diff --git a/tests/functional/image-uploads-non-auth.js b/tests/functional/image-uploads-non-auth.js
index 122224a79..2536fcdc3 100755
--- a/tests/functional/image-uploads-non-auth.js
+++ b/tests/functional/image-uploads-non-auth.js
@@ -1,335 +1,335 @@
-// "use strict";
-// /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// /*global WindowHelpers:true*/
-// const intern = require("intern").default;
-// const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
-// const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
-// const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
-// const path = require("path");
-// const url = intern.config.siteRoot + "/issues/new";
-// const cwd = intern.config.basePath;
+"use strict";
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+/*global WindowHelpers:true*/
+const intern = require("intern").default;
+const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
+const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
+const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
+const path = require("path");
+const url = intern.config.siteRoot + "/issues/new";
+const cwd = intern.config.basePath;
-// // This string is executed by calls to `execute()` in various tests
-// // it postMessages a small green test square.
-// 'postMessage("", "http://localhost:5000")';
-// const VALID_IMAGE_PATH = path.join(cwd, "tests/fixtures", "green_square.png");
-// const BAD_IMAGE_PATH = path.join(cwd, "tests/fixtures", "evil.py");
+// This string is executed by calls to `execute()` in various tests
+// it postMessages a small green test square.
+ 'postMessage("", "http://localhost:5000")';
+const VALID_IMAGE_PATH = path.join(cwd, "tests/fixtures", "green_square.png");
+const BAD_IMAGE_PATH = path.join(cwd, "tests/fixtures", "evil.py");
-// registerSuite("Image Uploads (non-auth)", {
-// tests: {
-// "postMessaged dataURI preview"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
-// // send a small base64 encoded green test square
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("style")
-// .then(function(inlineStyle) {
-// assert.include(
-// inlineStyle,
-// "",
-// "Base64 data shown as preview background"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
-// "postMessaged blob preview"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
-// // Build up a green test square in canvas, toBlob that, and then postMessage the blob
-// // see window-helpers.js for more details.
-// .execute(function() {
-// WindowHelpers.getBlob().then(WindowHelpers.sendBlob);
-// })
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("style")
-// .then(function(inlineStyle) {
-// assert.include(
-// inlineStyle,
-// "",
-// "Base64 data shown as preview background"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+registerSuite("Image Uploads (non-auth)", {
+ tests: {
+ "postMessaged dataURI preview"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
+ // send a small base64 encoded green test square
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("style")
+ .then(function(inlineStyle) {
+ assert.include(
+ inlineStyle,
+ "",
+ "Base64 data shown as preview background"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
+ "postMessaged blob preview"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
+ // Build up a green test square in canvas, toBlob that, and then postMessage the blob
+ // see window-helpers.js for more details.
+ .execute(function() {
+ WindowHelpers.getBlob().then(WindowHelpers.sendBlob);
+ })
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("style")
+ .then(function(inlineStyle) {
+ assert.include(
+ inlineStyle,
+ "",
+ "Base64 data shown as preview background"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "postMessaged blob preview that was sent as part of an object"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
-// // Build up a green test square in canvas, toBlob that, and then postMessage the blob
-// // see window-helpers.js for more details.
-// .execute(function() {
-// WindowHelpers.getBlob().then(WindowHelpers.sendBlobInObject);
-// })
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("style")
-// .then(function(inlineStyle) {
-// assert.include(
-// inlineStyle,
-// "",
-// "Base64 data shown as preview background"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "postMessaged blob preview that was sent as part of an object"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
+ // Build up a green test square in canvas, toBlob that, and then postMessage the blob
+ // see window-helpers.js for more details.
+ .execute(function() {
+ WindowHelpers.getBlob().then(WindowHelpers.sendBlobInObject);
+ })
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("style")
+ .then(function(inlineStyle) {
+ assert.include(
+ inlineStyle,
+ "",
+ "Base64 data shown as preview background"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "uploaded image file preview"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
-// .findById("image")
-// .type("tests/fixtures/green_square.png")
-// .end()
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("style")
-// .then(function(inlineStyle) {
-// assert.include(
-// inlineStyle,
-// "",
-// "Base64 data shown as preview background"
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "uploaded image file preview"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
+ .findById("image")
+ .type("tests/fixtures/green_square.png")
+ .end()
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("style")
+ .then(function(inlineStyle) {
+ assert.include(
+ inlineStyle,
+ "",
+ "Base64 data shown as preview background"
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "postMessaged dataURI image doesn't upload before form submission"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
-// // send a small base64 encoded green test square
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector("#steps_reproduce")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(val) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// val,
-// "[![Screenshot Description](http://localhost:5000/uploads/",
-// "The data URI was not uploaded before form submission."
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "postMessaged dataURI image doesn't upload before form submission"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
+ // send a small base64 encoded green test square
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector("#steps_reproduce")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(val) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ val,
+ "[![Screenshot Description](http://localhost:5000/uploads/",
+ "The data URI was not uploaded before form submission."
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "postMessaged blob image doesn't upload before form submission"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
-// // Build up a green test square in canvas, toBlob that, and then postMessage the blob
-// .execute(function() {
-// WindowHelpers.getBlob().then(WindowHelpers.sendBlob);
-// })
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector("#steps_reproduce")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(val) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// val,
-// "[![Screenshot Description](http://localhost:5000/uploads/",
-// "The data URI was not uploaded before form submission."
