From be6fccc82fdc35bd5e9da4cc6774acc5ad538c5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anna Milan Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 10:48:40 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Update 1-01-05.csv add paths for hydro variables --- tables_en/1-01-05.csv | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/tables_en/1-01-05.csv b/tables_en/1-01-05.csv index ce87818c..fb4bdb92 100644 --- a/tables_en/1-01-05.csv +++ b/tables_en/1-01-05.csv @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ notation,path,domains,tags,name,description -165,\Terrestrial\Groundwater,,,Groundwater (amount per unit area),Amount of water present beneath the ground surface per unit area. -166,,,"Hydrological, Groundwater",Groundwater level,Elevation of the water table or piezometric surface of an aquifer at a certain location and time. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +165,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,,Groundwater (amount per unit area),Amount of water present beneath the ground surface per unit area. +166,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"Hydrological, Groundwater",Groundwater level,Elevation of the water table or piezometric surface of an aquifer at a certain location and time. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] 167,\Terrestrial\Lake,,,Lake area,Area extent of the surface of a lake. 168,\Terrestrial\Lake,,,Lake level,Elevation of water in an inland body of surface water of significant extent. [Based on 'water level' and 'lake' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] 171,\Terrestrial\River,,,Stream discharge,Volume of water flowing through a stream (or channel) cross-section per unit time. [Based on 'discharge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] @@ -48,40 +48,40 @@ 12011,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Glacier,,,Surface accumulation at a point,The mass added to the glacier at a point on its surface expressed over a stated period of time. 12012,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Glacier,,,Surface ablation at a point,The mass removed from the glacier at a point on its surface expressed over a stated period of time. 12013,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Glacier,,,Glacier area,Area enclosed by the projection of the glacier outline onto the surface of an ellipsoid approximating the surface of the Earth or onto a planar horizontal approximation to that ellipsoid. The glacier area excludes nunataks but includes debris-covered parts of the glacier. The glacier outline separates the glacier from unglacierized terrain and from contiguous glaciers. -12014,,,"terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost",Permafrost temperature,Ground temperature measured in the permafrost. -12015,,,"terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost",Active layer thickness,Thickness of the surface layer of the ground that is subject to annual thawing and freezing in areas underlain by permafrost. -12252,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Water level,"Elevation of the free water surface of a water body relative to a reference datum (synonym: stage, gage height). [Based on 'water level' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12253,,,"hydrological, Groundwater, Groundwater",Percolation rate,"Flow of a liquid through an unsaturated porous medium, such as that of water in soil under the effect of gravity for a unit time. [Based on 'percolation' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12254,,,"hydrological, Groundwater",Recharge rate,Natural or artificial introduction of water into the saturated zone of an aquifer for a unit time. [Based on 'groundwater recharge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12255,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Aquifer volume,"Volume of geological formation capable of storing, transmitting and yielding exploitable quantities of water. [Based on 'aquifer' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12256,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Hydraulic conductivity,"Property of a porous medium or fractured rock which, according to Darcy's law, relates the specific discharge to the hydraulic gradient. [based on 'hydraulic conductivity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12257,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Hydraulic transmissivity,Rate at which water is transferred through a unit width of an aquifer under a unit hydraulic gradient. [Based on 'transmissivity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12258,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Porosity,"Ratio of the volume of the interstices in a given sample of a porous medium to the gross volume of the sample, inclusive of voids. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12259,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Effective porosity,"Volume of the void spaces through which water or other fluids can travel in rock or sediment, divided by the total volume of the rock or sediment. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12260,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Specific retention,Amount of water held in the soil after gravitational water has drained away expressed as a volume percentage. [Based on 'specific retention' and 'field capacity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12261,,,"hydrological, groundWater, groundwater, soil",Infiltration rate,Flow of water through the soil surface into a porous medium for a unit time. [Based on 'infiltration' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12262,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Infiltration capacity,Maximum rate at which water can penetrate the soil matrix per unit area under certain conditions. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12263,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater, well",Specific capacity (well),Ratio of discharge of a well to drawdown at equilibrium. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12264,,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Specific yield,Ratio of the volume of water which can be drained by gravity from an initially saturated porous medium to the total volume of the porous medium. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12265,,,"hydrological, Groundwater, Groundwater",Groundwater flow,Volume of groundwater flowing through an aquifer per unit time. [Based on International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12266,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, groundwater",Storage,(1) Impounding of water in surface or underground reservoirs for future use. (2) Volume of water stored. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12267,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Total dissolved solids,"The concentration of all dissolved substances in water, usually expressed in milligrams per litre, which would remain as a solid residue after removal of the water. [Manual on Water Quality Monitoring (WMO-No. 680). 