#Prerequisite Knowledge JKS=
JKS Alias=
JKS password(s)=
JKS truststore vs keystore=
** GOAL: Create 2 .jks files that both trust each other using asymetric keys. In other words: JKS1{privateKeyA, publicKeyB} and JKS2{privateKeyB, publicKeyA} Goal: Using JKS1 on Server1 and JKS2 on Server2 to allow 2-way SSL (client-cert authentication)
#Generates a private/public key pair and store it in a .jks keytool -genkeypair -keysize 2048 -keyalg RSA -alias backend -keystore dest.keystore
#See the contents of a JKS keytool -list -keystore dest.keystore
#Export the public key from a KeyPair as a certificate file (.cer) keytool -exportcert -keystore dest.keystore -alias backend -storepass parola -file out.cer -rfc
#Import the public key from a certificate file (.cer) in the truststore of a JKS keytool -import -alias gateway -file gateway.cer -keystore backend.jks -storepass parola
#[Optional] Export a certificate in a format that can be imported in Browser (in Intermediate CA) keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore gateway.jks -destkeystore gateway.p12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass parola -deststorepass parola -srcalias gateway -destalias gateway -srckeypass parola -destkeypass parola -noprompt