YoNeo is basically a neovim configuration written in Lua.
This configuration basically helps in implementing features which I liked in Visual Studio Code and Doom Emacs. Visual Studio Code is a good code editor but modal editing is what I prefer. Doom Emacs is one of the best experiences I had because it is preconfigured and had sane keybindings.
Doom Emacs also had great plugins ranging from projectile, magit, dired and one of the most loved feature called org-mode. In spite of such a great Out of the Box experience, it's autocompletion was very slow which I was unable to solve.
So, what I wanted was the experience of Doom Emacs in Neovim and this was how everything started.
- Preconfigured LSP support for given languages
- Lua
- Javascript / Typescript
- Python
- Bash
- Preconfigured code formatting support for
- Javascript
- Typescript
- React (Both Javascript and Typescript)
- Lua
- Preconfigured code autocompletion
- Tab bar
- File Explorer tree
- Integrated terminal
- Minimap
- Which key support
- Telescope plugin for faster file and text search
- Better code highlighting
- Org mode (Very basic)
Additons in this repo are under GNU GPLv3