diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
index 5a4f4c243..1b4742ada 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.json
+++ b/.eslintrc.json
@@ -14,28 +14,15 @@
"globals": {
- "jQuery": true,
- "$": true,
"_": true,
"Backbone": true,
"console": true,
- "define": true,
"ga": true,
"intern": true,
- "md": true,
"module": true,
- "moment": true,
- "Mousetrap": true,
- "PaginationMixin": true,
- "Prism": true,
"Promise": true,
"require": true,
- "wcEvents": true,
- "wcTmpl": true,
"WindowHelpers": true,
- "Validation": true,
- "prefillForm": true,
- "setAnalyticsData": true,
"__dirname": true
"rules": {
diff --git a/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform-prefill.js b/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform-prefill.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f411302d5..000000000
--- a/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform-prefill.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* exported prefillForm */
-function prefillForm(message) {
- if (!message) return;
- var config = {
- url: {
- element: $("#url"),
- },
- details: {
- element: $("#details"),
- stringify: true,
- },
- src: {
- element: $("#reported_with"),
- },
- extra_labels: {
- element: $("#extra_labels"),
- stringify: true,
- },
- };
- var prepareValue = function (field, value) {
- if (field.stringify) {
- return JSON.stringify(value);
- }
- return value;
- };
- var setValues = function (data) {
- Object.keys(config).forEach(function (key) {
- if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- var field = config[key];
- field.element.val(prepareValue(field, data[key]));
- }
- });
- };
- var setAnalytics = function (campaign, source) {
- if (!window.setAnalyticsData) return;
- if (campaign && source) {
- window.setAnalyticsData({
- campaignName: campaign,
- campaignSource: source,
- });
- }
- };
- setValues(message);
- setAnalytics(message["utm_campaign"], message["utm_source"]);
diff --git a/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform-validation.js b/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform-validation.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 775fe4198..000000000
--- a/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform-validation.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* exported Validation */
-function Validation() {
- var GITHUB_REGEXP = /^[a-z\d](?:[a-z\d]|-(?=[a-z\d])){0,38}$/i;
- var ALLOWED_IMG_FORMAT = ["jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "png", "gif", "bmp"];
- var isReportableURL = function (url) {
- var ok = url && (_.startsWith(url, "http:") || _.startsWith(url, "https:"));
- ok &= !(_.startsWith(url, "http:// ") || _.startsWith(url, "https:// "));
- return ok;
- };
- /**
- Check a string is a valid GitHub username
- - maximum 39 chars
- - alphanumerical characters and hyphens
- - no two consecutive hyphens
- */
- var isValidGitHubUsername = function (contact) {
- return GITHUB_REGEXP.test(contact);
- };
- return {
- isDescriptionValid: function (descField) {
- var val = descField.val();
- return $.trim(val) !== "";
- },
- isIssueValid: function (issueField) {
- var val = issueField.val();
- return $.trim(val) !== "";
- },
- isUrlValid: function (urlField) {
- var val = urlField.val();
- return $.trim(val) !== "" && isReportableURL(val);
- },
- isGithubUserNameValid: function (contactField) {
- var contact = contactField.val();
- return isValidGitHubUsername(contact) || $.trim(contact) === "";
- },
- isProblemTypeValid: function (problemTypeField) {
- return problemTypeField.filter(":checked").length;
- },
- isImageTypeValid: function (uploadField) {
- var splitImg = uploadField.val().split(".");
- var ext = splitImg[splitImg.length - 1].toLowerCase();
- return _.includes(ALLOWED_IMG_FORMAT, ext);
- },
- isOptionalValid: function (input) {
- return !!input.val();
- },
- };
diff --git a/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform.js b/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ed560b8b4..000000000
--- a/webcompat/static/js/lib/bugform.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,779 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-/*eslint new-cap: ["error", { "capIsNewExceptions": ["Deferred"] }]*/