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "postMessaged blob image doesn't upload before form submission"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
+ // Build up a green test square in canvas, toBlob that, and then postMessage the blob
+ .execute(function() {
+ WindowHelpers.getBlob().then(WindowHelpers.sendBlob);
+ })
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector("#steps_reproduce")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(val) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ val,
+ "[![Screenshot Description](http://localhost:5000/uploads/",
+ "The data URI was not uploaded before form submission."
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "uploaded image file doesn't upload before form submission"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
-// .findById("image")
-// .type("tests/fixtures/green_square.png")
-// .end()
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector("#steps_reproduce")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(val) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// val,
-// "[![Screenshot Description](http://localhost:5000/uploads/",
-// "The data URI was not uploaded before form submission."
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "uploaded image file doesn't upload before form submission"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-image-upload")
+ .findById("image")
+ .type("tests/fixtures/green_square.png")
+ .end()
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector("#steps_reproduce")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(val) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ val,
+ "[![Screenshot Description](http://localhost:5000/uploads/",
+ "The data URI was not uploaded before form submission."
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "remove image upload button is shown"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-remove-upload")
-// // send a small base64 encoded green test square
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-remove-upload")
-// .isDisplayed()
-// .then(function(isDisplayed) {
-// assert.equal(isDisplayed, true, "Remove button is displayed");
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("class")
-// .then(function(className) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// "is-validated",
-// className,
-// "parent container got the right class after an image was postMessage'd"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "remove image upload button is shown"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-remove-upload")
+ // send a small base64 encoded green test square
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-remove-upload")
+ .isDisplayed()
+ .then(function(isDisplayed) {
+ assert.equal(isDisplayed, true, "Remove button is displayed");
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("class")
+ .then(function(className) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ "is-validated",
+ className,
+ "parent container got the right class after an image was postMessage'd"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "clicking remove image upload button removes preview"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-remove-upload")
-// // send a small base64 encoded green test square
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .execute(() => {
-// // work around for chrome "Other element would receive the click"
-// // error
-// $(".js-remove-upload")[0].click();
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("style")
-// .then(function(inlineStyle) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// inlineStyle,
-// "",
-// "Preview was removed"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "clicking remove image upload button removes preview"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-remove-upload")
+ // send a small base64 encoded green test square
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .execute(() => {
+ // work around for chrome "Other element would receive the click"
+ // error
+ $(".js-remove-upload")[0].click();
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("style")
+ .then(function(inlineStyle) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ inlineStyle,
+ "",
+ "Preview was removed"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "clicking remove image upload button removes image URL"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-remove-upload")
-// // send a small base64 encoded green test square
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .execute(() => {
-// // work around for chrome "Other element would receive the click"
-// // error
-// $(".js-remove-upload")[0].click();
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("style")
-// .then(function(inlineStyle) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// inlineStyle,
-// "",
-// "Preview was removed"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "clicking remove image upload button removes image URL"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-remove-upload")
+ // send a small base64 encoded green test square
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .execute(() => {
+ // work around for chrome "Other element would receive the click"
+ // error
+ $(".js-remove-upload")[0].click();
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("style")
+ .then(function(inlineStyle) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ inlineStyle,
+ "",
+ "Preview was removed"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "double image select works"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-remove-upload")
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .execute(() => {
-// $(".js-image-upload")[0].click();
-// })
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .execute(() => {
-// $(".js-image-upload")[0].click();
-// })
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("style")
-// .then(function(inlineStyle) {
-// assert.include(
-// inlineStyle,
-// "",
-// "Preview is shown"
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "double image select works"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-remove-upload")
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .execute(() => {
+ $(".js-image-upload")[0].click();
+ })
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .execute(() => {
+ $(".js-image-upload")[0].click();
+ })
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("style")
+ .then(function(inlineStyle) {
+ assert.include(
+ inlineStyle,
+ "",
+ "Preview is shown"
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Image extension validation"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-report-buttons")
-// .findByCssSelector("#image")
-// .type(BAD_IMAGE_PATH)
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".form-upload-error")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "Image must be one of the following",
-// "Image type validation message is shown"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// // pick a valid file type
-// .findByCssSelector("#image")
-// .end()
-// // validation message should be gone
-// .waitForDeletedByCssSelector(".form-upload-error")
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "Image extension validation"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-report-buttons")
+ .findByCssSelector("#image")
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".form-upload-error")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "Image must be one of the following",
+ "Image type validation message is shown"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ // pick a valid file type
+ .findByCssSelector("#image")
+ .end()
+ // validation message should be gone
+ .waitForDeletedByCssSelector(".form-upload-error")
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "Selecting an invalid image after a valid one"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-report-buttons")
-// .findByCssSelector("#image")
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#image")
-// .type(BAD_IMAGE_PATH)
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".form-upload-error")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "Image must be one of the following",
-// "Image type validation message is shown"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
-// .getAttribute("style")
-// .then(function(inlineStyle) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// inlineStyle,
-// "",
-// "The previous valid image preview should be removed."
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-label-upload")
-// .isDisplayed()
-// .then(function(isDisplayed) {
-// assert.isFalse(
-// isDisplayed,
-// "Upload label is hidden while the error is displayed"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// // pick a valid file type
-// .findByCssSelector("#image")
-// .end()
-// // validation message should be gone
-// .waitForDeletedByCssSelector(".form-upload-error")
-// .end()
-// );
-// }
-// }
-// });
+ "Selecting an invalid image after a valid one"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-report-buttons")
+ .findByCssSelector("#image")
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#image")
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".form-upload-error")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "Image must be one of the following",
+ "Image type validation message is shown"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-image-upload")
+ .getAttribute("style")
+ .then(function(inlineStyle) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ inlineStyle,
+ "",
+ "The previous valid image preview should be removed."
