HTML Range Examples with aria-orientation and aria-valuetext
+ The following example of a temperature range slider demonstrating the using aria-valuetext and aria-orientation on an input[type="range"] control.
+ The desired temperature is set with the range control, which is vertically oriented.
+ The range control illustrate how to use aria-valuetext to provide assistive technologies with meaningful names for numeric values.
Similar examples include:
Color Viewer Slider Example: Basic horizontal sliders that illustrate setting numeric values for a color picker.
Temperature Selector Slider Example: Demonstrates using aria-orientation to specify vertical orientation and aria-valuetext to communicate unit of measure for a temperature input.
Rating Slider Example: Horizontal slider that demonstrates using aria-valuetext to communicate current and maximum value of a rating input for a five star rating scale.
Horizontal Multi-Thumb Slider Example: Demonstrates using sliders with two thumbs to provide inputs for numeric ranges, such as for searching in a price range.
Accessibility Features
+ The accessible name for the temperature control is defined using the label element with the for attribute referencing the id of the range control.
+ A border around the thumb is used for indicating the range control with keyboard focus using browser specific CSS properties.
+ The width of the rail is increased to provide a larger target for changing the value using a pointing device.
Keyboard Support
Keyboard support for the temperature control is provided by the native browser support for the input[type="range"] element.
+ Right Arrow
Increases slider value one step.
+ Up Arrow
Increases slider value one step.
+ Left Arrow
Decreases slider value one step.
+ Down Arrow
Decreases slider value one step.
+ Page Up
Increases temperature slider value multiple steps. In this slider, jumps 18 steps (e.g. 1.8°C) on most browsers.
+ Page Down
Decreases temperature slider value multiple steps. In this slider, jumps 18 steps (e.g. 1.8°C) on most browsers.
+ Home
Sets slider to its minimum value.
+ End
Sets slider to its maximum value.
Role, Property, State, and Tabindex Attributes
+ aria-valuetext
+ input[type="range"]
A string value that provides a user-friendly name for the current value of the range.
For the temperature range, is the value of the range appended with the text "°C".
+ aria-orientation="vertical"
+ input[type="range"]
Indicates the orientation of the input element.
Set to vertical for the temperature range control.