-function BugForm() {
- // Set up listener for message events from screenshot-enabled add-ons
- // Runs only when the DOM is ready
- var me = this;
- window.addEventListener(
- "message",
- function (event) {
- $(function () {
- me.onReceiveMessage(event);
- });
- },
- false
- );
- // the initialization of the rest of the form happens when the DOM is ready
- $(BugForm.prototype.onDOMReadyInit.bind(this));
-BugForm.prototype.onDOMReadyInit = function () {
- this.clickedButton = null;
- this.detailsInput = $("#details:hidden");
- this.consoleLogsInput = $("#console_logs_url:hidden");
- this.errorLabel = $(".js-error-upload");
- this.form = $("#js-ReportForm form");
- this.hasImage = null;
- this.loadingIndicator = $(".js-loader");
- this.previewEl = $(".js-image-upload");
- this.removeBanner = $(".js-remove-upload");
- this.submitButtons = $("#js-ReportForm .js-Button");
- this.submitButtonWrappers = $("#js-ReportForm .js-Button-wrapper");
- this.submitTypeInput = $("#submit_type:hidden");
- this.uploadLabel = $(".js-label-upload");
- this.urlParamRegExp = /url=([^&]+)/;
- this.validation = new Validation();
- this.UPLOAD_LIMIT = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
- this.inputs = {
- url: {
- el: $("#url"),
- valid: null,
- helpText: "A valid URL is required.",
- errFunction: "requiredField",
- },
- problem_category: {
- el: $("[name=problem_category]"),
- valid: null,
- helpText: "Problem type required.",
- errFunction: "requiredField",
- },
- description: {
- el: $("#description"),
- valid: null,
- helpText: "A problem summary is required.",
- errFunction: "requiredField",
- },
- steps_reproduce: {
- el: $("#steps_reproduce"),
- valid: true,
- helpText: null,
- },
- image: {
- el: $("#image"),
- // image should be valid by default because it's optional
- valid: true,
- helpText:
- "Image must be one of the following: jpe, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, or bmp.",
- errFunction: "imageField",
- },
- browser: {
- el: $("#browser"),
- valid: true,
- helpText: null,
- errFunction: "optionalField",
- },
- os: {
- el: $("#os"),
- valid: true,
- helpText: null,
- errFunction: "optionalField",
- },
- browser_test_type: {
- el: $("[name=browser_test]"),
- valid: true,
- helpText: null,
- },
- contact: {
- el: $("#contact"),
- valid: true,
- helpText:
- "GitHub nicknames are 39 characters max, alphanumeric and hyphens only.",
- errFunction: "requiredField",
- },
- };
- this.browserField = this.inputs.browser.el;
- this.osField = this.inputs.os.el;
- this.problemType = this.inputs.problem_category.el;
- this.uploadField = this.inputs.image.el;
- this.urlField = this.inputs.url.el;
- this.descField = this.inputs.description.el;
- this.browserTestField = this.inputs.browser_test_type.el;
- this.stepsToReproduceField = this.inputs.steps_reproduce.el;
- this.contactField = this.inputs.contact.el;
- return this.init();
-BugForm.prototype.init = function () {
- // Make sure we're not getting a report
- // about our own site before checking params.
- if (!this.isSelfReport()) {
- this.checkParams();
- }
- this.disableSubmits();
- this.urlField.on("blur input", this.checkUrl.bind(this));
- this.descField.on("blur input", this.checkDescription.bind(this));
- this.problemType.on("change", this.checkProblemTypeValidity.bind(this));
- this.uploadField.on("change", this.checkImageTypeValidity.bind(this));
- this.osField.on("blur", this.checkOptionalNonEmpty.bind(this, this.osField));
- this.browserField.on(
- "blur",
- this.checkOptionalNonEmpty.bind(this, this.browserField)
- );
- this.contactField.on("blur input", this.checkGitHubUsername.bind(this));
- this.submitButtons.on("click", this.storeClickedButton.bind(this));
- this.submitButtonWrappers.on("click", this.onSubmitAttempt.bind(this));
- this.form.on("submit", this.onFormSubmit.bind(this));
- // prevent submit by hitting enter key for single line input fields
- this.form.on(
- "keypress",
- ":input:not(textarea)",
- this.preventSubmitByEnter.bind(this)
- );
- // See if the user already has a valid form
- // (after a page refresh, back button, etc.)