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-label-upload")
+ .isDisplayed()
+ .then(function(isDisplayed) {
+ assert.isFalse(
+ isDisplayed,
+ "Upload label is hidden while the error is displayed"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ // pick a valid file type
+ .findByCssSelector("#image")
+ .end()
+ // validation message should be gone
+ .waitForDeletedByCssSelector(".form-upload-error")
+ .end()
+ );
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/functional/new-issue-non-auth.js b/tests/functional/new-issue-non-auth.js
index 2c87401be..efe8874e7 100755
--- a/tests/functional/new-issue-non-auth.js
+++ b/tests/functional/new-issue-non-auth.js
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-// "use strict";
-// /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// const intern = require("intern").default;
-// const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
-// const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
-// const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
+"use strict";
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+const intern = require("intern").default;
+const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
+const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
+const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
-// var url = function(path) {
-// return intern.config.siteRoot + path;
-// };
+var url = function(path) {
+ return intern.config.siteRoot + path;
-// registerSuite("New Issue Page", {
-// tests: {
-// "new issue page loads"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-Navbar-link"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-Navbar-link")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(text, "Home");
-// assert.notInclude(text, "Download our");
-// })
-// .end();
-// }
-// }
-// });
+registerSuite("New Issue Page", {
+ tests: {
+ "new issue page loads"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-Navbar-link"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-Navbar-link")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(text, "Home");
+ assert.notInclude(text, "Download our");
+ })
+ .end();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/functional/reporting-auth.js b/tests/functional/reporting-auth.js
index 63fcdc929..4028da577 100755
--- a/tests/functional/reporting-auth.js
+++ b/tests/functional/reporting-auth.js
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-// "use strict";
-// /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// const intern = require("intern").default;
-// const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
-// const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
-// const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
+"use strict";
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+const intern = require("intern").default;
+const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
+const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
+const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
-// var url = function(path) {
-// return intern.config.siteRoot + path;
-// };
+var url = function(path) {
+ return intern.config.siteRoot + path;
-// registerSuite("Reporting (auth)", {
-// before() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.login(this);
-// },
+registerSuite("Reporting (auth)", {
+ before() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.login(this);
+ },
-// after() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.logout(this);
-// },
+ after() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.logout(this);
+ },
-// tests: {
-// "Report button shows name"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-Navbar-link"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#submitgithub")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(text, "Report as"); //Report as FooUser (logged in)
-// })
-// .end();
-// }
-// }
-// });
+ tests: {
+ "Report button shows name"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-Navbar-link"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#submitgithub")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(text, "Report as"); //Report as FooUser (logged in)
+ })
+ .end();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/functional/reporting-non-auth.js b/tests/functional/reporting-non-auth.js
index d2bfcee44..c63de803b 100755
--- a/tests/functional/reporting-non-auth.js
+++ b/tests/functional/reporting-non-auth.js
@@ -1,421 +1,421 @@
-// "use strict";
-// /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// const intern = require("intern").default;
-// const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
-// const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
-// const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
-// const path = require("path");
+"use strict";
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+const intern = require("intern").default;
+const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
+const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
+const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
+const path = require("path");
-// var cwd = intern.config.basePath;
-// var VALID_IMAGE_PATH = path.join(cwd, "tests/fixtures", "green_square.png");
-// // DETAILS_STRING is a URL encoded object, stringified to JSON.
-// '{"gfx.webrender.all"%3Afalse%2C"gfx.webrender.blob-images"%3A2%2C"gfx.webrender.enabled"%3Afalse%2C"image.mem.shared"%3A2%2C"layout.css.servo.enabled"%3Atrue}';
+var cwd = intern.config.basePath;
+var VALID_IMAGE_PATH = path.join(cwd, "tests/fixtures", "green_square.png");
+// DETAILS_STRING is a URL encoded object, stringified to JSON.
+ '{"gfx.webrender.all"%3Afalse%2C"gfx.webrender.blob-images"%3A2%2C"gfx.webrender.enabled"%3Afalse%2C"image.mem.shared"%3A2%2C"layout.css.servo.enabled"%3Atrue}';
-// var url = function(path) {
-// return intern.config.siteRoot + path;
-// };
+var url = function(path) {
+ return intern.config.siteRoot + path;
-// registerSuite("Reporting (non-auth)", {
-// tests: {
-// "Submit buttons are disabled"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findAllByCssSelector(".js-report-buttons button")
-// .getAttribute("disabled")
-// .then(function(values) {
-// values.forEach(function(value) {
-// assert.isNotNull(value);
-// });
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+registerSuite("Reporting (non-auth)", {
+ tests: {
+ "Submit buttons are disabled"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findAllByCssSelector(".js-report-buttons button")
+ .getAttribute("disabled")
+ .then(function(values) {
+ values.forEach(function(value) {
+ assert.isNotNull(value);
+ });
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Wyciwyg bug workaround"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new?url=wyciwyg://0/http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/20282413"),
-// "#url"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#url")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(value) {
-// assert.notInclude(value, "wyciwyg://0/");
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "Wyciwyg bug workaround"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new?url=wyciwyg://0/http://bbs.csdn.net/topics/20282413"),
+ "#url"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#url")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(value) {
+ assert.notInclude(value, "wyciwyg://0/");
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Report button shows via GitHub"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#submitgithub")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(text, "Report via"); //Report via GitHub (logged out)
