CMake.js is a Node.js native addon build tool which works (almost) exactly like node-gyp, but instead of gyp, it is based on CMake build system. It's compatible with the following runtimes:
- Node.js 14.15+ since CMake.js v7.0.0 (for older runtimes please use an earlier version of CMake.js). Newer versions can produce builds targeting older runtimes
- NW.js: all CMake.js based native modules are compatible with NW.js out-of-the-box, there is no nw-gyp like magic required
- Electron: out-of-the-box build support, no post build steps required
If you use node-api
for your module instead of nan
it should be able to run on all the runtimes above without needing to be built separately for each.
npm install cmake-js
cmake-js --help
Usage: cmake-js [<command>] [options]
cmake-js install Install Node.js distribution files if needed
cmake-js configure Configure CMake project
cmake-js print-configure Print the configuration command
cmake-js print-cmakejs-src Print the value of the CMAKE_JS_SRC variable
cmake-js print-cmakejs-include Print the value of the CMAKE_JS_INC variable
cmake-js print-cmakejs-lib Print the value of the CMAKE_JS_LIB variable
cmake-js build Build the project (will configure first if
cmake-js print-build Print the build command
cmake-js clean Clean the project directory
cmake-js print-clean Print the clean command
cmake-js reconfigure Clean the project directory then configure the
cmake-js rebuild Clean the project directory then build the
cmake-js compile Build the project, and if build fails, try a
full rebuild
--version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-l, --log-level set log level (silly, verbose, info, http, warn,
error), default is info [string]
-d, --directory specify CMake project's directory (where CMakeLists.txt
located) [string]
-D, --debug build debug configuration [boolean]
-B, --config specify build configuration (Debug, RelWithDebInfo,
Release), will ignore '--debug' if specified [string]
-c, --cmake-path path of CMake executable [string]
-m, --prefer-make use Unix Makefiles even if Ninja is available (Posix)
-x, --prefer-xcode use Xcode instead of Unix Makefiles [boolean]
-g, --prefer-gnu use GNU compiler instead of default CMake compiler, if
available (Posix) [boolean]
-G, --generator use specified generator [string]
-t, --toolset use specified toolset [string]
-A, --platform use specified platform name [string]
-T, --target only build the specified target [string]
-C, --prefer-clang use Clang compiler instead of default CMake compiler,
if available (Posix) [boolean]
--cc use the specified C compiler [string]
--cxx use the specified C++ compiler [string]
-r, --runtime the runtime to use [string]
-v, --runtime-version the runtime version to use [string]
-a, --arch the architecture to build in [string]
-p, --parallel the number of threads cmake can use [number]
--CD Custom argument passed to CMake in format:
-D<your-arg-here> [string]
-i, --silent Prevents CMake.js to print to the stdio [boolean]
-O, --out Specify the output directory to compile to, default is
projectRoot/build [string]
- CMake
- A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain of the given platform
- Windows:
- Visual C++ Build Tools. If you installed nodejs with the installer, you can install these when prompted.
- An alternate way is to install the Chocolatey package manager, and run
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-vctools
in an Administrator Powershell - If you have multiple versions installed, you can select a specific version with
npm config set msvs_version 2017
(Note: this will also affectnode-gyp
- Unix/Posix:
- Clang or GCC
- Ninja or Make (Ninja will be picked if both present)
- Windows:
It is advised to use Node-API for new projects instead of NAN. It provides ABI stability making usage simpler and reducing maintainance.
In a nutshell. (For more complete documentation please see the first tutorial.)
- Install cmake-js for your module
npm install --save cmake-js
- Put a CMakeLists.txt file into your module root with this minimal required content:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0091 NEW)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW)
project (your-addon-name-here)
file(GLOB SOURCE_FILES "your-source files-location-here")
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES PREFIX "" SUFFIX ".node")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${CMAKE_JS_LIB})
# Generate node.lib
- Add the following into your package.json scripts section:
"scripts": {
"install": "cmake-js compile"
- Add the following into your package.json, using the same NAPI_VERSION value you provided to cmake
"binary": {
"napi_versions": [7]
With cmake-js installed as a depdendency or devDependency of your module, you can access run commands directly with:
npx cmake-js --help
# OR
yarn cmake-js --help
Please refer to the --help
for the lists of available commands (they are like commands in node-gyp
You can override the project default runtimes via --runtime
and --runtime-version
, such as: --runtime=electron --runtime-version=0.26.0
. See below for more info on runtimes.
variable will reflect the actual CMake.js version. So CMake.js based builds could be detected, eg.:
You can set npm configuration options for CMake.js.
For all users (global):
npm config set cmake_<key> <value> --global
For current user:
npm config set cmake_<key> <value>
CMake.js will set a variable named "<key>"
to <value>
(by using -D<key>="<value>"
option). User settings will overwrite globals.