- this.checkForm();
-BugForm.prototype.onReceiveMessage = function (event) {
- // We're getting a report about our own site, so let's bail.
- if (this.isSelfReport()) {
- return false;
- }
- // Make sure the data is coming from a trusted source.
- // (i.e., our add-on or some other priviledged code sent it)
- if (location.origin === event.origin) {
- if (
- event.data.hasOwnProperty("screenshot") &&
- event.data.hasOwnProperty("message")
- ) {
- this.handleScreenshot(event.data.screenshot);
- this.handleMessage(event.data.message);
- } else {
- this.handleScreenshot(event.data);
- }
- }
-BugForm.prototype.handleScreenshot = function (screenshot) {
- if (!screenshot) {
- return;
- }
- // See https://github.com/webcompat/webcompat.com/issues/1252 to track
- // the work of only accepting blobs, which should simplify things.
- if (screenshot instanceof Blob) {
- // convertToDataURI sends the resulting string to the upload
- // callback.
- this.convertToDataURI(screenshot, this.showUploadPreview.bind(this));
- } else {
- // ...the data is already a data URI string
- this.showUploadPreview(screenshot);
- }
-BugForm.prototype.handleMessage = function (message) {
- if (!message) {
- return;
- }
- prefillForm(message);
- this.checkForm();
-BugForm.prototype.preventSubmitByEnter = function (event) {
- if (event.key === "Enter") {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
-BugForm.prototype.showUploadPreview = function (dataURI) {
- // The final size of Base64-encoded binary data is ~equal to
- // 1.37 times the original data size + 814 bytes (for headers).
- // so, bytes = (encoded_string.length - 814) / 1.37)
- // see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#MIME
- if (String(dataURI).length - 814 / 1.37 > this.UPLOAD_LIMIT) {
- this.downsampleImage(
- dataURI,
- _.bind(function (downsampledData) {
- // Recurse until it's small enough for us to upload.
- this.showUploadPreview(downsampledData);
- }, this)
- );
- } else {
- this.makeValid("image");
- this.addPreviewBackground(dataURI);
- }
-BugForm.prototype.downsampleImage = function (dataURI, callback) {
- var img = document.createElement("img");
- var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
- var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
- img.onload = function () {
- // scale the tmp canvas to 50%
- canvas.width = Math.floor(img.width / 2);
- canvas.height = Math.floor(img.height / 2);
- ctx.scale(0.5, 0.5);
- // draw back in the screenshot (at 50% scale)
- // and re-serialize to data URI
- ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
- // Note: this will convert GIFs to JPEG, which breaks
- // animated GIFs. However, this only will happen if they
- // were above the upload limit size. So... sorry?
- var screenshotData = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 0.8);
- (img = null), (canvas = null);
- callback(screenshotData);
- };
- img.src = dataURI;
-// Is the user trying to report a site against webcompat.com itself?
-BugForm.prototype.isSelfReport = function (href) {
- href = href || location.href;
- var url = href.match(this.urlParamRegExp);
- if (url !== null) {
- if (_.includes(decodeURIComponent(url[0]), location.origin)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-// Do some extra work based on the GET params that come with the request
-BugForm.prototype.checkParams = function () {
- // Don't bother doing any work for bare requests.
- if (!location.search) {
- return;
- }
- var url = location.href.match(this.urlParamRegExp);
- if (url !== null) {
- url = this.trimWyciwyg(decodeURIComponent(url[1]));
- this.urlField.val(url);
- this.makeValid("url");
- }
- // If we have a problem_type param, and it matches the value, select it for
- // the user. see https://github.com/webcompat/webcompat.com/blob/34c3b6b1a1116b401a9a442685131ae747045f67/webcompat/form.py#L38
- // for possible matching values
- var problemType = location.href.match(/problem_type=([^&]*)/);
- if (problemType !== null) {
- $("[value=" + problemType[1] + "]").click();
- }
- // If we have details, put it inside a hidden input and append it to the
- // form.