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "Report button shows via GitHub"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#submitgithub")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(text, "Report via"); //Report via GitHub (logged out)
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "space in domain name validation"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#url")
-// .click()
-// .type("http:// example.com")
-// .end()
-// .execute(function() {
-// var elm = document.querySelector("#url");
-// WindowHelpers.sendEvent(elm, "blur");
-// })
-// .sleep(500)
-// .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error");
-// },
+ "space in domain name validation"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#url")
+ .click()
+ .type("http:// example.com")
+ .end()
+ .execute(function() {
+ var elm = document.querySelector("#url");
+ WindowHelpers.sendEvent(elm, "blur");
+ })
+ .sleep(500)
+ .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error");
+ },
-// "URL validation"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#url")
-// .click()
-// .type("sup")
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// .execute(function() {
-// var elm = document.querySelector("#url");
-// WindowHelpers.sendEvent(elm, "blur");
-// })
-// .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(texts) {
-// assert.include(
-// texts,
-// "A valid URL is required",
-// "URL validation message is shown"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#url")
-// .clearValue()
-// .type("http://sup.com")
-// .end()
-// .waitForDeletedByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
-// .end();
-// },
+ "URL validation"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#url")
+ .click()
+ .type("sup")
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ .execute(function() {
+ var elm = document.querySelector("#url");
+ WindowHelpers.sendEvent(elm, "blur");
+ })
+ .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(texts) {
+ assert.include(
+ texts,
+ "A valid URL is required",
+ "URL validation message is shown"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#url")
+ .clearValue()
+ .type("http://sup.com")
+ .end()
+ .waitForDeletedByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Description validation"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#url")
-// .type("http://coolguy.biz")
-// .end()
-// // pick a problem type
-// .findByCssSelector("[for=problem_category-0]")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-Button-wrapper")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "A problem summary is required",
-// "Problem summary validation message is shown"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// // enter a bug description
-// .findByCssSelector("#description")
-// .type("bug description")
-// .end()
-// // validation message should be gone
-// .waitForDeletedByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "Description validation"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#url")
+ .type("http://coolguy.biz")
+ .end()
+ // pick a problem type
+ .findByCssSelector("[for=problem_category-0]")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-Button-wrapper")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "A problem summary is required",
+ "Problem summary validation message is shown"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ // enter a bug description
+ .findByCssSelector("#description")
+ .type("bug description")
+ .end()
+ // validation message should be gone
+ .waitForDeletedByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "(optional) browser + os validation"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// // make sure we can see the valid checkbox (i.e. it's background image is non-empty)
-// .execute(function() {
-// return window
-// .getComputedStyle(
-// document.querySelector(".js-bug-form-os"),
-// ":after"
-// )
-// .getPropertyValue("background-image");
-// })
-// .then(function(bgImage) {
-// assert.include(
-// bgImage,
-// "checkmark.svg",
-// "The valid checkbox pseudo is visible"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// .execute(function() {
-// var elm = document.querySelector("#os");
-// elm.value = "";
-// WindowHelpers.sendEvent(elm, "blur");
-// })
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// // make sure we can't see the valid checkbox (i.e. it's background image is empty)
-// .execute(function() {
-// return window
-// .getComputedStyle(
-// document.querySelector(".js-bug-form-os"),
-// ":after"
-// )
-// .getPropertyValue("background-image");
-// })
-// .then(function(bgImage) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// bgImage,
-// "checkmark.svg",
-// "The valid checkbox pseudo is not visible"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "(optional) browser + os validation"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ // make sure we can see the valid checkbox (i.e. it's background image is non-empty)
+ .execute(function() {
+ return window
+ .getComputedStyle(
+ document.querySelector(".js-bug-form-os"),
+ ":after"
+ )
+ .getPropertyValue("background-image");
+ })
+ .then(function(bgImage) {
+ assert.include(
+ bgImage,
+ "checkmark.svg",
+ "The valid checkbox pseudo is visible"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ .execute(function() {
+ var elm = document.querySelector("#os");
+ elm.value = "";
+ WindowHelpers.sendEvent(elm, "blur");
+ })
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ // make sure we can't see the valid checkbox (i.e. it's background image is empty)
+ .execute(function() {
+ return window
+ .getComputedStyle(
+ document.querySelector(".js-bug-form-os"),
+ ":after"
+ )
+ .getPropertyValue("background-image");
+ })
+ .then(function(bgImage) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ bgImage,
+ "checkmark.svg",
+ "The valid checkbox pseudo is not visible"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "Submits are enabled"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// // pick a valid file type
-// .findByCssSelector("#image")
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#url")
-// .type("http://coolguy.biz")
-// .end()
-// // pick a problem type
-// .findByCssSelector("[for=problem_category-0]")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#description")
-// .type("test for desktop site")
-// //.click()
-// .end()
-// // wait a bit
-// .sleep(250)
-// // now make sure the buttons aren't disabled anymore
-// .findAllByCssSelector(".js-report-buttons button")
-// .getAttribute("disabled")
-// .then(function(values) {
-// values.forEach(function(value) {
-// assert.isNull(value);
-// });
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "Submits are enabled"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ // pick a valid file type
+ .findByCssSelector("#image")
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#url")
+ .type("http://coolguy.biz")
+ .end()
+ // pick a problem type
+ .findByCssSelector("[for=problem_category-0]")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#description")
+ .type("test for desktop site")
+ //.click()
+ .end()
+ // wait a bit
+ .sleep(250)
+ // now make sure the buttons aren't disabled anymore
+ .findAllByCssSelector(".js-report-buttons button")
+ .getAttribute("disabled")
+ .then(function(values) {
+ values.forEach(function(value) {
+ assert.isNull(value);
+ });
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "problem_type param selects problem type"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new?problem_type=video_bug"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("[value=video_bug]")
-// .isSelected()
-// .then(function(isSelected) {
-// assert.isTrue(isSelected, "The right option is selected");
