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+# Reference
+## Table of Contents
+### Classes
+* [`openssl`](#openssl): Installs openssl and ensures bundled certificate list is world readable
+* [`openssl::certificates`](#openssl--certificates): Generates x509 certificates based on class parameters
+* [`openssl::configs`](#openssl--configs): Generates openssl.conf files using defaults
+* [`openssl::packages`](#openssl--packages): Sets up packages for openssl
+### Defined types
+* [`openssl::certificate::x509`](#openssl--certificate--x509): Creates a certificate, key and CSR according to datas provided.
+* [`openssl::dhparam`](#openssl--dhparam): Creates Diffie Helman parameters.
+* [`openssl::export::pem_cert`](#openssl--export--pem_cert): Export certificate(s) to PEM/x509 format
+* [`openssl::export::pem_key`](#openssl--export--pem_key): Export a key to PEM format
+* [`openssl::export::pkcs12`](#openssl--export--pkcs12): Export a key pair to PKCS12 format
+### Resource types
+* [`cert_file`](#cert_file): Manages X.509 certificate files downloaded from a source location, saved in the specified format.
+* [`dhparam`](#dhparam): A Diffie Helman parameter file
+* [`ssl_pkey`](#ssl_pkey): An SSL private key
+* [`x509_cert`](#x509_cert): An x509 certificate
+* [`x509_request`](#x509_request): An x509 certificate signing request
+### Functions
+* [`cert_aia_caissuers`](#cert_aia_caissuers): Extrating the caIssuers entry from Authority Information Access extension of X509 certificate
+* [`cert_date_valid`](#cert_date_valid): Checks SSL cetificate date validity.
+## Classes
+### `openssl`
+Installs openssl and ensures bundled certificate list is world readable
+#### Examples
+##### basic usage
+class { 'openssl':
+ package_name => 'openssl-othername',
+ package_ensure => latest,
+ ca_certificates_ensure => latest,
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `openssl` class:
+* [`package_name`](#-openssl--package_name)
+* [`package_ensure`](#-openssl--package_ensure)
+* [`ca_certificates_ensure`](#-openssl--ca_certificates_ensure)
+##### `package_name`
+Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`
+openssl package name
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `package_ensure`
+Data type: `String[1]`
+openssl package ensure
+Default value: `installed`
+##### `ca_certificates_ensure`
+Data type: `String[1]`
+ca-certificates package ensure
+Default value: `installed`
+### `openssl::certificates`
+Generates x509 certificates based on class parameters
+#### Examples
+##### basic usage
+class { '::openssl::certificate':
+ x509_certs => { '/path/to/certificate.crt' => { ensure => 'present',
+ password => 'j(D$',
+ template => '/other/path/to/template.cnf',
+ private_key => '/there/is/my/private.key',
+ days => 4536,
+ force => false,},
+ '/a/other/certificate.crt' => { ensure => 'present', },
+ }
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `openssl::certificates` class:
+* [`x509_certs`](#-openssl--certificates--x509_certs)
+##### `x509_certs`
+Data type: `Hash`
+Default value: `{}`
+### `openssl::configs`
+Generates openssl.conf files using defaults
+#### Examples
+##### basic usage
+class { '::openssl::configs':
+ conffiles => { '/path/to/openssl.conf' => { ensure => 'present',
+ commonname => 'somewhere.org',},
+ '/a/other/openssl.conf' => { ensure => 'present',
+ commonname => 'somewhere.else.org' },
+ }
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `openssl::configs` class:
+* [`owner`](#-openssl--configs--owner)
+* [`group`](#-openssl--configs--group)
+* [`mode`](#-openssl--configs--mode)
+* [`country`](#-openssl--configs--country)
+* [`state`](#-openssl--configs--state)
+* [`locality`](#-openssl--configs--locality)
+* [`organization`](#-openssl--configs--organization)
+* [`unit`](#-openssl--configs--unit)
+* [`email`](#-openssl--configs--email)
+* [`default_bits`](#-openssl--configs--default_bits)
+* [`default_md`](#-openssl--configs--default_md)
+* [`default_keyfile`](#-openssl--configs--default_keyfile)
+* [`basicconstraints`](#-openssl--configs--basicconstraints)
+* [`extendedkeyusages`](#-openssl--configs--extendedkeyusages)
+* [`keyusages`](#-openssl--configs--keyusages)
+* [`subjectaltnames`](#-openssl--configs--subjectaltnames)
+* [`conffiles`](#-openssl--configs--conffiles)
+##### `owner`
+Data type: `String`
+default owner for the configuration files
+Default value: `'root'`
+##### `group`
+Data type: `String`
+default group for the configuration files
+Default value: `'root'`
+##### `mode`
+Data type: `String`
+default mode for the configuration files
+Default value: `'0640'`
+##### `country`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+default value for country
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `state`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+default value for state
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `locality`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+default value for locality
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `organization`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+default value for organization
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `unit`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+default value for unit
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `email`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+default value for email
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `default_bits`
+Data type: `Integer`
+default key size to generate
+Default value: `4096`
+##### `default_md`
+Data type: `String`
+default message digest to use
+Default value: `'sha512'`
+##### `default_keyfile`
+Data type: `String`
+default name for the keyfile
+Default value: `'privkey.pem'`
+##### `basicconstraints`
+Data type: `Optional[Array]`
+version 3 certificate extension basic constraints
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `extendedkeyusages`
+Data type: `Optional[Array]`
+version 3 certificate extension extended key usage
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `keyusages`
+Data type: `Optional[Array]`
+version 3 certificate extension key usage
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `subjectaltnames`
+Data type: `Optional[Array]`
+version 3 certificate extension for alternative names
+currently supported are IP (v4) and DNS
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `conffiles`
+Data type: `Hash`
+config files to generate
+Default value: `{}`
+### `openssl::packages`
+Sets up packages for openssl
+## Defined types
+### `openssl::certificate::x509`
+Creates a certificate, key and CSR according to datas provided.