- var details = location.href.match(/details=([^&]*)/);
- if (details) {
- this.addDetails(details[1]);
- }
-BugForm.prototype.addDetails = function (detailsParam) {
- // The content of the details param may be encoded via
- // application/x-www-form-urlencoded, so we need to change the
- // + (SPACE) to %20 before decoding
- this.detailsInput.val(decodeURIComponent(detailsParam.replace(/\+/g, "%20")));
-BugForm.prototype.storeClickedButton = function (event) {
- this.clickedButton = event.target.name;
-BugForm.prototype.trimWyciwyg = function (url) {
- // Trim wyciwyg://N/ from URL, if found.
- // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1098037 &
- // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYCIWYG
- var wyciwygRe = /(wyciwyg:\/\/\d+\/)/i;
- if (url.search(wyciwygRe) !== 0) {
- return url;
- } else {
- return url.replace(wyciwygRe, "");
- }
-BugForm.prototype.disableSubmits = function () {
- this.submitButtons.prop("disabled", true);
- this.submitButtons.addClass("is-disabled");
-BugForm.prototype.enableSubmits = function () {
- this.submitButtons.prop("disabled", false);
- this.submitButtons.removeClass("is-disabled");
-/* determines function based on whether validation returns true or false */
-BugForm.prototype.determineValidityFunction = function (func, field, silent) {
- if (func(field)) {
- return "makeValid";
- }
- return silent ? "makeInvalidSilent" : "makeInvalid";
-BugForm.prototype.checkProblemTypeValidity = function (silent) {
- var func = this.determineValidityFunction(
- this.validation.isProblemTypeValid,
- this.problemType,
- silent
- );
- this[func]("problem_category");
-BugForm.prototype.checkImageTypeValidity = function (event, silent) {
- // Bail if there's no image.
- if (!this.uploadField.val()) {
- return;
- }
- var func = this.determineValidityFunction(
- this.validation.isImageTypeValid,
- this.uploadField,
- silent
- );
- this[func]("image");
- if (func === "makeValid" && event) {
- // We can just grab the 0th one, because we only allow uploading
- // a single image at a time (for now)
- this.convertToDataURI(
- event.target.files[0],
- this.showUploadPreview.bind(this)
- );
- }
- // null out input.value so we get a consistent
- // change event across browsers
- if (event) {
- event.target.value = null;
- }
-BugForm.prototype.checkUrl = function (event) {
- var isSilent = event.type === "input" || !this.urlField.val();
- this.checkURLValidity(isSilent);
-BugForm.prototype.checkDescription = function () {
- var isSilent = !this.descField.val();
- this.checkDescriptionValidity(isSilent);
-/* Check to see that the URL input element is not empty,
- or if it's a non-webby scheme. */
-BugForm.prototype.checkURLValidity = function (silent) {
- var func = this.determineValidityFunction(
- this.validation.isUrlValid,
- this.urlField,
- silent
- );
- this[func]("url");
-/* Check to see that the description input element is not empty. */
-BugForm.prototype.checkDescriptionValidity = function (silent) {
- var func = this.determineValidityFunction(
- this.validation.isDescriptionValid,
- this.descField,
- silent
- );
- this[func]("description");
-/* Check if Browser and OS are empty or not, only
- so we can set them to valid (there is no invalid state)*/
-BugForm.prototype.checkOptionalNonEmpty = function (field) {
- var func = this.determineValidityFunction(
- this.validation.isOptionalValid,
- field
- );
- var inputId = field.prop("id");
- this[func](inputId);
-/* Check to see if the GitHub username has the right syntax.*/
-BugForm.prototype.checkGitHubUsername = function (event, silent) {
- var func = this.determineValidityFunction(
- this.validation.isGithubUserNameValid,
- this.contactField,
- silent
- );
- this[func]("contact");
-BugForm.prototype.onSubmitAttempt = function () {
- this.performChecks();