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "problem_type param selects problem type"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new?problem_type=video_bug"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("[value=video_bug]")
+ .isSelected()
+ .then(function(isSelected) {
+ assert.isTrue(isSelected, "The right option is selected");
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "details param doesn't add info to description"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new?details=" + DETAILS_STRING),
-// "#description"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#steps_reproduce")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// text,
-// "gfx.webrender.all",
-// "details param is added after reporting (legacy or not)"
-// );
-// });
-// },
+ "details param doesn't add info to description"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new?details=" + DETAILS_STRING),
+ "#description"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#steps_reproduce")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ text,
+ "gfx.webrender.all",
+ "details param is added after reporting (legacy or not)"
+ );
+ });
+ },
-// "GitHub contact name with a leading @"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#contact")
-// .click()
-// .type("@webcompat-bot")
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "GitHub nicknames are 39",
-// "contact validation message is shown"
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "GitHub contact name with a leading @"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#contact")
+ .click()
+ .type("@webcompat-bot")
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "GitHub nicknames are 39",
+ "contact validation message is shown"
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Mixed and lowercase GitHub usernames are valid"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#contact")
-// .click()
-// .type("WebCompat-Bot")
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// // make sure we can see the valid checkbox (i.e. it's background image is non-empty)
-// .execute(function() {
-// return window
-// .getComputedStyle(
-// document.querySelector(".js-bug-form-contact"),
-// ":after"
-// )
-// .getPropertyValue("background-image");
-// })
-// .then(function(bgImage) {
-// assert.include(
-// bgImage,
-// "checkmark.svg",
-// "The valid checkbox pseudo is visible"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#contact")
-// .click()
-// .type("webcompat-bot")
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// // make sure we can see the valid checkbox (i.e. it's background image is non-empty)
-// .execute(function() {
-// return window
-// .getComputedStyle(
-// document.querySelector(".js-bug-form-contact"),
-// ":after"
-// )
-// .getPropertyValue("background-image");
-// })
-// .then(function(bgImage) {
-// assert.include(
-// bgImage,
-// "checkmark.svg",
-// "The valid checkbox pseudo is visible"
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "Mixed and lowercase GitHub usernames are valid"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#contact")
+ .click()
+ .type("WebCompat-Bot")
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ // make sure we can see the valid checkbox (i.e. it's background image is non-empty)
+ .execute(function() {
+ return window
+ .getComputedStyle(
+ document.querySelector(".js-bug-form-contact"),
+ ":after"
+ )
+ .getPropertyValue("background-image");
+ })
+ .then(function(bgImage) {
+ assert.include(
+ bgImage,
+ "checkmark.svg",
+ "The valid checkbox pseudo is visible"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#contact")
+ .click()
+ .type("webcompat-bot")
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ // make sure we can see the valid checkbox (i.e. it's background image is non-empty)
+ .execute(function() {
+ return window
+ .getComputedStyle(
+ document.querySelector(".js-bug-form-contact"),
+ ":after"
+ )
+ .getPropertyValue("background-image");
+ })
+ .then(function(bgImage) {
+ assert.include(
+ bgImage,
+ "checkmark.svg",
+ "The valid checkbox pseudo is visible"
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "GitHub contact name with two consecutives --"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#contact")
-// .click()
-// .type("wrong--name")
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "GitHub nicknames are 39",
-// "contact validation message is shown"
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "GitHub contact name with two consecutives --"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#contact")
+ .click()
+ .type("wrong--name")
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "GitHub nicknames are 39",
+ "contact validation message is shown"
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "GitHub contact name too long"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#contact")
-// .click()
-// .type("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "GitHub nicknames are 39",
-// "contact validation message is shown"
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
-// "Submitting form without filling anything"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-report-buttons"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-Button-wrapper")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .sleep(500)
-// .findAllByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(texts) {
-// var errorTexts = [
-// "A valid URL is required.",
-// "Problem type required.",
-// "A problem summary is required."
-// ];
-// errorTexts.forEach(function(expectedText) {
-// assert.include(texts, expectedText, "Error messages don't match");
-// });
-// })
-// .end();
-// }
-// }
-// });
+ "GitHub contact name too long"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#contact")
+ .click()
+ .type("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ .findByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "GitHub nicknames are 39",
+ "contact validation message is shown"
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
+ "Submitting form without filling anything"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-report-buttons"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-Button-wrapper")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .sleep(500)
+ .findAllByCssSelector(".form-message-error")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(texts) {
+ var errorTexts = [
+ "A valid URL is required.",
+ "Problem type required.",
+ "A problem summary is required."
+ ];
+ errorTexts.forEach(function(expectedText) {
+ assert.include(texts, expectedText, "Error messages don't match");
+ });
+ })
+ .end();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/functional/reporting-postMessage.js b/tests/functional/reporting-postMessage.js
index b848ff95b..a6683a5a7 100644
--- a/tests/functional/reporting-postMessage.js
+++ b/tests/functional/reporting-postMessage.js
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-// "use strict";
-// /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// const intern = require("intern").default;
-// const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
-// const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
-// const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
+"use strict";
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+const intern = require("intern").default;
+const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
+const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
+const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
-// const url = intern.config.siteRoot + "/issues/new";
+const url = intern.config.siteRoot + "/issues/new";
-// // This string is executed by calls to `execute()` in various tests
-// // it postMessages a small green test square.
