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wolandark edited this page Jun 28, 2024 · 6 revisions
  • Index of Topics:*

How To Use This Wiki
How To Update Wim
What Are All These Set Options Doing?
What If I Forget The Keybindings?
    How To Read The Cheat File
How To Use An Alternative Keymap?
Plugins Guide
Full Plugins List
Table of Keybindings
    CoC LSP Keybindings
    Misc Keybindings
    Split Navigation
    Aligning Text
    Enuch Shell Commands

How To Use This Wiki {#how_to_use_this_wiki}

press Tab to jump to the next link (Shift-Tab to go to the previous one), Press Enter on the index titles to jump to that topic.

   ( Pressing Enter on any other word, creates a wiki page under that word! )

To follow URLs in your browser, press `gx` on them. To learn more about VimWiki and how to use it to take note and make your second brain, see the following links:

How To Update Wim {#how_to_update_wim}

If you used the recommended installation method, a simple `git pull` inside the `wim` directory is enough to update all the configs. Use the _VimPlug_ commands to update the plugins. See: Misc Keybindings

If for some reason you corrupt or destroy the symlinks that are setup between the `wim` directory and the `~/.vim` directory, you will only have to run the `` script that will be automatically generated after the initial installation.

What If I Forget The Keybindings? {#what_if_i_forget_the_keybindings}

Either enter this wiki and consult the mappings tables, or read the Cheat40 file inside vim, or run the fzf `:Maps` command by pressing `<Leader>{=html}M` in normal mode.

How To Read The Cheat File {#how_to_read_the_cheat_file}

Simply issue `:Cheat40` inside Vim

How To Use An Alternative Keymap? {#how_to_use_an_alternative_keymap}

If you are bilingual, or wish to use a secondry keymap, do the following:

At line _594_ of `vimrc` change `g:alt_enabled = 0` to `1` to enable the alt keymap functions Then use `:call ListKeymapFiles()` to find your desired keymap. Change the value of `g:alt_keymap = 'persian'` to match your language keymap.

Now you can use `C-p` in normal mode and insert mode to change your keymap and still be able to use the usual vim normal commands.


You can uncomment the two lines at line _590_ of the `vimrc` to enable vim to hide/conceal the ZWNJ character and replace it with `|` sign.

`call matchadd('Conceal', '\%u200c', 10, -1, {'conceal':'|'})` `set conceallevel=2 concealcursor=nv`

What Are All These Set Options Doing? {#what_are_all_these_set_options_doing}

| Setting | Explanation | | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | set emoji | Enables emoji support. | | set autochdir | Automatically changes the working directory to the directory of the open file. | | set hidden | Allows switching between unsaved buffers without requiring to save them. | | set modifiable | Allows modifications to the buffer. | | set conceallevel=0 | Sets the level of concealing text. 0 means no concealment. | | set concealcursor=n | Conceals text in normal mode. | | set scrolloff=6 | Keeps 6 lines visible above and below the cursor when scrolling. | | set autoread | Automatically reads a file if it was modified outside of Vim. | | set cmdheight=1 | Sets the command line height to 1 line. | | set foldmethod=manual | Allows manual folding of code sections. | | set foldlevel=0 | Starts with all folds closed. | | set foldclose=all | Automatically closes all folds when moving out of them. | | set path+=** | Adds all subdirectories to the search path for files. | | set noswapfile | Disables swap file creation. | | set autoindent | Automatically indents new lines to match the previous line. | | set ignorecase | Ignores case in search patterns. | | set incsearch | Shows search results incrementally as you type. | | set noerrorbells | Disables error bells. | | set novisualbell | Disables visual bell. | | set t_vb= | Disables screen flash for visual bell. | | set relativenumber | Shows line numbers relative to the current line. | | set number | Shows absolute line numbers. | | set hlsearch | Highlights search results. | | set termbidi | Enables bidirectional text support in the terminal. | | set autowrite | Automatically writes changes before certain commands (e.g., `:next`, `:make`). | | set autowriteall | Automatically writes changes to all modified files before certain commands. | | set laststatus=2 | Always displays the status line. | | set showtabline=2 | Always shows the tab line. | | set noshowmode | Disables showing the current mode (insert, normal, etc.) in the command line. | | set colorcolumn=80 | Highlights the 80th column to guide line length. | | set shiftwidth=4 | Sets the number of spaces to use for each step of (auto)indent. | | set tabstop=4 | Sets the number of spaces that a tab character represents. | | syntax on | Enables syntax highlighting. | | filetype plugin indent on | Enables file type detection, plugin, and indent settings. |