+#### Examples
+##### basic usage
+openssl::certificate::x509 { 'foo.bar':
+ ensure => present,
+ country => 'CH',
+ organization => 'Example.com',
+ commonname => $fqdn,
+ base_dir => '/var/www/ssl',
+ owner => 'www-data',
+This will create files "foo.bar.cnf", "foo.bar.crt", "foo.bar.key"
+and "foo.bar.csr" in /var/www/ssl/.
+All files will belong to user "www-data".
+Those files can be used as is for apache, openldap and so on.
+If you wish to ensure a key is read-only to a process:
+set $key_group to match the group of the process,
+and set $key_mode to '0640'.
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `openssl::certificate::x509` defined type:
+* [`ensure`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--ensure)
+* [`country`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--country)
+* [`state`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--state)
+* [`locality`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--locality)
+* [`commonname`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--commonname)
+* [`altnames`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--altnames)
+* [`extkeyusage`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--extkeyusage)
+* [`organization`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--organization)
+* [`unit`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--unit)
+* [`email`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--email)
+* [`days`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--days)
+* [`base_dir`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--base_dir)
+* [`key_size`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--key_size)
+* [`owner`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--owner)
+* [`group`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--group)
+* [`key_owner`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--key_owner)
+* [`key_group`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--key_group)
+* [`key_mode`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--key_mode)
+* [`password`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--password)
+* [`force`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--force)
+* [`cnf_tpl`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--cnf_tpl)
+* [`cnf_dir`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--cnf_dir)
+* [`crt_dir`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--crt_dir)
+* [`csr_dir`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--csr_dir)
+* [`key_dir`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--key_dir)
+* [`cnf`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--cnf)
+* [`crt`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--crt)
+* [`csr`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--csr)
+* [`key`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--key)
+* [`encrypted`](#-openssl--certificate--x509--encrypted)
+##### `ensure`
+Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent']`
+ensure wether certif and its config are present or not
+Default value: `present`
+##### `country`
+Data type: `String`
+certificate countryName
+##### `state`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+certificate stateOrProvinceName
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `locality`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+certificate localityName
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `commonname`
+Data type: `String`
+certificate CommonName
+##### `altnames`
+Data type: `Array`
+certificate subjectAltName.
+Can be an array or a single string.
+Default value: `[]`
+##### `extkeyusage`
+Data type: `Array`
+certificate extended key usage
+Value | Meaning
+serverAuth | SSL/TLS Web Server Authentication.
+clientAuth | SL/TLS Web Client Authentication.
+codeSigning | Code signing.
+emailProtection | E-mail Protection (S/MIME).
+timeStamping | Trusted Timestamping
+OCSPSigning | OCSP Signing
+ipsecIKE | ipsec Internet Key Exchange
+msCodeInd | Microsoft Individual Code Signing (authenticode)
+msCodeCom | Microsoft Commercial Code Signing (authenticode)
+msCTLSign | Microsoft Trust List Signing
+msEFS | Microsoft Encrypted File System
+Default value: `[]`
+##### `organization`
+Data type: `String`
+certificate organizationName
+##### `unit`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+certificate organizationalUnitName
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `email`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+certificate emailAddress
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `days`
+Data type: `Integer`
+certificate validity
+Default value: `365`
+##### `base_dir`
+Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
+where cnf, crt, csr and key should be placed.
+Directory must exist
+Default value: `'/etc/ssl/certs'`
+##### `key_size`
+Data type: `Integer`
+Size of the key to generate.
+Default value: `2048`
+##### `owner`
+Data type: `Variant[String, Integer]`
+cnf, crt, csr and key owner. User must exist
+Default value: `'root'`
+##### `group`
+Data type: `Variant[String, Integer]`
+cnf, crt, csr and key group. Group must exist
+Default value: `'root'`
+##### `key_owner`
+Data type: `Optional[Variant[String, Integer]]`
+key owner. User must exist. defaults to $owner
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `key_group`
+Data type: `Optional[Variant[String, Integer]]`
+key group. Group must exist. defaults to $group
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `key_mode`
+Data type: `String`
+key group.
+Default value: `'0600'`
+##### `password`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+private key password. undef means no passphrase
+will be used to encrypt private key.
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `force`
+Data type: `Boolean`
+whether to override certificate and request
+if private key changes
+Default value: `true`
+##### `cnf_tpl`
+Data type: `String`
+Specify an other template to generate ".cnf" file.
+Default value: `'openssl/cert.cnf.erb'`
+##### `cnf_dir`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+where cnf should be placed.
+Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `crt_dir`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+where crt should be placed.
+Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `csr_dir`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+where csr should be placed.
+Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `key_dir`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+where key should be placed.
+Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `cnf`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+override cnf path entirely.
+Directory must exist, defaults to $cnf_dir/$title.cnf
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `crt`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+override crt path entirely.
+Directory must exist, defaults to $crt_dir/$title.crt
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `csr`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+override csr path entirely.
+Directory must exist, defaults to $csr_dir/$title.csr
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `key`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+override key path entirely.
+Directory must exist, defaults to $key_dir/$title.key
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `encrypted`
+Data type: `Boolean`
+Flag requesting the exported key to be unencrypted by
+specifying the -nodes option during the CSR generation. Turning
+off encryption is needed by some applications, such as OpenLDAP.
+Defaults to true (key is encrypted)
+Default value: `true`
+### `openssl::dhparam`
+Creates Diffie Helman parameters.
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `openssl::dhparam` defined type:
+* [`path`](#-openssl--dhparam--path)
+* [`ensure`](#-openssl--dhparam--ensure)
+* [`size`](#-openssl--dhparam--size)
+* [`owner`](#-openssl--dhparam--owner)
+* [`group`](#-openssl--dhparam--group)
+* [`mode`](#-openssl--dhparam--mode)
+* [`fastmode`](#-openssl--dhparam--fastmode)
+##### `path`
+Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
+path to write DH parameters to
+Default value: `$name`
+##### `ensure`
+Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent']`
+ensure whether DH paramers file is present or absent
+Default value: `present`
+##### `size`
+Data type: `Integer[1]`
+number of bits for the parameter set
+Default value: `2048`
+##### `owner`
+Data type: `Variant[String, Integer]`
+file owner. User must exist
+Default value: `'root'`
+##### `group`
+Data type: `Variant[String, Integer]`
+file group. Group must exist
+Default value: `'root'`
+##### `mode`
+Data type: `String`
+file mode.
+Default value: `'0644'`
+##### `fastmode`
+Data type: `Boolean`
+Use "fastmode" for dhparam generation
+Default value: `false`
+### `openssl::export::pem_cert`
+Export certificate(s) to PEM/x509 format
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `openssl::export::pem_cert` defined type:
+* [`ensure`](#-openssl--export--pem_cert--ensure)
+* [`pfx_cert`](#-openssl--export--pem_cert--pfx_cert)
+* [`der_cert`](#-openssl--export--pem_cert--der_cert)
+* [`pem_cert`](#-openssl--export--pem_cert--pem_cert)
+* [`in_pass`](#-openssl--export--pem_cert--in_pass)
+##### `ensure`
+Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent']`
+Whether the certificate file should exist
+Default value: `present`
+##### `pfx_cert`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+PFX certificate/key container
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `der_cert`
+Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`
+DER certificate
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `pem_cert`
+Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
+PEM/x509 certificate
+Default value: `$title`
+##### `in_pass`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+PFX password
+Default value: `undef`
+### `openssl::export::pem_key`
+Export a key to PEM format
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `openssl::export::pem_key` defined type:
+* [`pfx_cert`](#-openssl--export--pem_key--pfx_cert)
+* [`pem_key`](#-openssl--export--pem_key--pem_key)
+* [`ensure`](#-openssl--export--pem_key--ensure)
+* [`in_pass`](#-openssl--export--pem_key--in_pass)
+* [`out_pass`](#-openssl--export--pem_key--out_pass)
+##### `pfx_cert`
+Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
+PFX certificate/key container
+##### `pem_key`
+Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
+PEM certificate
+Default value: `$title`
+##### `ensure`
+Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent']`
+Whether the key file should exist
+Default value: `present`
+##### `in_pass`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+PFX container password
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `out_pass`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+PEM key password
+Default value: `undef`
+### `openssl::export::pkcs12`
+Export a key pair to PKCS12 format
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `openssl::export::pkcs12` defined type:
+* [`basedir`](#-openssl--export--pkcs12--basedir)
+* [`pkey`](#-openssl--export--pkcs12--pkey)
+* [`cert`](#-openssl--export--pkcs12--cert)
+* [`ensure`](#-openssl--export--pkcs12--ensure)
+* [`in_pass`](#-openssl--export--pkcs12--in_pass)
+* [`out_pass`](#-openssl--export--pkcs12--out_pass)
+* [`chaincert`](#-openssl--export--pkcs12--chaincert)
+##### `basedir`
+Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
+Directory where you want the export to be done. Must exists
+##### `pkey`
+Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
+Private key
+##### `cert`
+Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`
+##### `ensure`
+Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent']`
+Whether the PKCS12 file should exist
+Default value: `present`
+##### `in_pass`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+Private key password
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `out_pass`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+PKCS12 password
+Default value: `undef`
+##### `chaincert`
+Data type: `Optional[String]`
+Chain certificate to include in pkcs12
+Default value: `undef`
+## Resource types
+### `cert_file`
+Manages X.509 certificate files downloaded from a source location, saved in the specified format.
+#### Properties
+The following properties are available in the `cert_file` type.
+##### `ensure`
+Valid values: `present`, `absent`
+The basic property that the resource should be in.
+Default value: `present`
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `cert_file` type.
+* [`format`](#-cert_file--format)
+* [`path`](#-cert_file--path)
+* [`provider`](#-cert_file--provider)
+* [`source`](#-cert_file--source)
+##### `format`
+Valid values: `der`, `pem`
+Format in which the loaded certificate should be written to file.
+Default value: `pem`
+##### `path`
+Path to the file to manage
+##### `provider`
+The specific backend to use for this `cert_file` resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
+discover the appropriate provider for your platform.
+##### `source`
+The source file
+### `dhparam`
+A Diffie Helman parameter file
+#### Properties
+The following properties are available in the `dhparam` type.
+##### `ensure`
+Valid values: `present`, `absent`
+The basic property that the resource should be in.
+Default value: `present`
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `dhparam` type.
+* [`fastmode`](#-dhparam--fastmode)
+* [`path`](#-dhparam--path)
+* [`provider`](#-dhparam--provider)
+* [`size`](#-dhparam--size)
+##### `fastmode`
+Enable fast mode
+Default value: `false`
+##### `path`
+The path of the file
+##### `provider`
+The specific backend to use for this `dhparam` resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
+discover the appropriate provider for your platform.
+##### `size`
+Valid values: `%r{\d+}`
+The key size
+Default value: `512`
+### `ssl_pkey`
+An SSL private key
+#### Properties
+The following properties are available in the `ssl_pkey` type.
+##### `ensure`
+Valid values: `present`, `absent`
+The basic property that the resource should be in.
+Default value: `present`
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `ssl_pkey` type.
+* [`authentication`](#-ssl_pkey--authentication)
+* [`curve`](#-ssl_pkey--curve)
+* [`password`](#-ssl_pkey--password)
+* [`path`](#-ssl_pkey--path)
+* [`provider`](#-ssl_pkey--provider)
+* [`size`](#-ssl_pkey--size)
+##### `authentication`
+Valid values: `rsa`, `dsa`, `ec`
+The authentication algorithm: 'rsa', 'dsa or ec'
+Default value: `rsa`
+##### `curve`
+The EC curve
+Default value: `secp384r1`
+##### `password`
+The optional password for the key
+##### `path`
+The path to the key
+##### `provider`
+The specific backend to use for this `ssl_pkey` resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
+discover the appropriate provider for your platform.
+##### `size`
+Valid values: `%r{\d+}`
+The key size
+Default value: `2048`
+### `x509_cert`
+An x509 certificate
+#### Properties
+The following properties are available in the `x509_cert` type.
+##### `ensure`
+Valid values: `present`, `absent`
+The basic property that the resource should be in.
+Default value: `present`
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `x509_cert` type.
+* [`authentication`](#-x509_cert--authentication)
+* [`days`](#-x509_cert--days)
+* [`force`](#-x509_cert--force)
+* [`password`](#-x509_cert--password)
+* [`path`](#-x509_cert--path)
+* [`private_key`](#-x509_cert--private_key)
+* [`provider`](#-x509_cert--provider)
+* [`req_ext`](#-x509_cert--req_ext)
+* [`template`](#-x509_cert--template)
+##### `authentication`
+Valid values: `rsa`, `dsa`, `ec`
+The authentication algorithm: 'rsa', 'dsa or ec'
+Default value: `rsa`
+##### `days`
+Valid values: `%r{\d+}`
+The validity of the certificate
+Default value: `3650`
+##### `force`
+Valid values: `true`, `false`
+Whether to replace the certificate if the private key mismatches
+Default value: `false`
+##### `password`
+The optional password for the private key
+##### `path`
+The path to the certificate
+##### `private_key`
+The path to the private key
+##### `provider`
+The specific backend to use for this `x509_cert` resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually
+discover the appropriate provider for your platform.
+##### `req_ext`
+Valid values: `true`, `false`
+Whether adding v3 SAN from config
+Default value: `false`
+##### `template`
+The template to use
+### `x509_request`
+An x509 certificate signing request
+#### Properties
+The following properties are available in the `x509_request` type.
+##### `ensure`
+Valid values: `present`, `absent`
+The basic property that the resource should be in.
+Default value: `present`
+#### Parameters
+The following parameters are available in the `x509_request` type.
+* [`authentication`](#-x509_request--authentication)
+* [`encrypted`](#-x509_request--encrypted)
+* [`force`](#-x509_request--force)
+* [`password`](#-x509_request--password)
+* [`path`](#-x509_request--path)
+* [`private_key`](#-x509_request--private_key)
+* [`provider`](#-x509_request--provider)
+* [`template`](#-x509_request--template)
+##### `authentication`
+Valid values: `rsa`, `dsa`, `ec`
+The authentication algorithm: 'rsa', 'dsa' or ec
+Default value: `rsa`
+##### `encrypted`
+Valid values: `true`, `false`
+Whether to generate the key unencrypted. This is needed by some applications like OpenLDAP
+Default value: `true`
+##### `force`
+Valid values: `true`, `false`
+Whether to replace the certificate if the private key mismatches
+Default value: `false`
+##### `password`
+The optional password for the private key
+##### `path`
+The path of the certificate signing request
+##### `private_key`
+The path of the private key
+##### `provider`
+The specific backend to use for this `x509_request` resource. You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will
+usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.
+##### `template`
+The template to use
+## Functions
+### `cert_aia_caissuers`
+Type: Ruby 4.x API
+Extract a X509 certificate for x509v3 extensions, search for Authority Information Access extension and return the
+contents caIssuers access method.
+For details see [rfc5280#section-4.2.2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-4.2.2).
+Parameter: path to ssl certificate
+#### `cert_aia_caissuers(String $certfile)`
+Extract a X509 certificate for x509v3 extensions, search for Authority Information Access extension and return the
+contents caIssuers access method.
+For details see [rfc5280#section-4.2.2](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-4.2.2).
+Parameter: path to ssl certificate
+Returns: `Any` contents of the caIssuers access method of authorityInfoAccess extension, or nil if not found
+##### `certfile`
+Data type: `String`
+Path to the certificate to inspect
+### `cert_date_valid`
+Type: Ruby 4.x API
+Parameter: path to ssl certificate
+#### `cert_date_valid(String *$certfile)`
+Parameter: path to ssl certificate
+Returns: `Any` false if the certificate is expired or not yet valid,
+##### `*certfile`
+Data type: `String`
+The certificate file to check.
diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/cert_file/posix.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/cert_file/posix.rb
index c2cd7275..b25b3fa2 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/provider/cert_file/posix.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/cert_file/posix.rb
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
require 'pp'
Puppet::Type.type(:cert_file).provide :posix do
+ desc 'POSIX provider for certificate files'
confine feature: :posix
def exists?
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/cert_file.rb b/lib/puppet/type/cert_file.rb
index 3dc1974f..afb3dfba 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/type/cert_file.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/cert_file.rb
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
newparam(:source) do
+ desc 'The source file'
validate do |source|
uri = URI.parse(Puppet::Util.uri_encode(source))
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/dhparam.rb b/lib/puppet/type/dhparam.rb
index bce7bd10..fc2f7522 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/type/dhparam.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/dhparam.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
newparam(:path, namevar: true) do
+ desc 'The path of the file'
validate do |value|
path = Pathname.new(value)
raise ArgumentError, "Path must be absolute: #{path}" unless path.absolute?
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/x509_request.rb b/lib/puppet/type/x509_request.rb
index 001780a6..cc32dd65 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/type/x509_request.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/x509_request.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
newparam(:path, namevar: true) do
+ desc 'The path of the certificate signing request'
validate do |value|
path = Pathname.new(value)
raise ArgumentError, "Path must be absolute: #{path}" unless path.absolute?
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
newparam(:template) do
+ desc 'The template to use'
defaultto do
path = Pathname.new(@resource[:path])
@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@
newparam(:private_key) do
+ desc 'The path of the private key'
defaultto do
path = Pathname.new(@resource[:path])
diff --git a/manifests/certificate/x509.pp b/manifests/certificate/x509.pp
index f1ae47c1..71f4c7fa 100644
--- a/manifests/certificate/x509.pp
+++ b/manifests/certificate/x509.pp
@@ -1,68 +1,96 @@
-# == Definition: openssl::certificate::x509
+# @summary Creates a certificate, key and CSR according to datas provided.
-# Creates a certificate, key and CSR according to datas provided.
+# @param ensure
+# ensure wether certif and its config are present or not
+# @param country
+# certificate countryName
+# @param state
+# certificate stateOrProvinceName
+# @param locality
+# certificate localityName
+# @param commonname
+# certificate CommonName
+# @param altnames
+# certificate subjectAltName.
+# Can be an array or a single string.
+# @param extkeyusage
+# certificate extended key usage
+# Value | Meaning
+# ----------------|-------------------------------------
+# serverAuth | SSL/TLS Web Server Authentication.
+# clientAuth | SL/TLS Web Client Authentication.
+# codeSigning | Code signing.
+# emailProtection | E-mail Protection (S/MIME).
+# timeStamping | Trusted Timestamping
+# OCSPSigning | OCSP Signing
+# ipsecIKE | ipsec Internet Key Exchange
+# msCodeInd | Microsoft Individual Code Signing (authenticode)
+# msCodeCom | Microsoft Commercial Code Signing (authenticode)
+# msCTLSign | Microsoft Trust List Signing
+# msEFS | Microsoft Encrypted File System
-# === Parameters
-# [*ensure*] ensure wether certif and its config are present or not
-# [*country*] certificate countryName
-# [*state*] certificate stateOrProvinceName
-# [*locality*] certificate localityName
-# [*commonname*] certificate CommonName
-# [*altnames*] certificate subjectAltName.
-# Can be an array or a single string.
-# [*extkeyusage*] certificate extended key usage
-# # Value Meaning
-# ----- -------
-# serverAuth SSL/TLS Web Server Authentication.
-# clientAuth SL/TLS Web Client Authentication.
-# codeSigning Code signing.
-# emailProtection E-mail Protection (S/MIME).
-# timeStamping Trusted Timestamping
-# OCSPSigning OCSP Signing
-# ipsecIKE ipsec Internet Key Exchange
-# msCodeInd Microsoft Individual Code Signing (authenticode)
-# msCodeCom Microsoft Commercial Code Signing (authenticode)
-# msCTLSign Microsoft Trust List Signing
-# msEFS Microsoft Encrypted File System
+# @param organization
+# certificate organizationName
+# @param unit
+# certificate organizationalUnitName
+# @param email
+# certificate emailAddress
+# @param days
+# certificate validity
+# @param base_dir
+# where cnf, crt, csr and key should be placed.
+# Directory must exist
+# @param key_size
+# Size of the key to generate.
+# @param owner
+# cnf, crt, csr and key owner. User must exist
+# @param group
+# cnf, crt, csr and key group. Group must exist
+# @param key_owner
+# key owner. User must exist. defaults to $owner
+# @param key_group
+# key group. Group must exist. defaults to $group
+# @param key_mode
+# key group.
+# @param password
+# private key password. undef means no passphrase
+# will be used to encrypt private key.
+# @param force
+# whether to override certificate and request
+# if private key changes
+# @param cnf_tpl
+# Specify an other template to generate ".cnf" file.
+# @param cnf_dir
+# where cnf should be placed.
+# Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
+# @param crt_dir
+# where crt should be placed.
+# Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
+# @param csr_dir
+# where csr should be placed.
+# Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
+# @param key_dir
+# where key should be placed.
+# Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
+# @param cnf
+# override cnf path entirely.
+# Directory must exist, defaults to $cnf_dir/$title.cnf
+# @param crt
+# override crt path entirely.
+# Directory must exist, defaults to $crt_dir/$title.crt
+# @param csr
+# override csr path entirely.
+# Directory must exist, defaults to $csr_dir/$title.csr
+# @param key
+# override key path entirely.
+# Directory must exist, defaults to $key_dir/$title.key
+# @param encrypted
+# Flag requesting the exported key to be unencrypted by
+# specifying the -nodes option during the CSR generation. Turning
+# off encryption is needed by some applications, such as OpenLDAP.
+# Defaults to true (key is encrypted)
-# [*organization*] certificate organizationName
-# [*unit*] certificate organizationalUnitName
-# [*email*] certificate emailAddress
-# [*days*] certificate validity
-# [*base_dir*] where cnf, crt, csr and key should be placed.
-# Directory must exist
-# [*owner*] cnf, crt, csr and key owner. User must exist
-# [*group*] cnf, crt, csr and key group. Group must exist
-# [*key_owner*] key owner. User must exist. defaults to $owner
-# [*key_group*] key group. Group must exist. defaults to $group
-# [*key_mode*] key group.
-# [*password*] private key password. undef means no passphrase
-# will be used to encrypt private key.
-# [*force*] whether to override certificate and request
-# if private key changes
-# [*cnf_tpl*] Specify an other template to generate ".cnf" file.
-# [*cnf_dir*] where cnf should be placed.
-# Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
-# [*crt_dir*] where crt should be placed.
-# Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
-# [*csr_dir*] where csr should be placed.
-# Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
-# [*key_dir*] where key should be placed.
-# Directory must exist, defaults to $base_dir.
-# [*cnf*] override cnf path entirely.
-# Directory must exist, defaults to $cnf_dir/$title.cnf
-# [*crt*] override crt path entirely.
-# Directory must exist, defaults to $crt_dir/$title.crt
-# [*csr*] override csr path entirely.
-# Directory must exist, defaults to $csr_dir/$title.csr
-# [*key*] override key path entirely.
-# Directory must exist, defaults to $key_dir/$title.key
-# [*encrypted*] Flag requesting the exported key to be unencrypted by
-# specifying the -nodes option during the CSR generation. Turning
-# off encryption is needed by some applications, such as OpenLDAP.
-# Defaults to true (key is encrypted)
-# === Example
+# @example basic usage
# openssl::certificate::x509 { 'foo.bar':
# ensure => present,
@@ -73,19 +101,15 @@
# owner => 'www-data',
# }
-# This will create files "foo.bar.cnf", "foo.bar.crt", "foo.bar.key"
-# and "foo.bar.csr" in /var/www/ssl/.
-# All files will belong to user "www-data".
-# Those files can be used as is for apache, openldap and so on.
-# If you wish to ensure a key is read-only to a process:
-# set $key_group to match the group of the process,
-# and set $key_mode to '0640'.
+# This will create files "foo.bar.cnf", "foo.bar.crt", "foo.bar.key"
+# and "foo.bar.csr" in /var/www/ssl/.
+# All files will belong to user "www-data".
-# === Requires
+# Those files can be used as is for apache, openldap and so on.
-# - `puppetlabs/stdlib`
+# If you wish to ensure a key is read-only to a process:
+# set $key_group to match the group of the process,
+# and set $key_mode to '0640'.
define openssl::certificate::x509 (
String $country,
diff --git a/manifests/certificates.pp b/manifests/certificates.pp
index 6f7e9a0d..a56cab7e 100644
--- a/manifests/certificates.pp
+++ b/manifests/certificates.pp
@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
-# == Class: openssl::certificates
+# @summary Generates x509 certificates based on class parameters
-# Generates x509 certificates based on class parameters
-# === Parameters
-# [*x509_certs*]
-# === Example
+# @param x509_certs
+# @example basic usage
# class { '::openssl::certificate':
# x509_certs => { '/path/to/certificate.crt' => { ensure => 'present',
# password => 'j(D$',
diff --git a/manifests/configs.pp b/manifests/configs.pp
index 954c52af..5838ee92 100644
--- a/manifests/configs.pp
+++ b/manifests/configs.pp
@@ -1,46 +1,42 @@
-# == Class: openssl::configs
+# @summary Generates openssl.conf files using defaults
-# Generates openssl.conf files using defaults
-# === Parameters
-# [*owner*]
+# @param owner
# default owner for the configuration files
-# [*group*]
+# @param group
# default group for the configuration files
-# [*mode*]
+# @param mode
# default mode for the configuration files
-# [*country*]
+# @param country
# default value for country
-# [*state*]
+# @param state
# default value for state
-# [*locality*]
+# @param locality
# default value for locality
-# [*organization*]
+# @param organization
# default value for organization
-# [*unit*]
+# @param unit
# default value for unit
-# [*email*]
+# @param email
# default value for email
-# [*default_bits*]
+# @param default_bits
# default key size to generate
-# [*default_md*]
+# @param default_md
# default message digest to use
-# [*default_keyfile*]
+# @param default_keyfile
# default name for the keyfile
-# [*basicconstraints*]
+# @param basicconstraints
# version 3 certificate extension basic constraints
-# [*extendedkeyusages*]
+# @param extendedkeyusages
# version 3 certificate extension extended key usage
-# [*keyusages*]
+# @param keyusages
# version 3 certificate extension key usage
-# [*subjectaltnames*]
+# @param subjectaltnames
# version 3 certificate extension for alternative names
# currently supported are IP (v4) and DNS
-# [*conffiles*]
+# @param conffiles
# config files to generate
-# === Example
+# @example basic usage
# class { '::openssl::configs':
# conffiles => { '/path/to/openssl.conf' => { ensure => 'present',
# commonname => 'somewhere.org',},
diff --git a/manifests/dhparam.pp b/manifests/dhparam.pp
index dc94cf34..fe119dd9 100644
--- a/manifests/dhparam.pp
+++ b/manifests/dhparam.pp
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-# == Definition: openssl::dhparam
-# Creates Diffie Helman parameters.