-// 'postMessage({screenshot:{}, message: {"url":"http://example.com","utm_source":"desktop-reporter","utm_campaign":"report-site-issue-button","src":"desktop-reporter","details":{"gfx.webrender.all":false,"gfx.webrender.blob-images":true,"gfx.webrender.enabled":false,"image.mem.shared":true,"buildID":"20191016225400","channel":"default","consoleLog":[],"hasTouchScreen":false,"mixed active content blocked":false,"mixed passive content blocked":false,"tracking content blocked":"false","hasMarfeel":true},"extra_labels":["type-marfeel"]}}, "http://localhost:5000")';
+// This string is executed by calls to `execute()` in various tests
+// it postMessages a small green test square.
+ 'postMessage({screenshot:{}, message: {"url":"http://example.com","utm_source":"desktop-reporter","utm_campaign":"report-site-issue-button","src":"desktop-reporter","details":{"gfx.webrender.all":false,"gfx.webrender.blob-images":true,"gfx.webrender.enabled":false,"image.mem.shared":true,"buildID":"20191016225400","channel":"default","consoleLog":[],"hasTouchScreen":false,"mixed active content blocked":false,"mixed passive content blocked":false,"tracking content blocked":"false","hasMarfeel":true},"extra_labels":["type-marfeel"]}}, "http://localhost:5000")';
-// registerSuite("Reporting through postMessage", {
-// tests: {
-// "postMessaged object"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-report-buttons")
-// // send data object through postMessage
-// .execute(POSTMESSAGE_TEST)
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector("#url")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(value) {
-// assert.include(value, "http://example.com");
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#details")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(value) {
-// assert.include(value, "gfx.webrender.all");
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#reported_with")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(value) {
-// assert.include(value, "desktop-reporter");
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#extra_labels")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(value) {
-// assert.include(value, "type-marfeel");
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// }
-// }
-// });
+registerSuite("Reporting through postMessage", {
+ tests: {
+ "postMessaged object"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url, ".js-report-buttons")
+ // send data object through postMessage
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector("#url")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(value) {
+ assert.include(value, "http://example.com");
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#details")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(value) {
+ assert.include(value, "gfx.webrender.all");
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#reported_with")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(value) {
+ assert.include(value, "desktop-reporter");
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#extra_labels")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(value) {
+ assert.include(value, "type-marfeel");
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/functional/search-auth.js b/tests/functional/search-auth.js
index 22eae6b2f..b153d1f73 100755
--- a/tests/functional/search-auth.js
+++ b/tests/functional/search-auth.js
@@ -1,277 +1,277 @@
-// "use strict";
-// /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// const intern = require("intern").default;
-// const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
-// const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
-// const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
+"use strict";
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
+const intern = require("intern").default;
+const { assert } = intern.getPlugin("chai");
+const { registerSuite } = intern.getInterface("object");
+const FunctionalHelpers = require("./lib/helpers.js");
-// var url = function(path, params) {
-// var fullUrl =
-// params !== undefined
-// ? intern.config.siteRoot + path + params
-// : intern.config.siteRoot + path;
-// return fullUrl;
-// };
+var url = function(path, params) {
+ var fullUrl =
+ params !== undefined
+ ? intern.config.siteRoot + path + params
+ : intern.config.siteRoot + path;
+ return fullUrl;
-// registerSuite("Search (auth)", {
-// before() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.login(this);
-// },
+registerSuite("Search (auth)", {
+ before() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.login(this);
+ },
-// after() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.logout(this);
-// },
+ after() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.logout(this);
+ },
-// tests: {
-// "Search/filter interaction"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues"),
-// ".js-SearchForm-button"
-// )
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm-button")
-// .click()
-// .type("taco")
-// .end()
-// .findAllByCssSelector(".needsdiagnosis.js-Tag")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#js-SearchForm-input")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.equal(text, "", "Clicking filter should empty search text");
-// })
-// .end()
-// .findAllByCssSelector(".needsdiagnosis.js-Tag")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm-button")
-// .click()
-// .type("taco")
-// .end()
-// .findAllByCssSelector(".needsdiagnosis.js-Tag")
-// .getAttribute("class")
-// .then(function(className) {
-// assert.notInclude(
-// className,
-// "is-active",
-// "Searching should clear all filters"
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ tests: {
+ "Search/filter interaction"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues"),
+ ".js-SearchForm-button"
+ )
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm-button")
+ .click()
+ .type("taco")
+ .end()
+ .findAllByCssSelector(".needsdiagnosis.js-Tag")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#js-SearchForm-input")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.equal(text, "", "Clicking filter should empty search text");
+ })
+ .end()
+ .findAllByCssSelector(".needsdiagnosis.js-Tag")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm-button")
+ .click()
+ .type("taco")
+ .end()
+ .findAllByCssSelector(".needsdiagnosis.js-Tag")
+ .getAttribute("class")
+ .then(function(className) {
+ assert.notInclude(
+ className,
+ "is-active",
+ "Searching should clear all filters"
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Results are loaded from the query params"() {
-// var params =
-// "?page=1&per_page=50&state=open&stage=all&sort=created&direction=desc&q=vladvlad";
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues", params),
-// ".js-IssueList:nth-of-type(1)"
-// )
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-IssueList:nth-of-type(1) a")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "vladvlad",
-// "The search query results show up on the page."
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// .getCurrentUrl()
-// .then(function(currUrl) {
-// assert.include(
-// currUrl,
-// "q=vladvlad",
-// "Our params didn't go anywhere."
