Version 0.1.2 notes and API changes
This page reflects API changes from LOMAP 0.1.1 to NetworkX 0.1.2. Note: The original code written by Alphan Ulusoy has version number 0.1.1.
API changes
- Added options for directed and multi-graph models. The default values are true for backward compatibility.
- Added repr function to model classes for quick debugging.
- Added clone functions to model classes.
- Added support for matplotlib in visualization function, detault is still using pygraphviz for backward compatibilty.
- Added class for Rabin automata.
- Added support for {\em spot} and {\em ltl2dstar}, and removed support for {\em ltl2ba} and {\em scheck2}. Removed binary distribution of {\em ltl2ba} and {\em scheck}.
- Added version number (version) to package.
- Changed methods {\em buchi_from_formula} and {\em fsa_from_cosafe_formula} of Buchi and Fsa classes to {\em from_formula}, respectively.
- Changed methods {\em next_states_of_buchi} and {\em next_states_of_fsa} of Buchi and Fsa classes to {\em next_states}, respectively.
- In Buchi class, simplified methods {\em bitmaps_from_props} and {\em next_states_of_buchi}.
- Added basic tests for LTL to Buchi, Fsa, and Rabin translation.
Bug fixes
- Fixed problem with parsing negated proposition in guards. The solution may still be error prone.
- Added missing parsing of empty set guard '(0)'.
- Deleted unused imports in some modules.
- Switched from tabs to spaces for indentation.
- General code clean-up.