1988]" -12268,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Suspended sediment,The component of an unacidified water sample that is retained by a 0.45-nm membrane filter. [Manual on Water Quality Monitoring (WMO-No. 680). 1988] -12270,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Sediment discharge,Rate of movement of sediments in a stream at a given cross-section. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12271,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Bed load discharge,"Amount (weight, mass or volume) of sediment that moves on or near the streambed by rolling, sliding, or saltating (bed load) transported through a cross-section of a stream per unit time. [Based on 'bed load discharge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12272,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Suspended sediment load,"That part of the total transported sediment which is suspended by turbulence in the flowing water for considerable periods of time without contact with the stream bed, moving with almost the same velocity as the flowing water and generally expressed in mass or volume per unit of time. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12273,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Total sediment load,"Total quantity of sediment passing through a reach, both in suspension and along the bed, excluding the sediment deposited on the bed within the reach. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12274,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Runoff,"That part of the precipitation which flows on the ground surface (surface runoff) or within the soil (subsurface runoff or interflow) and is generally expressed in mass or volume per unit of time, its equivalent in linear units (as the height of a water layer covering a given area) or as a fraction of precipitation. [Based on International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12275,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Runoff coefficient,Ratio of runoff depth to precipitation depth. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12276,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, watershed",Depth of runoff,"Runoff volume from a drainage basin, divided by its area, in a specified time. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12277,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, soil, humidity",Soil moisture,Percentage of water in soil expressed relative to dry-soil weight or by volume.Synonym: water content of soil. [Based on 'soil moisture content' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12278,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, reservoir",Live storage,"Volume of water in a reservoir between the minimum and maximum water levels under normal operating conditions. Synonyms: usable storage, active storage, available storage capacity. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12279,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, reservoir",Reservoir storage,Volume of a reservoir including dead storage. Synonym: total storage. [Based on 'total storage' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12280,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, lake",Lake volume,Volume of water contained in a lake at a given water level. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12281,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Suspended sediment discharge,Amount of suspended sediment (suspended by turbulence for considerable periods of time without contact with the bed) crossing a stream section per unit time. [Based on 'suspended sediment' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12282,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream index velocity,"A velocity that is representative of the average stream velocity; often measured in a profile or across the stream or over the water surface. [Based on 'velocity index method' in Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO-No. 1044), Volume II. 2010]" -12283,,,"terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost",Rock glacier velocity,Surface velocity of a single rock glacier unit. -12322,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream velocity,"Ratio of the distance covered by a body of water, moving in a specified direction, to the time taken to cover that distance. [Based on 'velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12323,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream mean velocity,"Velocity at a given cross-section of a stream, obtained by dividing the discharge by the cross-sectional area of the stream at that section. [Based on 'mean velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" -12324,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream surface velocity,Velocity of a stream at its surface at a given point. [Based on 'surface velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -12325,,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Water surface slope,"Difference in the stage of water surface over a short stream reach. [Based on 'water surface slope' in Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO-No. 1044), Volume II. 2010.]" +12014,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Permafrost ,,"terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost",Permafrost temperature,Ground temperature measured in the permafrost. +12015,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Permafrost ,,"terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost",Active layer thickness,Thickness of the surface layer of the ground that is subject to annual thawing and freezing in areas underlain by permafrost. +12252,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Water level,"Elevation of the free water surface of a water body relative to a reference datum (synonym: stage, gage height). [Based on 'water level' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12253,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, Groundwater, Groundwater",Percolation rate,"Flow of a liquid through an unsaturated porous medium, such as that of water in soil under the effect of gravity for a unit time. [Based on 'percolation' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12254,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, Groundwater",Recharge rate,Natural or artificial introduction of water into the saturated zone of an aquifer for a unit time. [Based on 'groundwater recharge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12255,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Aquifer volume,"Volume of geological formation capable of storing, transmitting and yielding exploitable quantities of water. [Based on 'aquifer' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12256,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Hydraulic conductivity,"Property of a porous medium or fractured rock which, according to Darcy's law, relates the specific discharge to the hydraulic gradient. [based on 'hydraulic conductivity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12257,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Hydraulic transmissivity,Rate at which water is transferred through a unit width of an aquifer under a unit hydraulic gradient. [Based on 'transmissivity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12258,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Porosity,"Ratio of the volume of the interstices in a given sample of a porous medium to the gross volume of the sample, inclusive of voids. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12259,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Effective porosity,"Volume of the void spaces through which water or other fluids can travel in rock or sediment, divided by the total volume of the rock or sediment. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12260,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Specific retention,Amount of water held in the soil after gravitational water has drained away expressed as a volume percentage. [Based on 'specific retention' and 'field capacity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12261,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, groundWater, groundwater, soil",Infiltration rate,Flow of water through the soil surface into a porous medium for a unit time. [Based on 'infiltration' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12262,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Infiltration capacity,Maximum rate at which water can penetrate the soil matrix per unit area under certain conditions. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12263,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater, well",Specific capacity (well),Ratio of discharge of a well to drawdown at equilibrium. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12264,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, aquifer, groundwater",Specific yield,Ratio of the volume of water which can be drained by gravity from an initially saturated porous medium to the total volume of the porous medium. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12265,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, Groundwater, Groundwater",Groundwater flow,Volume of groundwater flowing through an aquifer per unit time. [Based on International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12266,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, groundwater",Storage,(1) Impounding of water in surface or underground reservoirs for future use. (2) Volume of water stored. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12267,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Total dissolved solids,"The concentration of all dissolved substances in water, usually expressed in milligrams per litre, which would remain as a solid residue after removal of the water. [Manual on Water Quality Monitoring (WMO-No. 680). 1988]" +12268,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Suspended sediment,The component of an unacidified water sample that is retained by a 0.45-nm membrane filter. [Manual on Water Quality Monitoring (WMO-No. 680). 1988] +12270,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Sediment discharge,Rate of movement of sediments in a stream at a given cross-section. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12271,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Bed load discharge,"Amount (weight, mass or volume) of sediment that moves on or near the streambed by rolling, sliding, or saltating (bed load) transported through a cross-section of a stream per unit time. [Based on 'bed load discharge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12272,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Suspended sediment load,"That part of the total transported sediment which is suspended by turbulence in the flowing water for considerable periods of time without contact with the stream bed, moving with almost the same velocity as the flowing water and generally expressed in mass or volume per unit of time. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12273,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Total sediment load,"Total quantity of sediment passing through a reach, both in suspension and along the bed, excluding the sediment deposited on the bed within the reach. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12274,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Runoff,"That part of the precipitation which flows on the ground surface (surface runoff) or within the soil (subsurface runoff or interflow) and is generally expressed in mass or volume per unit of time, its equivalent in linear units (as the height of a water layer covering a given area) or as a fraction of precipitation. [Based on International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12275,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Runoff coefficient,Ratio of runoff depth to precipitation depth. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12276,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, watershed",Depth of runoff,"Runoff volume from a drainage basin, divided by its area, in a specified time. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12277,\Terrestrial\Soil\Humidity,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, soil, humidity",Soil moisture,Percentage of water in soil expressed relative to dry-soil weight or by volume.Synonym: water content of soil. [Based on 'soil moisture content' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12278,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, reservoir",Live storage,"Volume of water in a reservoir between the minimum and maximum water levels under normal operating conditions. Synonyms: usable storage, active storage, available storage capacity. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12279,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, reservoir",Reservoir storage,Volume of a reservoir including dead storage. Synonym: total storage. [Based on 'total storage' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12280,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, lake",Lake volume,Volume of water contained in a lake at a given water level. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12281,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Suspended sediment discharge,Amount of suspended sediment (suspended by turbulence for considerable periods of time without contact with the bed) crossing a stream section per unit time. [Based on 'suspended sediment' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12282,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream index velocity,"A velocity that is representative of the average stream velocity; often measured in a profile or across the stream or over the water surface. [Based on 'velocity index method' in Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO-No. 1044), Volume II. 2010]" +12283,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Permafrost ,,"terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost",Rock glacier velocity,Surface velocity of a single rock glacier unit. +12322,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream velocity,"Ratio of the distance covered by a body of water, moving in a specified direction, to the time taken to cover that distance. [Based on 'velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12323,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream mean velocity,"Velocity at a given cross-section of a stream, obtained by dividing the discharge by the cross-sectional area of the stream at that section. [Based on 'mean velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" +12324,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream surface velocity,Velocity of a stream at its surface at a given point. [Based on 'surface velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +12325,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Water surface slope,"Difference in the stage of water surface over a short stream reach. [Based on 'water surface slope' in Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO-No. 1044), Volume II. 2010.]" From 38d649633203e554648a49aa520c56d7b44f0e2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anna Milan Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 16:58:27 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Update 1-01-05.csv add hydro to other paths where relevant, change lake and river to surface water --- tables_en/1-01-05.csv | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/tables_en/1-01-05.csv b/tables_en/1-01-05.csv index fb4bdb92..073b78d8 100644 --- a/tables_en/1-01-05.csv +++ b/tables_en/1-01-05.csv @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ notation,path,domains,tags,name,description 165,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,,Groundwater (amount per unit area),Amount of water present beneath the ground surface per unit area. 166,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Groundwater,,"Hydrological, Groundwater",Groundwater level,Elevation of the water table or piezometric surface of an aquifer at a certain location and time. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -167,\Terrestrial\Lake,,,Lake area,Area extent of the surface of a lake. -168,\Terrestrial\Lake,,,Lake level,Elevation of water in an inland body of surface water of significant extent. [Based on 'water level' and 'lake' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -171,\Terrestrial\River,,,Stream discharge,Volume of water flowing through a stream (or channel) cross-section per unit time. [Based on 'discharge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -172,\Terrestrial\River,,,Stream level,Elevation of the free water surface of a water body flowing in an open or closed conduit. [Based on 'water level'and 'stream' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] -174,\Terrestrial\Well,,,Well discharge, +167,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,,Lake area,Area extent of the surface of a lake. +168,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,,Lake level,Elevation of water in an inland body of surface water of significant extent. [Based on 'water level' and 'lake' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +171,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,,Stream discharge,Volume of water flowing through a stream (or channel) cross-section per unit time. [Based on 'discharge' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +172,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,,Stream level,Elevation of the free water surface of a water body flowing in an open or closed conduit. [Based on 'water level'and 'stream' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] +174,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Well,,,Well discharge, 231,\Terrestrial\Land surface,,,Breaking action-friction coefficient, 232,\Terrestrial\Land surface,,,Coastlines,Location of coastlines (Lat/Long) 236,\Terrestrial\Land surface,,,Land cover,"Processed from land surface imagery by assigning identified cluster(s) within a given area to specific classes of objects - Accuracy expressed as number of classes. Actually [ classes-1 ] is used, so that smaller figure corresponds to better performance, as usual." @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ 387,\Terrestrial\Land surface\Fire,,,Fire radiative power,Power radiated by the fire occurring within an area. 388,\Terrestrial\Land surface\Fire,,,Fire temperature,Temperature of the fire occurring within an area. 389,\Terrestrial\Land surface\Temperature,,,Land surface temperature,Temperature of the apparent surface of land (bare soil or vegetation). -410,\Terrestrial\Lake\Temperature,,,Lake Surface Temperature,Temperature of the lake surface. +410,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water\Temperature,,,Lake Surface Temperature,Temperature of the lake surface. 422,\Terrestrial\Land surface\Greenhouse Gas,,,CO2 flux,Flux of carbon dioxide from the surface to the atmosphere 423,\Terrestrial\Land surface\Vegetation,,,Biomass,Total amount of vegetation in a reference area 424,\Terrestrial\Land surface\Vegetation,,,Fraction of vegetated land,Fraction of a land area where vegetation is present. @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ 12280,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, lake",Lake volume,Volume of water contained in a lake at a given water level. [International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] 12281,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water",Suspended sediment discharge,Amount of suspended sediment (suspended by turbulence for considerable periods of time without contact with the bed) crossing a stream section per unit time. [Based on 'suspended sediment' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.] 12282,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream index velocity,"A velocity that is representative of the average stream velocity; often measured in a profile or across the stream or over the water surface. [Based on 'velocity index method' in Manual on Stream Gauging (WMO-No. 1044), Volume II. 2010]" -12283,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Permafrost ,,"terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost",Rock glacier velocity,Surface velocity of a single rock glacier unit. +12283,\Terrestrial\Cryosphere\Permafrost,,"terrestrial, cryosphere, permafrost",Rock glacier velocity,Surface velocity of a single rock glacier unit. 12322,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream velocity,"Ratio of the distance covered by a body of water, moving in a specified direction, to the time taken to cover that distance. [Based on 'velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" 12323,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream mean velocity,"Velocity at a given cross-section of a stream, obtained by dividing the discharge by the cross-sectional area of the stream at that section. [Based on 'mean velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]" 12324,\Terrestrial\Hydrological\Surface water,,"hydrological, liquidPhase, surface water, stream, river",Stream surface velocity,Velocity of a stream at its surface at a given point. [Based on 'surface velocity' in International Glossary of Hydrology (WMO-No. 385). 2012 edition.]