Releases: usdigitalresponse/usdr-gost
📚 Summary
User-facing changes to grant finder include:
- urls now update more frequently in grant finder (i.e. unique urls for saved searches, sorting of grants tables, moving through paginated results, and navigating tabs within My Grants). This results in users clicking "back" in the browser to go to their most recent page more accurately, and will enable better navigation once the new grant details work is implemented.
There are no user facing changes for ARPA in this release.
🛠️ Changes
- Align eslint rules across environments @jeffsmohan (#2688)
🚀 New features and enhancements
- Implement URL updates and browser history for grants table interactions @jeffsmohan (#2636)
- Remove the feature flag 'categoryOfFundingActivitySearchFieldEnabled'. @sanason (#2667)
- Grant details close date explanation, step 4 @jeffsmohan (#2653)
- Grant details close date explanation, step 3 @jeffsmohan (#2652)
- Grant details close date explanation, step 2 @jeffsmohan (#2651)
🐛 Bug fixes
- fix: #1801 - revert frontend change @tzinckgraf (#2657)
- Update job dependency chain to better reflect expected prerequisites @ClaireSimmonds (#2637)
- fix: #1801 - closed period reporting @tzinckgraf (#2638)
📖 Documentation improvements
- [Decision] Adopt vue/recommended linting @jeffsmohan (#2666)
- Make it easier to enable Postgres persistence in dev. @sanason (#2656)
🔧 Dependency updates
28 changes
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @babel/core from 7.23.9 to 7.24.0 @dependabot (#2693)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.521.0 to 3.523.0 @dependabot (#2692)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump vue-multiselect from 2.1.8 to 2.1.9 @dependabot (#2691)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump csv-stringify from 6.4.5 to 6.4.6 @dependabot (#2684)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.521.0 to 3.523.0 @dependabot (#2682)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.521.0 to 3.523.0 @dependabot (#2683)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.521.0 to 3.523.0 @dependabot (#2681)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.521.0 to 3.523.0 @dependabot (#2680)
- Chore [deps:terraform]: bump cloudposse/acm-request-certificate/aws from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 in /terraform/modules/gost_website @dependabot (#2679)
- chore(deps): bump terraform-aws-modules/apigateway-v2/aws from 2.2.2 to 3.1.0 in /terraform/modules/gost_api @dependabot (#2600)
- Chore [deps:terraform]: Bump cloudposse/acm-request-certificate/aws from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 in /terraform/modules/gost_api @dependabot (#2678)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.63 @dependabot (#2668)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump dd-trace from 4.28.0 to 4.29.0 @dependabot (#2670)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @datadog/browser-rum from 5.9.0 to 5.10.0 @dependabot (#2669)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: Bump aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 @dependabot (#2658)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: Bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0 @dependabot (#2660)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.25.0 to 6.0.0 @dependabot (#2641)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: Bump peter-evans/create-or-update-comment from 3.1.0 to 4.0.0 @dependabot (#2659)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.515.0 to 3.521.0 @dependabot (#2663)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.515.0 to 3.521.0 @dependabot (#2662)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.515.0 to 3.521.0 @dependabot (#2664)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.515.0 to 3.521.0 @dependabot (#2665)
- Chore [deps:npm]: Bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.515.0 to 3.521.0 @dependabot (#2661)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: Bump actions/download-artifact from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 @dependabot (#2643)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: Bump actions/dependency-review-action from 3.1.0 to 4.1.3 @dependabot (#2639)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: Bump zgosalvez/github-actions-ensure-sha-pinned-actions from 3.0.0 to 3.0.3 @dependabot (#2640)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: Bump cypress-io/github-action from 6.6.0 to 6.6.1 @dependabot (#2642)
- Chore [deps:npm]: bump webpack from 5.90.1 to 5.90.3 @dependabot (#2635)
🔍 Federal Grant Finder updates
6 changes
- Flip grant detail page flag on in development @jeffsmohan (#2674)
- Implement URL updates and browser history for grants table interactions @jeffsmohan (#2636)
- Remove the feature flag 'categoryOfFundingActivitySearchFieldEnabled'. @sanason (#2667)
- Grant details close date explanation, step 4 @jeffsmohan (#2653)
- Grant details close date explanation, step 3 @jeffsmohan (#2652)
- Grant details close date explanation, step 2 @jeffsmohan (#2651)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
@ClaireSimmonds, @jeffsmohan, @sanason and @tzinckgraf
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-02-29T18:59:10+00:00
📚 Summary
User-facing changes to grant finder include:
- Browse grants is now the page that users land on when they log into grant finder
- Browse grants is now the first tab (switched with My Grants)
There are no user facing changes to ARPA in this release.