You can set CMake.js command line arguments with npm config using the following pattern:
npm config set cmake_js_G "Visual Studio 56 Win128"
Which sets the CMake generator, basically defaults to:
cmake-js -G "Visual Studio 56 Win128"
Enter at command prompt:
npm config set cmake_Foo="bar"
Then write to your CMakeLists.txt the following:
message (STATUS ${Foo})
This will print during configure:
--- bar
You can add custom CMake options by beginning option name with CD
In command prompt:
cmake-js compile --CDFOO="bar"
Then in your CMakeLists.txt:
message (STATUS ${FOO})
This will print during configure:
--- bar
It is important to understand that this setting is to be configured in the application's root package.json file. If you're creating a native module targeting nw.js for example, then do not specify anything in your module's package.json. It's the actual application's decision to specify its runtime, your module's just compatible anything that was mentioned in the About chapter. Actually defining cmake-js
key in your module's package.json file may lead to an error. Why? If you set it up to use nw.js 0.12.1 for example, then when it gets compiled during development time (to run its unit tests for example) it's gonna be compiled against io.js 1.2 runtime. But if you're having io.js 34.0.1 at the command line then, which is binary incompatible with 1.2, then your unit tests will fail for sure. So it is advised to not use cmake-js target settings in your module's package.json, because that way CMake.js will use that you have, and your tests will pass.
If any of the runtime
, runtimeVersion
, or arch
configuration parameters is not explicitly configured, sensible defaults will be auto-detected based on the JavaScript environment where CMake.js runs within.
You can configure runtimes for compiling target for all depending CMake.js modules in an application. Define a cmake-js
key in the application's root package.json
file, eg.:
"name": "ta-taram-taram",
"description": "pa-param-pam-pam",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "app.js",
"cmake-js": {
"runtime": "node",
"runtimeVersion": "0.12.0",
"arch": "ia32"
Available settings:
- runtime: application's target runtime, possible values are:
: Node.jsnw
: nw.jselectron
: Electron
- runtimeVersion: version of the application's target runtime, for example:
- arch: architecture of application's target runtime (eg:
). Notice: on non-Windows systems the C++ toolset's architecture's gonna be used despite this setting. If you don't specify this on Windows, then architecture of the main node runtime is gonna be used, so you have to choose a matching nw.js runtime.
ABI-stable Node.js API (Node-API), which was previously known as N-API, supplies a set of C APIs that allow to compilation and loading of native modules by different versions of Node.js that support Node-API which includes all versions of Node.js v10.x and later.
To compile a native module that uses only the
plain C
Node-API calls,
follow the directions for plain node
native modules.
You must also add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt, to allow for building on windows
# Generate node.lib
To compile a native module that uses the header-only C++ wrapper
classes provided by
you need to make your package depend on it with:
npm install --save node-addon-api
cmake-js will then add it to the include search path automatically
You should add the following to your package.json, with the correct version number, so that cmake-js knows the module is node-api and that it can skip downloading the nodejs headers
"binary": {
"napi_versions": [7]
On Windows, the win_delay_load_hook
is required to be embedded in the module or it will fail to load in the render process.
cmake-js will add the hook if the CMakeLists.txt contains the library ${CMAKE_JS_SRC}
Without the hook, the module can only be called from the render process using the Electron remote module.
The actual node runtime parameters are detectable in CMakeLists.txt files, the following variables are set:
To make compatible your NW.js application with any NAN CMake.js based modules, write the following to your application's package.json file (this is not neccessary for node-api modules):
"cmake-js": {
"runtime": "nw",
"runtimeVersion": "nw.js-version-here",
"arch": "whatever-setting-is-appropriate-for-your-application's-windows-build"
That's it. There is nothing else to do either on the application's or on the module's side, CMake.js modules are compatible with NW.js out-of-the-box. For more complete documentation please see the third tutorial.
Heroku uses the concept of a buildpack to define how an application should be prepared to run in a dyno. The typical buildpack for note-based applications, heroku/nodejs, provides an environment capable of running node-gyp, but not CMake.
The least "painful" way of addressing this is to use heroku's multipack facility:
Set the applications' buildpack to
In the root directory of the application, create a file called
with these two lines:
Deploy the application to have the changes take effect
The heroku-buildpack-multi
will run each buildpack in order allowing the node application to reference CMake in the Heroku
build environment.
- TUTORIAL 01 Creating a native module by using CMake.js and NAN
- TUTORIAL 02 Creating CMake.js based native addons with Qt Creator
- TUTORIAL 03 Using CMake.js based native modules with NW.js
- TUTORIAL 04 Creating CMake.js based native modules with Boost dependency
- @julusian/jpeg-turbo - A Node-API wrapping around libjpeg-turbo. cmake-js was a good fit here, as libjpeg-turbo provides cmake files that can be used, and would be hard to replicate correctly in node-gyp
- node-datachannel - Easy to use WebRTC data channels and media transport
- aws-iot-device-sdk-v2 AWS IoT Device SDK for JavaScript v2
Open a PR to add your own project here.
Ty all!