Project to pratice golang development, based on Juju's Challenge - Agenda em Go.
To run the project you just need to run:
docker-compose up -d
This command will run an instance of MongoDB, Grafana, Prometheus and the application Phonebook.
An postman collection was provided with the requests to using the application. You can import using the file postman_collection.json
The application exposes metrics for prometheus on /metrics
You can visualize theese metrics using Grafana, after ran the project you can access localhost:3000
and visualize the Phonebook dashboard.
The default credentials for grafana are:
username: admin
password: admin
To run the unit tests you need to run the following command:
go test ./internal/...
To run the end to end tests, make sure that the containers are not running executing:
docker-compose down -v
Then, run the e2e script execute: