- d3eab942 Update deps
- d741654b Test against K8s 1.27.1 (#40)
- f17a74a0 Use uid 65534 and test against K8s 1.27.0 (#39)
- 5313fa2b Use ghcr.io/appscode/gengo (#38)
- 3cf19792 Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#37)
- 882d1506 Update wrokflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#36)
- 8941c49 Prepare for release v0.0.13 (#21)
- 2704ce0 Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#20)
- c059723 Update wrokflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#19)
- e1ec6dc2 Prepare for release v17.0.2 (#66)
- 50755363 Use HAProxy 2.6.12 (#65)
- ad1af389 Publish to ghcr.io (#64)
- b52228b5 Add docker image label
- dcde7f21 Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#63)
- f46f506d Update wrokflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#62)
- fabe300 Prepare for release v2023.05.16 (#131)
- 1f818ff Use kubectl 1.24
- f1f56c3 Test against K8s 1.27.1 (#130)
- fa3a42c Use uid 65534 and test against K8s 1.27.0 (#129)
- 59d0d9a Use ghcr.io/appscode/gengo (#128)
- f2ffd5a Stop publishing oci images to docker hub
- 9ef2b81 Use ghcr.io (#127)
- c44f262 Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#126)
- d40e2fb Update workflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#125)
- 371fe3f Update wrokflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#124)