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93 lines (89 loc) · 8.01 KB

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93 lines (89 loc) · 8.01 KB

Plugins list

Official plugins

  • @semantic-release/commit-analyzer
    • Note: this is already part of semantic-release and does not have to be installed separately
    • analyzeCommits: Determine the type of release by analyzing commits with conventional-changelog
  • @semantic-release/release-notes-generator
    • Note: this is already part of semantic-release and does not have to be installed separately
    • generateNotes: Generate release notes for the commits added since the last release with conventional-changelog
  • @semantic-release/github
    • Note: this is already part of semantic-release and does not have to be installed separately
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence and the validity of the GitHub authentication and release configuration
    • publish: Publish a GitHub release
    • success: Add a comment to GitHub issues and pull requests resolved in the release
    • fail: Open a GitHub issue when a release fails
  • @semantic-release/npm
    • Note: this is already part of semantic-release and does not have to be installed separately
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence and the validity of the npm authentication and release configuration
    • prepare: Update the package.json version and create the npm package tarball
    • publish: Publish the package on the npm registry
  • @semantic-release/gitlab
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence and the validity of the GitLab authentication and release configuration
    • publish: Publish a GitLab release
  • @semantic-release/git
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence and the validity of the Git authentication and release configuration
    • prepare: Push a release commit and tag, including configurable files
  • @semantic-release/changelog
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence and the validity of the configuration
    • prepare: Create or update the changelog file in the local project repository
  • @semantic-release/exec
    • verifyConditions: Execute a shell command to verify if the release should happen
    • analyzeCommits: Execute a shell command to determine the type of release
    • verifyRelease: Execute a shell command to verifying a release that was determined before and is about to be published
    • generateNotes: Execute a shell command to generate the release note
    • prepare: Execute a shell command to prepare the release
    • publish: Execute a shell command to publish the release
    • success: Execute a shell command to notify of a new release
    • fail: Execute a shell command to notify of a failed release
  • @semantic-release/apm
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence of the ATOM_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable and the apm CLI
    • prepare: Update the package.json version with npm version
    • publish: Publish the Atom package

Community plugins

Open a Pull Request to add your plugin to the list.

  • semantic-release-slack-bot
    • verifyConditions: Verify that the environment variable SLACK_WEBHOOK has been defined.
    • success: Publish a message about the success to a slack channel.
    • fail: Optionally publish a message about failure to a slack channel.
  • semantic-release-docker
    • verifyConditions: Verify that all needed configuration is present and login to the Docker registry.
    • publish: Tag the image specified by name with the new version, push it to Docker Hub and update the latest tag
  • semantic-release-gcr
    • verifyConditions: Verify that all needed configuration is present and login to the Docker registry
    • publish: Tag the image specified by name with the new version, push it to Docker Hub and update the latest tag
  • semantic-release-vsce
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence and the validity of the vsce authentication and release configuration
    • prepare: Create a .vsix for distribution
    • publish: Publish the package to the Visual Studio Code marketplace
  • semantic-release-verify-deps
    • verifyConditions: Check the dependencies format against a regexp before a release
  • semantic-release-chrome
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence of the authentication (set via environment variables)
    • prepare: Write the correct version to the manifest.json and creates a zip file of the whole dist folder
    • publish: Uploads the generated zip file to the webstore, and publish the item
  • semantic-release-firefox
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence of the authentication (set via environment variables)
    • prepare: Write the correct version to the manifest.json, creates a xpi file of the dist folder and a zip of the sources
    • publish: Submit the generated archives to the webstore for review, and publish the item including release notes
  • semantic-release-gerrit
    • generateNotes: Generate release notes with Gerrit reviews URL
  • semantic-release-expo
    • verifyConditions: Verify Expo manifest(s) are readable and valid.
    • prepare: Update version, ios build number and android version code in the Expo manifest(s).
  • maven-semantic-release
    • verifyConditions: Verifies that the pom.xml file and other files exist and are setup to allow releases
    • verifyRelease: Checks and warns (does not error by default) if the version numbers found on maven central and within the Git project differ by quite a bit
    • prepare: Changes the version number in the pom.xml (or all pom.xml files in maven projects with multiple pom.xml files) and optionally creates a commit with this version number and pushes it to master
    • publish: Runs mvn deploy to deploy to maven central and optionally will update to next snapshot version and merge changes to development branch
  • semantic-release-ado
    • prepare: Stores the version number as an Azure DevOps pipeline variable availabe to downstream steps on the job
  • gradle-semantic-release
    • verifyConditions: Verify that project has a Gradle wrapper script, and build.gradle contains a task to publish artifacts.
    • prepare: Changes the version number in the
    • publish: Triggers Gradle to publish artifacts.
  • semantic-release-circleci-orb
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence of the CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN environment variable, orbName option, and the circleci CLI.
    • publish: Publish the CircleCI orb.
  • semantic-release-github-pages
    • verifyConditions: Verify the presence of the auth token set via environment variables.
    • publish: Pushes commit to the documentation branch.