-# === Parameters
-# [*path*] path to write DH parameters to
-# [*ensure*] ensure whether DH paramers file is present or absent
-# [*size*] number of bits for the parameter set
-# [*owner*] file owner. User must exist
-# [*group*] file group. Group must exist
-# [*mode*] file mode.
-# === Requires
-# - `puppetlabs/stdlib`
+# @summary Creates Diffie Helman parameters.
+# @param path
+# path to write DH parameters to
+# @param ensure
+# ensure whether DH paramers file is present or absent
+# @param size
+# number of bits for the parameter set
+# @param owner
+# file owner. User must exist
+# @param group
+# file group. Group must exist
+# @param mode
+# file mode.
+# @param fastmode
+# Use "fastmode" for dhparam generation
define openssl::dhparam (
Stdlib::Absolutepath $path = $name,
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = present,
diff --git a/manifests/export/pem_cert.pp b/manifests/export/pem_cert.pp
index a73937ef..26ba3d36 100644
--- a/manifests/export/pem_cert.pp
+++ b/manifests/export/pem_cert.pp
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
-# == Definition: openssl::export::pem_cert
+# @summary Export certificate(s) to PEM/x509 format
-# Export certificate(s) to PEM/x509 format
-# == Parameters
-# [*pfx_cert*] - PFX certificate/key container
-# [*der_cert*] - DER certificate
-# [*pem_cert*] - PEM/x509 certificate
-# [*in_pass*] - PFX password
+# @param ensure
+# Whether the certificate file should exist
+# @param pfx_cert
+# PFX certificate/key container
+# @param der_cert
+# DER certificate
+# @param pem_cert
+# PEM/x509 certificate
+# @param in_pass
+# PFX password
define openssl::export::pem_cert (
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = present,
diff --git a/manifests/export/pem_key.pp b/manifests/export/pem_key.pp
index e05e12c3..514dd73a 100644
--- a/manifests/export/pem_key.pp
+++ b/manifests/export/pem_key.pp
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
-# == Definition: openssl::export::pem_key
+# @summary Export a key to PEM format
-# Export a key to PEM format
-# == Parameters
-# [*pfx_cert*] - PFX certificate/key container
-# [*pem_key*] - PEM certificate
-# [*in_pass*] - PFX container password
-# [*out_pass*] - PEM key password
+# @param pfx_cert
+# PFX certificate/key container
+# @param pem_key
+# PEM certificate
+# @param ensure
+# Whether the key file should exist
+# @param in_pass
+# PFX container password
+# @param out_pass
+# PEM key password
define openssl::export::pem_key (
Stdlib::Absolutepath $pfx_cert,
diff --git a/manifests/export/pkcs12.pp b/manifests/export/pkcs12.pp
index 05c874db..69ef26e2 100644
--- a/manifests/export/pkcs12.pp
+++ b/manifests/export/pkcs12.pp
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
-# == Definition: openssl::export::pkcs12
+# @summary Export a key pair to PKCS12 format
-# Export a key pair to PKCS12 format
-# == Parameters
-# [*basedir*] - directory where you want the export to be done. Must exists
-# [*pkey*] - private key
-# [*cert*] - certificate
-# [*in_pass*] - private key password
-# [*out_pass*] - PKCS12 password
-# [*chaincert*] - chain certificate to include in pkcs12
+# @param basedir
+# Directory where you want the export to be done. Must exists
+# @param pkey
+# Private key
+# @param cert
+# Certificate
+# @param ensure
+# Whether the PKCS12 file should exist
+# @param in_pass
+# Private key password
+# @param out_pass
+# PKCS12 password
+# @param chaincert
+# Chain certificate to include in pkcs12
define openssl::export::pkcs12 (
Stdlib::Absolutepath $basedir,
diff --git a/manifests/packages.pp b/manifests/packages.pp
index 6b8b010f..5e29c1e9 100644
--- a/manifests/packages.pp
+++ b/manifests/packages.pp
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-# == Class: openssl::packages
-# Sets up packages for openssl
+# @summary Sets up packages for openssl
class openssl::packages {