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "Results are loaded from the query params"() {
+ var params =
+ "?page=1&per_page=50&state=open&stage=all&sort=created&direction=desc&q=vladvlad";
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues", params),
+ ".js-IssueList:nth-of-type(1)"
+ )
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-IssueList:nth-of-type(1) a")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "vladvlad",
+ "The search query results show up on the page."
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ .getCurrentUrl()
+ .then(function(currUrl) {
+ assert.include(
+ currUrl,
+ "q=vladvlad",
+ "Our params didn't go anywhere."
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Search works by icon click (issues page)"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues"),
-// ".js-IssueList:nth-of-type(10)"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm input")
-// .type("vladvlad")
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm button")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-IssueList:only-of-type a")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "vladvlad",
-// "The search results show up on the page."
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "Search works by icon click (issues page)"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues"),
+ ".js-IssueList:nth-of-type(10)"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm input")
+ .type("vladvlad")
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm button")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-IssueList:only-of-type a")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "vladvlad",
+ "The search results show up on the page."
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Search opens by icon click (new issue page)"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues/new"),
-// ".js-ReportForm"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchBarOpen")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector("#search-bar")
-// .isDisplayed()
-// .then(function(isDisplayed) {
-// assert.equal(isDisplayed, true, "Search form is visible.");
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "Search opens by icon click (new issue page)"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues/new"),
+ ".js-ReportForm"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchBarOpen")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector("#search-bar")
+ .isDisplayed()
+ .then(function(isDisplayed) {
+ assert.equal(isDisplayed, true, "Search form is visible.");
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Search works by icon click (home page)"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url("/"), ".js-SearchBarOpen")
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchBarOpen")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector("#search-bar")
-// .isDisplayed()
-// .then(function(isDisplayed) {
-// assert.equal(isDisplayed, true, "Search form is visible.");
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "Search works by icon click (home page)"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url("/"), ".js-SearchBarOpen")
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchBarOpen")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector("#search-bar")
+ .isDisplayed()
+ .then(function(isDisplayed) {
+ assert.equal(isDisplayed, true, "Search form is visible.");
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Search works by Return key"() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues"),
-// ".js-SearchForm input"
-// )
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm input")
-// .type("vladvlad")
-// .type("\uE007")
-// .end()
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-IssueList:only-of-type a")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "vladvlad",
-// "The search results show up on the page."
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "Search works by Return key"() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues"),
+ ".js-SearchForm input"
+ )
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-SearchForm input")
+ .type("vladvlad")
+ .type("\uE007")
+ .end()
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-IssueList:only-of-type a")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "vladvlad",
+ "The search results show up on the page."
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "Search from the homepage"() {
-// return (
-// FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url("/"), ".js-SearchBarOpen")
-// .get(url("/"))
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchBarOpen")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// // Wait for animation to complete.
-// .sleep(1000)
-// .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchBar input")
-// .click()
-// .type("vladvlad")
-// .type("\uE007")
-// .end()
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-IssueList:only-of-type a")
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "vladvlad",
-// "The search query results show up on the page."
-// );
-// })
-// .end()
-// .getCurrentUrl()
-// .then(function(currUrl) {
-// assert.include(currUrl, "page=1", "Default params got merged.");
-// })
-// .end()
-// );
-// },
+ "Search from the homepage"() {
+ return (
+ FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url("/"), ".js-SearchBarOpen")
+ .get(url("/"))
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchBarOpen")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ // Wait for animation to complete.
+ .sleep(1000)
+ .findByCssSelector(".js-SearchBar input")
+ .click()
+ .type("vladvlad")
+ .type("\uE007")
+ .end()
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".js-IssueList:only-of-type a")
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "vladvlad",
+ "The search query results show up on the page."
+ );
+ })
+ .end()
+ .getCurrentUrl()
+ .then(function(currUrl) {
+ assert.include(currUrl, "page=1", "Default params got merged.");
+ })
+ .end()
+ );
+ },
-// "Search with a dash works"() {
-// // load up a garbage search, so we can more easily detect when
-// // the search values we want are loaded.
-// var searchParam = "?q=jfdkjfkdjfkdjfdkjfkd";
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues", searchParam),
-// ".js-no-results"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#js-SearchForm-input")
-// .clearValue()
-// .click()
-// .type("label:status-tacos")
-// .type("\uE007")
-// .end()
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector(
-// ".js-IssueList:first-of-type .js-Issue-label"
-// )
-// .getVisibleText()
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "tacos",
-// "The label:status-tacos search worked."
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// },
+ "Search with a dash works"() {
+ // load up a garbage search, so we can more easily detect when
+ // the search values we want are loaded.
+ var searchParam = "?q=jfdkjfkdjfkdjfdkjfkd";
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues", searchParam),
+ ".js-no-results"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#js-SearchForm-input")
+ .clearValue()
+ .click()
+ .type("label:status-tacos")
+ .type("\uE007")
+ .end()
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector(
+ ".js-IssueList:first-of-type .js-Issue-label"
+ )
+ .getVisibleText()
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "tacos",
+ "The label:status-tacos search worked."
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ },
-// "After search without results, suggested label appear and have a clickable URL."() {
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url("/issues"), ".grid")
-// .findByCssSelector("#js-SearchForm-input")
-// .click()
-// .type("noExpectedResult123")
-// .end()
-// .findByCssSelector("#x-search-bar")
-// .submit()
-// .end()
-// .sleep(2000)
-// .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".label-browser-android")
-// .click()
-// .end()
-// .getCurrentUrl()
-// .then(function(url) {
-// assert(
-// url.includes(
-// "q=label%3Abrowser-android",
-// "Redirect from a suggested label goes to correct URL."