-BugForm.prototype.performChecks = function (isSilent) {
- this.checkURLValidity(isSilent);
- this.checkDescriptionValidity(isSilent);
- this.checkProblemTypeValidity(isSilent);
- this.checkImageTypeValidity(null, isSilent);
- this.checkGitHubUsername(null, isSilent);
-BugForm.prototype.checkForm = function () {
- // Run through and see if there's any user input in the
- // required inputs
- var inputs = [
- this.problemType.filter(":checked").length,
- this.urlField.val(),
- this.descField.val(),
- this.uploadField.val(),
- ];
- if (_.some(inputs, Boolean)) {
- // then, check validity
- this.performChecks(true);
- }
- // Make sure we only do this if the inputs exist on the page
- if (this.browserField.length) {
- this.checkOptionalNonEmpty(this.browserField);
- }
- if (this.osField.length) {
- this.checkOptionalNonEmpty(this.osField);
- }
-BugForm.prototype.requiredField = function (id, inlineHelp) {
- inlineHelp.insertAfter("label[for=" + id + "]");
-BugForm.prototype.imageField = function (id, inlineHelp) {
- $(".form-upload-error").remove();
- inlineHelp
- .removeClass("form-message-error")
- .addClass("form-upload-error")
- .appendTo(".js-error-upload");
- this.uploadLabel.addClass("is-hidden");
- this.removeBanner.addClass("is-hidden");
- $(".js-error-upload").removeClass("is-hidden");
- $(".form-message-error").hide();
- $(".form-input-validation .error").hide();
- this.removeUploadPreview();
-BugForm.prototype.optionalField = function (id) {
- this.inputs[id].el
- .parents(".js-Form-group")
- .removeClass("is-error js-form-error");
-/* shows an error based on the errFunction in the config above */
-BugForm.prototype.showError = function (id) {
- if (!this.inputs[id].hasOwnProperty("errFunction")) return;
- var inlineHelp = $("", {
- class: "label-icon-message form-message-error",
- text: this.inputs[id].helpText,
- });
- this.inputs[id].el
- .parents(".js-Form-group")
- .removeClass("is-validated js-no-error")
- .addClass("is-error js-form-error");
- var func = this.inputs[id].errFunction;
- this[func](id, inlineHelp);
-BugForm.prototype.makeInvalid = function (id) {
- // Early return if inline help is already in place.
- if (this.inputs[id].valid === false) {
- return;
- }
- this.inputs[id].valid = false;
- this.showError(id);
- // someone might decide to just not select an image after seeing the error,
- // so buttons shouldn't be disabled
- if (id !== "image") {
- this.disableSubmits();
- }
-BugForm.prototype.makeInvalidSilent = function (id) {
- this.removeSuccessStyle(this.inputs[id].el);
- this.disableSubmits();
-BugForm.prototype.checkAllRequiredValid = function () {
- return (
- this.inputs["url"].valid &&
- this.inputs["problem_category"].valid &&
- this.inputs["image"].valid &&
- this.inputs["description"].valid &&
- this.inputs["contact"].valid
- );
-BugForm.prototype.enableSubmitsIfFormValid = function () {
- if (this.checkAllRequiredValid()) {
- this.enableSubmits();
- }
-BugForm.prototype.removeSuccessStyle = function (el) {
- el.parents(".js-Form-group").removeClass("is-validated js-no-error");
-BugForm.prototype.showSuccess = function (el) {
- el.parents(".js-Form-group")
- .removeClass("is-error js-form-error")
- .addClass("is-validated js-no-error");
- el.parents(".js-Form-group").find(".form-message-error").remove();
-BugForm.prototype.makeValid = function (id) {
- this.inputs[id].valid = true;
- this.showSuccess(this.inputs[id].el);
- this.enableSubmitsIfFormValid();
- If the users browser understands the FileReader API, show a preview
- of the image they're about to load, then invoke the passed in callback
- with the result of reading the blobOrFile as a dataURI.
-BugForm.prototype.convertToDataURI = function (blobOrFile, callback) {
- if (!(window.FileReader && window.File)) {
- return;
- }
- // One last image type validation check.
