I wanted to generate a swagger file and stop editing the swagger.yml manually, unfortunately there were too many missing things from the various projects involved, I hope this project will die as soon as possible and the features integrated in each project.
pip install drf-swagger-missing
- Create your view and set the parameters you need
# replace import coreschema with:
from drf_swagger_missing import coreschema
class MySwaggerView(drf_swagger_missing.SwaggerSchemaView):
title = 'My system REST API'
description = 'This is a system that I made'
version = '1.0.0'
check_view_permissions = False
definitions = [
coreschema.Object(title='Scene', properties=[
coreschema.String(title='scene_id', description='the scene id'),
coreschema.Object(title='bands', description='A dictionary',
coreschema.String(title='metadata_url', description='Url reference'),
coreschema.String(title='timestamp', format='date-time', description='the timestamp'),
coreschema.Array(title='rasters', items=coreschema.Ref('Raster')),
coreschema.Number(title='errors', description='number of errors in operation'),
coreschema.Object(title='Raster', properties=[
coreschema.String(title='url', description='A URL'),
coreschema.Array(title='bands', description='list of bands', items=coreschema.String()),
- Add your view to your urls.py
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^docs/$', MySwaggerView.as_view()),
- Add responses and extra parameters to your views using Meta class for your CBV:
class SceneView(APIView):
class Meta:
responses = {
'retrieve': [
coreschema.Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK, description='A Scene object',
coreschema.Response(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, description='Scene not found'),
'post': [
coreschema.Response(status.HTTP_200_OK, description='Result object',
coreschema.Response(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, description='Scene not found'),
'put': [
coreschema.Response(status.HTTP_200_OK, description='The scene object', schema=coreschema.Ref('Scene')),
coreschema.Response(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, description='Scene not found'),
'delete': [
coreschema.Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK, description='The Scene object deleted',
coreschema.Response(status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, description='Scene not found'),
'action': [
coreschema.Response(status=status.HTTP_200_OK, schema=coreschema.String()),
fields = {
'post': [
coreapi.Field(name='scene_attributes', required=True, location='body',
'put': [
coreapi.Field(name='data', required=True, location='body',
_get_links the original function just add the first key generated as tag, I changed the behaviour to add all keys as tags. Maybe this could be merged as an optional bahaviour, one flag could be added
_get_parameters schema for body fields is hardcoded to {}, using encode_schema instead of hardcoded empty dict
parameter dict ignores default value, using field.schema.default
_get_field_type uses _get_schema_type
_get_schema_type created this, functionality was inside get_field_type now it supports file type
_get_responses returns encoded responses if present, else continues returning the hardcoded values
encode_schemas created to encode a schema list, useful for the definitions list
encode_schema created to encode a coreschema.schemas.Schema object
encode_response created to encode coreschema.Response, which doesn't exist yet, I'm adding below
_get_field_description using
getattr(field.schema, 'description', '')
because not all all schema types have a description, eg: Ref
Add a BetterOpenAPICodec class which adds version and description to the document
BetterOpenAPIRenderer class can add object definitions entries and document base path
Response class Field class
Adding prefix, definitions and check_view_permissions attributes to the class
adding base_path, definitions and version to the schema document
Adding extra fields if they are defined in the view class as the example above Ideally it should have a get_extra_fields function
Useful if for some reason some of your fields couldn't be automatically detected
adding responses list if they are defined on the Meta for the method, see example above
The common links prefix is already calculated, I save it so it may be used as basePath on swagger
This behaviour to auto calculate should be a flag, also user should be able to manual override the basePath
I also changed the line link = self.get_link(path, method, view)
to use subpath instead of path link = self.get_link(subpath, method, view)
created SwaggerSchemaView to be used as a Base class with the attributes one need to customize
Adding base_path, definitions and version attributes