Core Changes
- Remove unnecessary optimizeFonts key from type: #24563
- Fix Image compatibility issue when using
: #24569 - Replace regex lexer with minimal regex for named groups: #24604
- Remove un-used lib files: #24625
- Adds ESLint with default rule-set: #23702
- Don't swallow MODULE_NOT_FOUND error: #24577
- Fix/link router 24075 take asPath instead of pathName in router: #24199
- Add experimental blurry placeholder to image component: #24153
- update webpack to 5.36.2, use dependOn: #24656
- Add type checking events: #24595
- fix memory leak in require.cache: #24282
- Don't throw 500 error when Content-type is invalid: #24818
- Land - Font optimizations - Adobe Fonts / Typekit support : #24834
- updated zustand example : #24884
- feat(build): Log whether type checking is actually performed: #24440
- webpack 5 externals fixes: #24603
- Remove experimental babel flag: #24776
- cache typechecking with incremental compilation: #24559
- Ensure next/dynamic transpiles for tests: #24751
- fix: handle compression for custom-server render calls (#16378): #18891
- Refactor experimental-script component : #24940
- Fix: Non-writable pages/_app breaks build : #24849
- I18n context initial props: #21930
- update webpack to 5.37.0: #24954
- Ensure webpack cache is invalidated for alias change: #24956
Documentation Changes
- Add documentation on Font Optimization.: #24572
- Clarify whether router.pathname includes basePath: #24675
- Update font optimization docs to mention opting out.: #24756
- Bumps version of supertokens dependencies and updates its README: #24571
- docs(response-helpers): Update res.json definition: #24782
- docs(next/router): Update router.push api: #24833
- docs(config intro): Fix github link hash: #24838
- Add version note for
property: #24836 - Remove old docs sections: #24853
- Add additional reason for the Prerender Error when running next export: #24828
- feat(create-next-app): add
--ts, --typescript
support: #24655 - ESLint Plugin: Disallow <title> in Head from next/document: #24868
- Clarify rewrites and other docs cleanup.: #24890
- ESLint Plugin: Google Font rules: #24766
- ESLint Plugin: passHref is not assigned: #24670
- ESLint Plugin: Custom Font at page-level rule: #24789
- ESLint Plugin: Prevent bad imports of next/document and next/head: #24832
Example Changes
- Fix: with-passport example dependency issue: #24567
- demo serving storybook static build with serve: #24812
- Update signin/signup form samples: #24524
- react-hook-form example: #21245
- Update example with-sentry: #24819
- Update custom server examples: #24814
- Remove outdated/deprecated/unmainted examples: #24945
- Fix build in blog-starter-typescript example: #24695
- Update with-three-js example: #24857
- Update with-mdx-remote example: #24973
Misc Changes
- fix(next-storybook): make rules an array in webpack config: #22125
- Fix rewrite shape in Storybook: #24827
- Match last PR mention in commit message for release notes
- Add label for chrome automatically to PR
Huge thanks to @darshkpatel, @leerob, @sumanthratna, @shuding, @housseindjirdeh, @PepijnSenders, @prophet1996, @Joonpark13, @tremby, @sokra, @stefanprobst, @dopt, @rishabhpoddar, @aydinkn, @ErfanMirzapour, @vitalybaev, @ijjk, @tubbo, @frontendtony, @eric-burel, @ctjlewis, @Munawwar, @iker-barriocanal, @eps1lon, @janicklas-ralph, @Gigiz, @MPLIS, @HaNdTriX, and @jigsawye for helping!