represent an indefinite number of aruguments as an explicit Array argument. The 3 dots infront of the names parameter are part of the new syntax and will push all names arguments passed into this function into an Array.

function sayHi(x, y, z, ...names){


	for (let i in names){
		console.log("Hi ", names[i])

Rest Paremeters must always be the last parameter in a function signature. This is because all arguments passed into the function (after the other regular paremeters) will be pushed into the Rest parameter array.

As an example, executing the following

sayHi("Saying hi", "Gaby", "Audrey", "Tom");

would return

> Saying hi
> Hi Gaby
> Hi Audrey
> Hi Tom

Spread Operator

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You can also use dot notation to split an array into individual arguments

var names = ["Gaby", "Audrey", "Tom"];
sayHi("Saying hi", ...names); // becomes sayHi("Saying hi", "Gaby", "Audrey", "Tom")

The syntax for Rest Parameters and Spread Operators looks the same. However, Rest Parameters are used in function definitions of variatic functions and push arguments into an array. Whereas, the Spread Operator is used in function invocations and spreads an array into multiple arguments within the function call.

Same syntax, but different behaviour depending on wher the dot notation is used.

Arrow Functions

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Arrow functions can be used to preserve scope. Arrow functions have a lexical binding which means that they bind to the scope of where they are defined and not where they run.

Lets see an example of its use by creating an Object. Objects help us with encapsulation, organization, and testability of our code.

We start by creating a constructor function that takes in parameters and assignes them to instance properties

// Constructor Function
function GreetComponent(target, urlPath){
	this.targetElement = target;
	this.urlPath = urlPath;

We can then add instance methods using the function protype. In the below example, we will add an instance method called render. Properties set within the constructor function can be accessed by any instance method on the Greet Component. In the below example, we are reading this.urlPath that was set in the constructor function.

GreetComponent.protoype.render = function(){
	let url = this.urlPath;

	$.get(url, function (data){



To use our new component, we create a new object like so.

let firstGreetComponent = new GreetComponent(targetDiv, "/api/names");

There are some problems with this, however. Anonymous functions passed as callbacks to other functions create their own scope. So, the following would not work and this.targetElement would return undefined.

// Constructor Function
function GreetComponent(target, urlPath){
	this.targetElement = target;
	this.urlPath = urlPath;

// Instance Method on GreetComponent
GreetComponent.protoype.render = function(){
	let url = this.urlPath;

	$.getRequest(url, function (data){

		let names = data.names;
		 * Won't work because the scope of GreetComponent will be different 
		 * then the scope of the annonymos function run by getRequest
		 * this.targetElement does not exist and will return undefined
		displayNames(this.targetElement, ...names)



// New object declartion
let firstGreetComponent = new GreetComponent(targetDiv, "/api/names");

Enter Arrow Functions. Arrow functions bind to the scope of where they are defined, not where they are run. This is known as lexical binding.

You can convert a regular function

function (data){

to an arrow function like so

(data) => {

changing the GreetComponent's Annonymous function to an arrow function would fix the issue we were seeing and this.targetElement would now be refering to the this.targetElement defined within the constructor function making it available for use within the arrow function

// Constructor Function
function GreetComponent(target, urlPath){
	this.targetElement = target;
	this.urlPath = urlPath;

// Instance Method on GreetComponent
GreetComponent.protoype.render = function(){
	let url = this.urlPath;

	$.getRequest(url, (data)=>{

		let names = data.names;
		 * Won't work because the scope of GreetComponent will be different 
		 * then the scope of the annonymos function run by getRequest
		 * this.targetElement does not exist and will return undefined
		displayNames(this.targetElement, ...names)



// New object declartion
let firstGreetComponent = new GreetComponent(targetDiv, "/api/names");

Object Initializer Shorthand

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With object initializers, we can remove duplicate variable names from object properties when those properties have the same name as the variables being assigned to them.

In otherwords, this

function assembleFullname (first, last){
	let fullname = first + last;

	return {
		first: first,
		last: last,
		fullname: fullname

can now be shortened to the following.

function assembleFullname (first, last){
	let fullname = first + last;

	return {

This only works when properties and values have the same name.

We can assign objects like this anywhere and not just in function returns.

let name = "Tom";
let age = 31;
let gender = "male";
let user = {name, age, gender};

console.log(; // returns Tom
console.log(user.age); // returns 31
console.log(user.gender); // returns male

Object Destructuring

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We can use shorthand to assign properties returned from objects to local variables with the same name

let user = assembleFullname("Tom", "Chomiak");

let first = user.first;
let last  = user.last;
let fullname = user.fullname;

here is the shorthand for this

let {first, last, fullname} = assembleFullname("Tom", "Chomiak");

console.log(first); // Returns Tom
console.log(last); // Returns Chomiak
console.log(fullname); // Returns Tom Chomiak

The object properties are assigned to local variables that must have the same name as the object properties

Not all properties have to be destructured at the same time. We can explicitly select the ones we want.

let {fullname} = assembleFullname("Tom", "Chomiak");

console.log(fullname); // Returns Tom Chomiak


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There is a shorthand for declaring methods in object. Take the following example

return {
	first: first,
	last: last,
	combine: function (first, last){
		return first + " " + last;

the shorthand for declaring methods can be written like so

return {
	combine(first, last){
		return first + " " + last;

Template Strings

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Template strings are string literals allowing for embedded expressions and better string interpolation

Take the following function

function assembleFullname (first, last){
	let fullname = first + last;

	return {

Instead of combining strings for the fullname using a plus sign, we can use template strings (using back ticks and not single quotes).

function assembleFullname (first, last){
	let fullname = `${first} ${last}`;

	return {

Any JavaScript that needs to be evaluated in the template string is wrapped in a dollar sign and curly braces

Multi-line Strings

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Template strings offer a new and better way to write multi-line strings

let username = "Tom";
let admin = "Gaby";

let longString = `

Hi ${username},

How are you doing?

This is some long text.



In the example above, new line characters are preserved.