-// )
-// );
-// });
-// },
+ "After search without results, suggested label appear and have a clickable URL."() {
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(this, url("/issues"), ".grid")
+ .findByCssSelector("#js-SearchForm-input")
+ .click()
+ .type("noExpectedResult123")
+ .end()
+ .findByCssSelector("#x-search-bar")
+ .submit()
+ .end()
+ .sleep(2000)
+ .findDisplayedByCssSelector(".label-browser-android")
+ .click()
+ .end()
+ .getCurrentUrl()
+ .then(function(url) {
+ assert(
+ url.includes(
+ "q=label%3Abrowser-android",
+ "Redirect from a suggested label goes to correct URL."
+ )
+ );
+ });
+ },
-// "Search input is loaded from q param (with dashes)"() {
-// // load up a garbage search, so we can more easily detect when
-// // the search values we want are loaded.
-// var searchParam = "?q=one:two-three";
-// return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
-// this,
-// url("/issues", searchParam),
-// ".js-no-results"
-// )
-// .findByCssSelector("#js-SearchForm-input")
-// .getProperty("value")
-// .then(function(text) {
-// assert.include(
-// text,
-// "one:two-three",
-// "The q param populated the search input."
-// );
-// })
-// .end();
-// }
-// }
-// });
+ "Search input is loaded from q param (with dashes)"() {
+ // load up a garbage search, so we can more easily detect when
+ // the search values we want are loaded.
+ var searchParam = "?q=one:two-three";
+ return FunctionalHelpers.openPage(
+ this,
+ url("/issues", searchParam),
+ ".js-no-results"
+ )
+ .findByCssSelector("#js-SearchForm-input")
+ .getProperty("value")
+ .then(function(text) {
+ assert.include(
+ text,
+ "one:two-three",
+ "The q param populated the search input."
+ );
+ })
+ .end();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_form.py b/tests/unit/test_form.py
index 8fbcf57e7..523b17e49 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_form.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_form.py
@@ -294,9 +294,7 @@ def test_report_issue_anonymous_fails_with_wrong_credentials(self):
- # temprorarily return the maintenance page
- self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200)
- # self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 400)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_rendering.py b/tests/unit/test_rendering.py
index 443a232b6..c56819171 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_rendering.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_rendering.py
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ def test_titles(self):
('/contributors', 'Contributors'),
('/issues/' + issue_number, 'Issue #' + issue_number),
('/issues', 'Issues'),
- # FIXME: This should be 'New Issue' when #3118 is fixed
- ('issues/new', 'Oops!'),
+ ('issues/new', 'New Issue'),
('/privacy', 'Privacy Policy'),
('/404', default_title)
@@ -103,15 +102,14 @@ def test_addon_link(self):
expected = b'Give Feedback'
self.assertTrue(expected in rv.data)
- # FIXME: uncomment when #3118 is fixed
- # def test_form_rendering(self):
- # """Double Check that the form is properly populated."""
- # url = '/issues/new?url=http://example.com/&label=type-stylo'
- # headers = {'HTTP_USER_AGENT': FIREFOX_UA}
- # rv = self.app.get(url, environ_base=headers)
- # self.assertTrue(b'Firefox 61.0' in rv.data)
- # self.assertTrue(b'Mac OS X 10.13' in rv.data)
- # self.assertTrue(b'http://example.com/' in rv.data)
+ def test_form_rendering(self):
+ """Double Check that the form is properly populated."""
+ url = '/issues/new?url=http://example.com/&label=type-stylo'
+ rv = self.app.get(url, environ_base=headers)
+ self.assertTrue(b'Firefox 61.0' in rv.data)
+ self.assertTrue(b'Mac OS X 10.13' in rv.data)
+ self.assertTrue(b'http://example.com/' in rv.data)
def test_wellknown_subpath(self):
"""Test that the /.wellknown/subpath route gets 404."""
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_urls.py b/tests/unit/test_urls.py
index 2f797aa3a..b6fd20368 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_urls.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_urls.py
@@ -71,13 +71,11 @@ def test_successful_post_new_issue(self, mock_proxy):
- # temprorarily return the maintenance page
- self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200)
- # self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 302)
- # self.assertEqual(
- # rv.headers['Location'], 'http://localhost/issues/1544')
- # self.assertTrue(
- # b'/issues/1544' in rv.data)
+ self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 302)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ rv.headers['Location'], 'http://localhost/issues/1544')
+ self.assertTrue(
+ b'/issues/1544' in rv.data)
def test_fail_post_new_issue(self, mock_proxy):
@@ -96,9 +94,7 @@ def test_fail_post_new_issue(self, mock_proxy):
- # temporarily return the maintenance page
- self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200)
- # self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 400)
def test_about(self):
"""Test that /about exists."""
@@ -213,9 +209,7 @@ def test_missing_parameters_for_new_issue(self):
rv = self.app.post('/issues/new',
- # temporarily return the maintenance page
- self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200)
- # self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 400)
def test_new_issue_should_not_crash(self):
"""/issues/new POST exit with 400 if missing parameters."""
@@ -228,9 +222,7 @@ def test_new_issue_should_not_crash(self):
rv = self.app.post('/issues/new',
- # temporarily return the maintenance page
- self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200)
- # self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 400)
+ self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 400)
def test_dashboard_triage(self):
"""Request to /dashboard/triage should be 308."""
@@ -273,13 +265,12 @@ def test_extracted_ga_params_end_up_as_inline_js(self):
# do we have a nonce-hash in our CSP?
self.assertIn('nonce-', rv.headers['Content-Security-Policy'])
# do we have a