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File metadata and controls

340 lines (266 loc) · 15 KB


For converting image annotations datasets from one format into another. Filters can be supplied as well, e.g., for cleaning up the data.


Via PyPI:

pip install image_dataset_converter

The latest code straight from the repository:

pip install git+


Docker images are available as well. Please see the following page por more information:

Dataset formats

The following dataset formats are supported:

Domain Format Read Write
Image classification ADAMS Y Y
Image classification subdir Y Y
Image segmentation Blue-channel Y Y
Image segmentation Grayscale Y Y
Image segmentation Indexed PNG Y Y
Image segmentation Layer segments Y Y
Object detection ADAMS Y Y
Object detection COCO Y Y
Object detection OPEX Y Y
Object detection ROI CSV Y Y
Object detection VOC Y Y
Object detection YOLO Y Y


Dataset conversion

usage: idc-convert [-h|--help|--help-all|--help-plugin NAME] [-u INTERVAL]
                   [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                   [filter [filter [...]]]

Tool for converting between image annotation dataset formats.

readers (15):
   from-adams-ic, from-adams-od, from-blue-channel-is, from-coco-od, 
   from-data, from-grayscale-is, from-indexed-png-is, 
   from-layer-segments-is, from-opex-od, from-pyfunc, from-roicsv-od, 
   from-subdir-ic, from-voc-od, from-yolo-od, poll-dir
filters (31):
   check-duplicate-filenames, coerce-box, coerce-mask, 
   convert-image-format, dimension-discarder, discard-by-name, 
   discard-invalid-images, discard-negatives, filter-labels, inspect, 
   label-from-name, label-present, map-labels, max-records, metadata, 
   metadata-from-name, od-to-ic, od-to-is, passthrough, 
   polygon-discarder, polygon-simplifier, pyfunc-filter, 
   randomize-records, record-window, remove-classes, rename, sample, 
   split-records, strip-annotations, tee, write-labels
writers (14):
   to-adams-ic, to-adams-od, to-blue-channel-is, to-coco-od, to-data, 
   to-grayscale-is, to-indexed-png-is, to-layer-segments-is, to-opex-od, 
   to-pyfunc, to-roicsv-od, to-subdir-ic, to-voc-od, to-yolo-od

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show basic help message and exit
  --help-all            show basic help message plus help on all plugins and exit
  --help-plugin NAME    show help message for plugin NAME and exit
  -u INTERVAL, --update_interval INTERVAL
                        outputs the progress every INTERVAL records (default: 1000)
                        the logging level to use (default: WARN)
  -b, --force_batch     processes the data in batches

Executing pipeline multiple times

usage: idc-exec [-h] -p PIPELINE -g GENERATOR [-n] [-P PREFIX]

Tool for executing a pipeline multiple times, each time with a different set
of variables expanded. A variable is surrounded by curly quotes (e.g.,
variable 'i' gets referenced with '{i}'). Available generators: dirs, list,
null, range

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PIPELINE, --pipeline PIPELINE
                        The pipeline template with variables to expand and
                        then execute. (default: None)
  -g GENERATOR, --generator GENERATOR
                        The generator plugin to use. (default: None)
  -n, --dry_run         Applies the generator to the pipeline template and
                        only outputs it on stdout. (default: False)
  -P PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        The string to prefix the pipeline with when in dry-run
                        mode. (default: None)
                        The logging level to use. (default: WARN)

Locating files

Readers tend to support input via file lists. The idc-find tool can generate these.

usage: idc-find [-h] -i DIR [DIR ...] [-r] -o FILE [-m [REGEXP [REGEXP ...]]]
                [-n [REGEXP [REGEXP ...]]]
                [--split_ratios [SPLIT_RATIOS [SPLIT_RATIOS ...]]]
                [--split_names [SPLIT_NAMES [SPLIT_NAMES ...]]]
                [--split_name_separator SPLIT_NAME_SEPARATOR]

