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File metadata and controls

123 lines (88 loc) · 3.7 KB


Integrates the Propel EventDispatcherBehavior into Symfony2.

Each class owns its own event dispatcher, so that you don't listen to useless events, and you have a better separation of concerns.


Require willdurand/propel-eventdispatcher-bundle to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "willdurand/propel-eventdispatcher-bundle": "@stable"

Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...

        new Bazinga\Bundle\PropelEventDispatcherBundle\BazingaPropelEventDispatcherBundle(),

Add the EventDispatcherBehavior to your model classes. See the documentation of the EventDispatcherBehavior.

Finally, configure your listeners.


You need a simple class which acts as a Listener. In the following code, you have an ObjectListener class which is a listener for Object instances:

// src/My/Bundle/Listener/ObjectListener.php

namespace My\Bundle\Listener;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;

class ObjectListener
    public function preSave(GenericEvent $event)
        // do what you want with $event
        // for instance, $event->getSubject() will return the Object object

In order to use this listener, you have to register a service in the Dependency Injection Container provided by Symfony2:

// src/My/Bundle/Resources/config/services.xml

<service id="my_bundle.listener.event_listener" class="%my_bundle.listener.event_listener.class%">
    <tag name="propel.event_listener" class="My\Bundle\Model\Object" event="propel.pre_save" />

Note: You have to tag this service with propel.event_listener, and both class, and event are required.

The event propel.pre_save will call the method named preSave(). This is a convention. And, all "core" events use it (propel.post_update will call the method postUpdate()). If you register your own event, let's say preStart, it will call the preStart() method, and an event named pre_start will also call preStart().

Note: If you want to use a method name different than the convention, you can force it by adding the method attribute on the tag.

You can add as many tags as you want in order to register more than one event:

// src/My/Bundle/Resources/config/services.xml

<service id="my_bundle.listener.event_listener" class="%my_bundle.listener.event_listener.class%">
    <tag name="propel.event_listener" class="My\Bundle\Model\Object" event="propel.pre_save" />
    <tag name="propel.event_listener" class="My\Bundle\Model\Object" event="propel.post_save" />
    <tag name="propel.event_listener" class="My\Bundle\Model\Object" event="propel.post_save" method="latePostSave" priority="-10" />

The bundle also supports registering event subscribers:

// src/My/Bundle/Resources/config/services.xml

<service id="my_bundle.listener.event_listener" class="%my_bundle.listener.event_listener.class%">
    <tag name="propel.event_subscriber" class="My\Bundle\Model\Object" />

Note: You have to tag this service with propel.event_subscriber, and the class is required. The class of the service must also be defined properly even when the service is created by a factory.

Read more about the Propel lifecycle callbacks to know all available hooks, and their differences.

That's all folks!