🛠️ Changes
🐛 Bug fixes
- Grant details close date explanation, step 1 @jeffsmohan (#2648)
- [issue-2585] Make Grants tab the default tab @inaki (#2646)
🔧 Dependency updates
5 changes
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: bump docker/metadata-action from 5.0.0 to 5.5.1 @dependabot (#2630)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 @dependabot (#2629)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.0 to 4.0.2 @dependabot (#2631)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: bump actions/cache from 3.3.2 to 4.0.0 @dependabot (#2628)
- Chore [deps:github-actions]: bump peter-evans/find-comment from 2.4.0 to 3.0.0 @dependabot (#2627)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
@inaki and @jeffsmohan
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-02-22T15:29:58+00:00
📚 Summary
There are no partner-facing changes in this deployment for Grant Finder or ARPA.
For grant finder, adjustments are included that improve the grant details page, but these are behind a feature flag.
🛠️ Changes
🚀 New features and enhancements
- feat: Add github-actions ecosystem to dependabot @TylerHendrickson (#2596)
- 2569 dropdown display for assign grant and team status @adele-usdr (#2620)
- updating left and right margins and right column width @adele-usdr (#2612)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Remove README badges @TylerHendrickson (#2538)
📖 Documentation improvements
- Remove README badges @TylerHendrickson (#2538)
🔧 Dependency updates
5 changes
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.514.0 to 3.515.0 @dependabot (#2624)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.514.0 to 3.515.0 @dependabot (#2625)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.514.0 to 3.515.0 @dependabot (#2623)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.514.0 to 3.515.0 @dependabot (#2626)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.514.0 to 3.515.0 @dependabot (#2622)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
@TylerHendrickson and @adele-usdr
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-02-20T16:49:21+00:00
📚 Summary
There are no user-facing changing in this release for grant finder or arpa reporter.
🛠️ Changes
- Adjust size and style of Grant Details buttons @adele-usdr (#2602)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-02-15T15:19:53+00:00
📚 Summary
This release includes the following partner-facing changes for Grant Finder:
- The category of funding field is now available to search by, and this field displays on the grant results export file as well as the grant details page
- all other changes are related to the Grant Details page updates and is behind a feature flag so is not visible to partners
There are no partner-facing ARPA changes in this release
🛠️ Changes
🚀 New features and enhancements
- Clicking top level nav bar items from grant details page doesn't work @adele-usdr (#2578)
- Full implementation of print and copy actions on Grant Details page @jeffsmohan (#2586)
- chore: turn on category of funding activity field in production @sanason (#2588)
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fix up Category of Funding Activity label and add colons to table @adele-usdr (#2579)
🔧 Dependency updates
7 changes
- chore(deps-dev): bump webpack from 5.90.0 to 5.90.1 @dependabot (#2555)
- chore(deps): bump terraform-aws-modules/cloudfront/aws from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 in /terraform/modules/gost_website @dependabot (#2592)
- chore(deps): bump dotenv from 16.4.1 to 16.4.2 @dependabot (#2594)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.509.0 to 3.511.0 @dependabot (#2591)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.509.0 to 3.511.0 @dependabot (#2593)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.509.0 to 3.511.0 @dependabot (#2590)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.507.0 to 3.509.0 @dependabot (#2587)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
@adele-usdr, @jeffsmohan and @sanason
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-02-13T15:22:03+00:00
📚 Summary
User-facing changes to ARPA include:
- when audit and treasury reports fail to generate, an email will now be sent to the user who attempted to generate the report and the usdr helpdesk email to notify that the report did not generate (previously there was no indicator when a report failed to generate)
This release includes some improvements to the new grant details page, but this work is behind a feature flag in production, so there are no user-facing change for Grant Finder in this release
🛠️ Changes
- Grant details page design updates @jeffsmohan (#2576)
- Use copy icon from design @jeffsmohan (#2568)
🚀 New features and enhancements
🔧 Dependency updates
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.504.0 to 3.507.0 @dependabot (#2574)
- chore(deps): bump @datadog/browser-rum from 5.8.0 to 5.9.0 @dependabot (#2573)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
@as1729 and @jeffsmohan
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-02-08T18:03:59+00:00
📚 Summary
There are no user-facing changes for Grant Finder or ARPA in this release