- if (!blobOrFile.type.match("image.*")) {
- this.makeInvalid("image");
- return;
- }
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = function (event) {
- var dataURI = event.target.result;
- callback(dataURI);
- };
- reader.readAsDataURL(blobOrFile);
-BugForm.prototype.addPreviewBackground = function (dataURI) {
- if (!_.startsWith(dataURI, "data:image/")) {
- return;
- }
- this.previewEl.css({
- background: "url(" + dataURI + ") no-repeat center / contain",
- });
- this.hasImage = true;
- this.showRemoveUpload();
- Allow users to remove an image from the form upload.
-BugForm.prototype.showRemoveUpload = function () {
- // hide upload image errors (this will no-op if the user never saw one)
- $(".form-upload-error").remove();
- this.errorLabel.addClass("is-hidden");
- this.uploadLabel.removeClass("visually-hidden");
- this.removeBanner.removeClass("is-hidden");
- this.removeBanner.attr("tabIndex", "0");
- this.uploadLabel.addClass("visually-hidden");
- this.removeBanner.on("click", this.removeUploadPreview.bind(this));
- Remove the upload image preview and hide the banner.
-BugForm.prototype.removeUploadPreview = function (event) {
- if (event && event.originalEvent instanceof Event) {
- // show the upload label when we're responding to a click event
- // (instead of being called from an error handler, which will
- // display its own error label)
- this.uploadLabel.removeClass("visually-hidden").removeClass("is-hidden");
- }
- this.previewEl.css("background", "none");
- this.removeBanner.addClass("is-hidden");
- this.removeBanner.attr("tabIndex", "-1");
- this.removeBanner.off("click");
- this.removeBanner.get(0).blur();
- this.hasImage = false;
- // clear out the input[type=file] as well
- this.uploadField.val(this.uploadField.get(0).defaultValue);
-BugForm.prototype.showLoadingIndicator = function () {
- this.loadingIndicator.addClass("is-active");
-BugForm.prototype.hideLoadingIndicator = function () {
- this.loadingIndicator.removeClass("is-active");
-BugForm.prototype.onFormSubmit = function (event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this.disableSubmits();
- this.showLoadingIndicator();
- this.uploadConsoleLogs().always(
- function () {
- this.uploadImage().then(this.submitForm.bind(this));
- }.bind(this)
- );
- Upload console logs before form submission so we can
- put a link to it in the hidden field.
-BugForm.prototype.uploadConsoleLogs = function () {
- var details = JSON.parse(this.detailsInput.val());
- if (!details || !details.consoleLog) {
- var dfd = $.Deferred();
- return dfd.resolve();
- }
- var formdata = new FormData();
- formdata.append("console_logs", JSON.stringify(details.consoleLog));
- return $.ajax({
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- data: formdata,
- method: "POST",
- url: "/upload/",
- success: function (response) {
- var path = location.origin + "/console_logs/";
- this.consoleLogsInput.val(path + response.url);
- }.bind(this),
- });
- Upload the image before form submission so we can
- put an image link in the bug description.
-BugForm.prototype.uploadImage = function () {
- if (!this.hasImage) {
- var dfd = $.Deferred();
- return dfd.resolve();
- }
- var dataURI = this.getDataURIFromPreviewEl();
- this.removeBanner.addClass("is-hidden");
- var formdata = new FormData();
- formdata.append("image", dataURI);
- return $.ajax({
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- data: formdata,
- method: "POST",
- url: "/upload/",
- success: this.addImageURL.bind(this),
- error: this.handleUploadError.bind(this),
- });
- React to server-side errors related to images by showing a flash
- message to the user, and clearing out the bad image and preview.
- If we're here, the attempted form submission failed.
-BugForm.prototype.handleUploadError = function (response) {
- if (response && response.status === 415) {
- wcEvents.trigger("flash:error", {
- message: this.inputs.image.helpText,
- timeout: 5000,
- });
- }
- if (response && response.status === 413) {
- wcEvents.trigger("flash:error", {
- message:
- "The image is too big! Please choose something smaller than 4MB.",
- timeout: 5000,
- });
- }
- this.hideLoadingIndicator();
- this.removeUploadPreview();
-BugForm.prototype.submitForm = function () {
- var dfd = $.Deferred();
- var formEl = this.form.get(0);
- // Calling submit() manually on the form won't contain details
- // about which