Framework / OpenApi object | Specification (separate openapi-file) | Specification info | Tag | Tag info | Action (endpoint + method) | Action parameters | Action result |
Yii2 | Module (@alias if present, folder name otherwise) / application |
Module: @description, @docs |
Controller: class name: CamelCaseController to camel-case | Controller: @title, @description, @docs |
Controller's (child of yii\web\Controller ) method or separate action (defined in controller actions() ) |
Of class or method: @alias, @auth, @param, @paramExample, @paramEnum, @paramFormat |
@result |
Slim | All methods | None | All path parts to action but last one | Children of App\Application\Actions\Action |
Of method action of Action class: @alias, @param, @paramExample, @paramEnum, @paramFormat |
@result |
Laravel | All methods | None | All path parts to action but last one | Methods in children of \Illuminate\Routing\Controller |
Of method of controller class: @alias, @param, @paramExample, @paramEnum, @paramFormat |
@result |
Will be parsed all application and modules controllers for inline and external actions:
Yii2 entity | OpenApi entity | id | phpDoc tags |
Every module | a specification (separate openapi-specification file) | @alias if present, folder name otherwise | @alias, @description, @docs |
Every controller | a section (tag in openapi terms) | class name: CamelCaseController to lower/case | @title, @description, @docs |
Every controller action (actionNNN() method or entry in actions() ) |
an endpoint | @alias if present, NNNN from actionNNNN name if inline, key from actions() otherwise |
@alias, @auth, @param, @paramExample, @paramEnum, @paramFormat, @result |
bool $scrapeModules
,bool $scrapeApplication
- scan modules or/and application controllersbool $scanControllerInlineActions
,bool $scanControllerExternalActions
- scan inline or/and external actions in controllers