Nếu gặp lỗi "min_temp or max_temp" => nguyên nhân dây Sensor bị đứt hoặc không gắn dây sensor
Recv: // MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range
Recv: // This generally occurs when a heater temperature exceeds
Recv: // its configured min_temp or max_temp.
Recv: // Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
Recv: // "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
Recv: // config, and restart the host software.
Recv: // Printer is shutdown
Recv: // Klipper state: Not ready
Recv: !! MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range
Không thể move các axis X Y Z khi chưa homing
If the motors are disabled (via an M84 or M18 command) then the motors will need to be homed again prior to movement.
Your printer's firmware reported an error. Due to that the ongoing print job will be cancelled. Reported error: Move exceeds maximum extrusion (0.752mm^2 vs 0.640mm^2) => put M82 at the end of START_PRINT to revert the effect of M83 M83 or G92 E0 causing "move exceeds max extrusion"
Recv: // Klipper state: Shutdown
Recv: !! pid_calibrate interrupted
[verify_heater bed]
heating_gain: 2
hysteresis: 10
max_error: 130
Nguyên nhân lỗi này là do Cáp kết nối , file config MCU, Thẻ nhớ SD card cần format lại đúng chuẩn