This is quite very simple application written in PhoneGap (so, available for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile after building), that helps you during charging of your mobile device. I wrote it for two reasons:
(for regular user) Alert you (with preconfigured sound), that your charge cycle is completed, so you could unplug device immediately and do not waste electric energy (usually small flash light isn't enough and we overcharge our moble devices in most cases).
(for PhoneGap developers) Provide life example of delivering AdMob ads through pure Javascript API based interface.
This project ABANDONED and has became a part of yiinsane/charge-advisor-client
repo! There is no wiki, issues and no support. There will be no future updates.
This application is based on my simple battery events demo written some time ago.
Tested on four different devices and Android versions:
- Samsung Galaxy Nexus with Android 4.3 (previously Android 4.2.2),
- LG GT540 with Android 2.3.3 and CyanogenMod,
- GSmart Rola G1317D with Android 2.2.2,
- Sony Xperia E with Android 4.1.1.
All seems to be fine, after implementing this small fix. I haven't got any chance testing it on either iOS or Windows Mobile so far. Sorry.
Tested only as compiled through PhoneGap Build. Never compiled locally or tested after such build.
This project ABANDONED and has became a part of yiinsane/charge-advisor-client
repo! There is no wiki, issues and no support. There will be no future updates.