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Kernel assisted microcontainerization PoC.

Micropacker-for-containers is a PoC that will help you microcontainerize a normal Docker container in a faster and more effective way than using a "trial and error" approach. If you are interested in learning first what a microcontainer is, take a look at a general introduction here.

There is also a small chance you are here because you already know what microcontainers are, but you don't want to use a "tiny" base image like the ones provided by Google in the distroless project and rather build your own.

This project follows a KISS approach, trying to do only a few things and heavily leveraging other open-source utilities to build the final microcontainer image.

General overview

The basic steps:

  1. Put your kernel in "listening" mode with sysdig;

  2. Run all your tests against your target container to trigger its functionalities;

  3. Export the information captured by the kernel in a human-readable format with the microdump.lua helper;

  4. Compile and then run micropacker in a newly created target container instance, using the file generated at the previous step as input.

  5. The output will be a minimal rootfs tar archive that can be referenced in a new Dockerfile to build a microcontainer image.

Why micropacker-for-containers

The are basically three ways an executable can reference functions declared in a library:

  • Static linking
  • Dynamic linking
  • Dynamic loading (look at dlopen man page)

Dynamic loading is the real challenge for microcontainers, as you would need to disassemble your target binary, as well as all its libraries, to find every possible way the dlopen function can be called. Just as an example, see the error generated by a missing, dynamically loaded libuuid library in a microcontainer.

The good news is that not only the glibc dlopen call, but also virtually every file opened by the target binary can be intercepted by listening to syscalls. Instead of reinventing the wheel (or a system call table rootkit!), sysdig seems a good solution to listen to kernel events.

You are not forced to use sysdig provided that you give micropacker a compatible file in input, you can also write this input file by hand should you wish so. This project just makes your life easier providing a chisel in the repository; chisels are small Lua scripts that allow you to extend core sysdig functionality. The microdump.lua chisel is used to generate a human readable file that is exactly what micropacker expects in input.

Getting Started

For this README, we will use the development version of project Admiral, an open-source Java application based on Photon OS that you can download from Docker Hub by pulling the vmware/admiral:dev image.


On the target container

Unless you want to rebuild images, the only prerequisite is that the container has a /bin/sh.

On the host

Apart having a functioning Docker setup, satisfying the prerequisites on a Ubuntu/Debian system shouldn't be different from:

user@host:~$ sudo apt-get install sysdig make
user@host:~$ sudo cp microdump.lua /usr/share/sysdig/chisels/

On a Photon OS system instead:

root@host:~# tdnf install sysdig make
root@host:~# cp microdump.lua /usr/share/sysdig/chisels/

Static build of micropacker.go on the host

It is possible to have an executable that will run in every possible Linux container by statically linking Golang code against musl instead of glibc. See this guide on statically compiling Golang with musl if you want to know more about this.

We have a Docker-based build that runs with a Makefile; the last step is optional and allows you to check that the final binary isn't using any dynamically linked library:

user@host:~$ sudo make
user@host:~$ ldd micropacker/micropacker
	not a dynamic executable

Put sysdig in listening mode on the host

Pull your target image and then ask sysdig to perform a raw capture of everything that happens when the container is started:

user@host:~$ sudo docker pull vmware/admiral:dev
user@host:~$ sudo sysdig -qw kdump.cap container.image=vmware/admiral:dev &

Start the container as you would normally do:

user@host:~$ sudo docker run -d -p 8282:8282 vmware/admiral:dev

Run ALL the tests you have

This is the key part: the approach is as good as your QA.

The kernel will see as many syscalls as deep your functional testing is. With a browser or any client of your application, trigger every functionality/feature, ideally with automated tests.

Create a rootfs.tar archive from the container

Stop the sysdig capture and use microdump.lua to get your "needed files" list.

user@host:~$ sudo kill [sysdig PID]
user@host:~$ sudo docker stop [cid]
user@host:~$ sudo sysdig -r kdump.cap -c microdump | sort | uniq > files.txt

Now create a new folder on your host, say foo, and after moving the statically compiled micropacker executable and the files.txt file there, run the following command:

user@host:~$ sudo docker run -dit -v [path to folder foo]:/foobar --entrypoint=/bin/sh -u=0 vmware/admiral:dev

We've overridden the ENTRYPOINT tag and explicitly asked to run as root. Notice that the folder inside the container is named foobar, any non-existing folder name is fine (don't be tempted to use /tmp).

Execute micropacker and copy the output back to the host:

user@host:~$ sudo docker exec -it [cid] /foobar/micropacker -i=/foobar/files.txt -o=/foobar/rootfs.tar -d=true
user@host:~$ sudo docker cp [cid]:/foobar/rootfs.tar rootfs.tar

Build your micro image

Now that you have the rootfs.tar archive on the host, a microcontainer is just a matter of creating an appropriate Dockerfile.

Create a Dockerfile that contains the needed ENV, VOLUME, WORKDIR, EXPOSE tags as the original one... basically everything except the FROM, RUN, COPY and ADD tags. Do not forget Dockerfile tags that are set by parent Dockerfiles!

Example for Admiral:

FROM "scratch"
ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-jvm \
  ADMIRAL_STORAGE_PATH=/var/admiral/ \
  USER_RESOURCES=/etc/xenon/user-resources/system-images/ \
  ADMIRAL_ROOT=/admiral \
ENV TERM=xterm
ENV PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin

ADD rootfs.tar /

Now build the Dockerfile, start the microcontainer and then (try to!) explore with a docker exec the microcontainerized Admiral.


I have a container I want to minimize, but I don't have a service listening on any port

That shouldn't be an issue, at the Q&A step trigger all the tests with a docker exec command instead of using a browser or a client.

My image is too minimal, I want to preserve some debuggability

Identify what commands are important for you (ls, cat, ...) and trigger them with a docker exec before stopping the kernel monitoring. Do not forget that if you use those commands against files that exist in the base image, those will be included too. Either use them against files that would be included anyway or modify the files.txt file before packing.

Can this be automated?

Yes! The main problem of the legacy version was that an automation script should have known in advance the distribution of the target container to start the installation of the Python runtime libraries.

Why don't you use strace?

Mostly for simplicity and perceived elegance. We have found some good reasons to avoid strace in this blog post too.

What's next for this project?

We are looking into providing more functionalities while maintaining the flexibility and the original KISS spirit of the project.


The project is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license, see the LICENSE.txt file for the full text. Release binaries are not currently being considered, as they require additional work from a legal/licensing standpoint.