🛠️ Changes
🐛 Bug fixes
- Update emails to prevent accidental external emails being sent @jeffsmohan (#2548)
📖 Documentation improvements
- Clarify local development login flow @jeffsmohan (#2540)
🔧 Dependency updates
7 changes
- Upgrade GHA usages of actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact @jeffsmohan (#2539)
- chore(deps): bump nodemailer from 6.9.8 to 6.9.9 @dependabot (#2556)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.503.1 to 3.504.0 @dependabot (#2554)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.503.1 to 3.504.0 @dependabot (#2551)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.503.1 to 3.504.0 @dependabot (#2553)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.503.1 to 3.504.0 @dependabot (#2552)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.503.1 to 3.504.0 @dependabot (#2550)
🔍 Federal Grant Finder updates
- Update emails to prevent accidental external emails being sent @jeffsmohan (#2548)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-02-06T16:05:55+00:00
📚 Summary
Fixes the broken links to
🛠️ Changes
🚀 New features and enhancements
🐛 Bug fixes
🔧 Dependency updates
10 changes
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.502.0 to 3.503.1 @dependabot (#2543)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.502.0 to 3.503.1 @dependabot (#2544)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.502.0 to 3.503.1 @dependabot (#2545)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.502.0 to 3.503.1 @dependabot (#2542)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.502.0 to 3.503.1 @dependabot (#2541)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.501.0 to 3.502.0 @dependabot (#2536)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.501.0 to 3.502.0 @dependabot (#2537)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.501.0 to 3.502.0 @dependabot (#2535)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.501.0 to 3.502.0 @dependabot (#2534)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.501.0 to 3.502.0 @dependabot (#2533)
🔍 Federal Grant Finder updates
🧾 ARPA Reporter updates
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-01-31T23:33:56+00:00
📚 Summary
The main user-facing changes will be the unblocking of ARPA treasury report generation.
🛠️ Changes
- Only .gitignore the root data folder in the server package @ajhyndman (#2532)
- chore: add latest templates @as1729 (#2530)
- Exclude .xlsx and .xlsm files from line ending autofixes @ajhyndman (#2515)
- Add UTM tags to Grant Email URLs @mayabose (#2517)
- 2370 Move existing grant details content to match new placement @adele-usdr (#2509)
🔧 Dependency updates
5 changes
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.499.0 to 3.501.0 @dependabot (#2521)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.499.0 to 3.501.0 @dependabot (#2519)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.499.0 to 3.501.0 @dependabot (#2520)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.499.0 to 3.501.0 @dependabot (#2522)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.499.0 to 3.501.0 @dependabot (#2518)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
@adele-usdr, @ajhyndman, @as1729 and @mayabose
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-01-30T03:55:11+00:00
📚 Summary
User-facing changes for ARPA:
The following changes were made to the Project Summaries V2 tab of the Audit Report:
- added awards < 50k for filtering records
- added two aggregate columns for awards < 50k on the audit report
There are no user-facing changes for grant finder this week as the work on Category of Funding Activity field is still behind a feature flag and needs testing before it is enabled.
🛠️ Changes
🚀 New features and enhancements
- Populate funding_activity_category_codes for all grants @sanason (#2454)
- Adding New User Information for RUM Instrumentation @mayabose (#2492)
🐛 Bug fixes
- fix: #2105 - audit report enhancements @tzinckgraf (#2499)
🔧 Dependency updates
11 changes
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-sqs from 3.496.0 to 3.499.0 @dependabot (#2505)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.498.0 to 3.499.0 @dependabot (#2503)
- chore(deps): bump dd-trace from 4.24.0 to 4.25.0 @dependabot (#2502)
- chore(deps): bump dotenv from 16.4.0 to 16.4.1 @dependabot (#2504)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.498.0 to 3.499.0 @dependabot (#2501)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.498.0 to 3.499.0 @dependabot (#2500)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/rds-signer from 3.496.0 to 3.498.0 @dependabot (#2496)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-ses from 3.496.0 to 3.498.0 @dependabot (#2495)
- chore(deps): bump dotenv from 16.3.2 to 16.4.0 @dependabot (#2497)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner from 3.496.0 to 3.498.0 @dependabot (#2494)
- chore(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.496.0 to 3.498.0 @dependabot (#2493)
🤝 Contributors
We would like to thank the following people who made this release possible:
@mayabose, @sanason and @tzinckgraf
Deployment History
- Deployed at 2024-01-26T15:12:30+00:00