Tool for locating files in directories that match certain patterns and store
them in files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DIR [DIR ...], --input DIR [DIR ...]
                        The dir(s) to scan for files. (default: None)
  -r, --recursive       Whether to search the directories recursively
                        (default: False)
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        The file to store the located file names in (default:
  -m [REGEXP [REGEXP ...]], --match [REGEXP [REGEXP ...]]
                        The regular expression that the (full) file names must
                        match to be included (default: None)
  -n [REGEXP [REGEXP ...]], --not-match [REGEXP [REGEXP ...]]
                        The regular expression that the (full) file names must
                        match to be excluded (default: None)
  --split_ratios [SPLIT_RATIOS [SPLIT_RATIOS ...]]
                        The split ratios to use for generating the splits
                        (int; must sum up to 100) (default: None)
  --split_names [SPLIT_NAMES [SPLIT_NAMES ...]]
                        The split names to use as filename suffixes for the
                        generated splits (before .ext) (default: None)
  --split_name_separator SPLIT_NAME_SEPARATOR
                        The separator to use between file name and split name
                        (default: -)
                        The logging level to use. (default: WARN)

Generating help screens for plugins

usage: idc-help [-h] [-c [PACKAGE [PACKAGE ...]]] [-e EXCLUDED_CLASS_LISTERS]
                [-T {pipeline,generator}] [-p NAME] [-f {text,markdown}]
                [-L INT] [-o PATH] [-i FILE] [-t TITLE]

Tool for outputting help for plugins in various formats.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c [PACKAGE [PACKAGE ...]], --custom_class_listers [PACKAGE [PACKAGE ...]]
                        The custom class listers to use, uses the default ones
                        if not provided. (default: None)
                        The comma-separated list of class listers to exclude.
                        (default: None)
  -T {pipeline,generator}, --plugin_type {pipeline,generator}
                        The types of plugins to generate the help for.
                        (default: pipeline)
  -p NAME, --plugin_name NAME
                        The name of the plugin to generate the help for,
                        generates it for all if not specified (default: None)
  -f {text,markdown}, --help_format {text,markdown}
                        The output format to generate (default: text)
  -L INT, --heading_level INT
                        The level to use for the heading (default: 1)
  -o PATH, --output PATH
                        The directory or file to store the help in; outputs it
                        to stdout if not supplied; if pointing to a directory,
                        automatically generates file name from plugin name and
                        help format (default: None)
  -i FILE, --index_file FILE
                        The file in the output directory to generate with an
                        overview of all plugins, grouped by type (in markdown
                        format, links them to the other generated files)
                        (default: None)
  -t TITLE, --index_title TITLE
                        The title to use in the index file (default: image-
                        dataset-converter plugins)
                        The logging level to use. (default: WARN)

Plugin registry

usage: idc-registry [-h] [-c CUSTOM_CLASS_LISTERS] [-e EXCLUDED_CLASS_LISTERS]
                    [-l {plugins,pipeline,custom-class-listers,env-class-listers,readers,filters,writers,generators}]

For inspecting/querying the registry.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The comma-separated list of custom class listers to
                        use. (default: None)
                        The comma-separated list of class listers to exclude.
                        (default: None)
  -l {plugins,pipeline,custom-class-listers,env-class-listers,readers,filters,writers,generators}, --list {plugins,pipeline,custom-class-listers,env-class-listers,readers,filters,writers,generators}
                        For outputting various lists on stdout. (default:

Testing generators

usage: idc-test-generator [-h] -g GENERATOR
                          [-l {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]

Tool for testing generators by outputting the generated variables and their
associatd values. Available generators: dirs, list, null, range

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GENERATOR, --generator GENERATOR
                        The generator plugin to use. (default: None)
                        The logging level to use. (default: WARN)


You can find help screens for the plugins here:

Command-line examples

Examples can be found on the image-dataset-converter-examples website.

Class listers

The image-dataset-converter uses the class lister registry provided by the seppl library.

Each module defines a function, typically called list_classes that returns a dictionary of names of superclasses associated with a list of modules that should be scanned for derived classes. Here is an example:

from typing import List, Dict

def list_classes() -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
    return {
        "": [
        "": [
        "": [

Such a class lister gets referenced in the entry_points section of the file:

        "class_lister": [

:function_name can be omitted if :list_classes.

The following environment variables can be used to influence the class listers:


Each variable is a comma-separated list of module_name:function_name, defining the class listers.

JPEG quality

Whenever possible, images get copied rather than read and then rewritten, to avoid loss of quality by subsequent read/write operations. To minimize introduction of artifacts in JPEG images, a default quality of 90% is used, which is a good compromise between size and quality.

However, this quality parameter can be overridden globally with the following environment variable:


For instance, the following setting would use a quality of 100%:


Additional libraries