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205 lines (176 loc) · 6.36 KB

React support for SourceJS

SourceJS middleware to support React markup language (*.jsx or *.js) instead of native *.src.


To install, run npm in sourcejs/user folder:

npm install sourcejs-react --save

In sourcejs/user/options.js you need to add index.jsx or index.js to core.common.specFiles:

module.exports = {
    rendering: {
        specFiles: [

Then restart your SourceJS application, middleware will be loaded automatically.


Out of the box sourcejs-react will not cache only **/*.jsx files, however you can specify other glob (minimatch) patterns to skip caching using plugins.react.refreshCachePatterns option:

module.exports = {
    plugins: {
        react: {
            refreshCachePatterns: [
Note: refreshCachePatterns option will only work in development mode

Since version 2 sourcejs-react is using babel instead of JSXTransformer for jsx transformations. If you would like to pass custom options to babel, you can do it through plugins.react.babel option:

module.exports = {
    plugins: {
        react: {
            babel: {
                ignore: /.*/,
                only: ['**/{live-style-guide,user}/specs/**'],
                sourceMaps: true

If you'll not provide default babel options, sourcejs-react will use following options as default:

    ignore: /.*/,
    only: ['**/user/specs/**']


After installation, instead of index.src pages, you can use index.jsx or index.js files with React markup.


var React = require('react/addons');
var Button = require('button.jsx');
module.exports = React.createClass({
    render: function () {
        return (
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="source-example.css" />


                <div className="source_info">
                    <p>Various button treatments.</p>

                <section className="source_section">
                    <h2>Button (Purple)</h2>
                    <div className="source_example">
                        <Button>Btn Copy Gibson Reg; 1.2em</Button>

                <section className="source_section">
                    <h2>Button (White)</h2>
                    <div className="source_example">
                        <Button modifier="white">Btn Copy Gibson Reg; 1.2em</Button>

Isomorphic (client + server side) rendering

Note, you might get warnings that checksum are different when you try to use server and client side rendering together. That might happen because on server side (sourcejs) checksum will be created for the whole spec page, while you might be interested only in what goes in section.source_example. You need to force react to create a checksum in a following way (for example above):

var React = require('react');
var ReactDOMServer = require('react-dom/server');
var Button = require('button.jsx');
module.exports = React.createClass({
    render: function () {
        var factory = React.createFactory(Button);
        var button = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(factory({
            children: 'Btn Copy Gibson Reg; 1.2em'
        var buttonWhite = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(factory({
            modifier: 'white',
            children: 'Btn Copy Gibson Reg; 1.2em'
        return (
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="source-example.css" />


                <div className="source_info">
                    <p>Various button treatments.</p>

                <section className="source_section">
                    <h2>Button (Purple)</h2>
                    <div className="source_example" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: button}}></div>

                <section className="source_section">
                    <h2>Button (White)</h2>
                    <div className="source_example" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: buttonWhite}}></div>

Error handling

sourcejs-react will show errors right on the page when sourcejs is launched in development mode and log errors via console.error when in other (production) mode.

Showing JSX markup instead of rendered markup

By default sourcejs use code inside .source_example to output source code, like on following screenshot: rendered code In order to show just JSX markup, instead of rendered markup, you can use .src-html and copy markup example there

<section className="source_section">
    <h2>Button (Purple)</h2>
    <code className="src-html">
        {`<Button color="purple">Btn Copy Gibson Reg; 1.2em</Button>`}
    <div className="source_example">
      <Button color="purple">Btn Copy Gibson Reg; 1.2em</Button>

Alternatively you can import sourcejs-react/SourceExample.jsx:

var SourceExample = require('sourcejs-react/SourceExample.jsx');

and use it like in example below inside render method, code block will be auto-generated for you:

<section className="source_section">
    <h2>Button (Purple)</h2>
    <SourceExample extraClasses="you addition class names">
      <Button color="purple">Btn Copy Gibson Reg; 1.2em</Button>

Integration with browserSync plugin

To allow browserSync middleware work we need to make it load after react middleware. In user folder add following to options.js:

core: {
    middlewares: {
        list: {
            'sourcejs-contrib-browser-sync': {
                order: 2
            'sourcejs-react': {
                order: 1