Plugins Guide {#plugins_guide}

This plugins guide is not about including a Tl;Dr to every plugin! Yet it will cover some of the important ones that are not covered in the tables below. You can always check out the individual repos of each plugin and see their README


This is one of the most useful plugins. Although fzf can also do most of these things, I prefer to keep them both around. Wim doesn't provide any mappings for leaderf, and I advise you against it! use leaderf from Vim's Ex Mode (command mode).

  • Example:*

fuzzy match file names `:Leaderf file` fuzzy match history `:Leaderf mru` etc ...

file search files tag navigate tags using the tags file function navigate functions or methods in the buffer mru search most recently used files searchHistory execute the search command in the history cmdHistory execute the command in the history help navigate the help tags line search a line in the buffer colorscheme switch between colorschemes gtags navigate tags using the gtags self execute the commands of itself bufTag navigate tags in the buffer buffer search buffers rg grep using rg filetype navigate the filetype command execute built-in/user-defined Ex commands. window search windows. quickfix navigate the quickfix. loclist navigate the location list.

  • optional arguments:*

   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   --reverse             show results in bottom-up order
   --stayOpen            don't quit LeaderF after accepting an entry
   --input ``<INPUT>{=html}       specifies INPUT as the pattern inputted in advance
   --cword               current word under cursor is inputted in advance
   --top                 the LeaderF window is at the top of the screen
   --bottom              the LeaderF window is at the bottom of the screen
   --left                the LeaderF window is at the left of the screen
   --right               the LeaderF window is at the right of the screen
   --belowright          the LeaderF window is at the belowright of the screen
   --aboveleft           the LeaderF window is at the aboveleft of the screen
   --fullScreen          the LeaderF window takes up the full screen
   --popup               the LeaderF window is a popup window or floating window
   --nameOnly            LeaderF is in NameOnly mode by default
   --fullPath            LeaderF is in FullPath mode by default
   --fuzzy               LeaderF is in Fuzzy mode by default
   --regexMode           LeaderF is in Regex mode by default
   --nowrap              long lines in the LeaderF window won't wrap
   --next                Jump to the next result.
   --previous            Jump to the previous result.
   --recall              Recall last search. If the result window is closed, reopen it.
   --popup-height ``<POPUP_HEIGHT>{=html}
                         specifies the maximum height of popup window, only available in popup mode.
   --popup-width ``<POPUP_WIDTH>{=html}
                         specifies the width of popup window, only available in popup mode.
   --no-sort             do not sort the result.
   --case-insensitive    fuzzy search case insensitively.
   --auto-preview        open preview window automatically.
   --no-auto-preview     don't open preview window automatically.



Literally magic! Written in vim9script, super fast and super efficient!

type `\f` in normal mode, followed by a character you want to jump to and 
follow the hints.





My own humble plugin for integrating dict cli into vim in a seamless way.

You can either place your cursor on a word and issue `:Dict`, or optionally map it to a key:

   `nnoremap  ```<F2>`{=html}` :Dict{=html}`` ``


vim-ddgpb {#vim_ddgpb}

Another one of my own plugins. Yea the name is trash but its pretty useful. Once enabled, you can search a word under the cursor in your browser, or a chunk of text that is visually selected. This plugin also allows you to submit a visually selected text to the paste bin.

This plugin binds `\s` and `\p` and `F3` key for visual search, paste bin and word under cursor respectively. See:

vim-live-server {#vim_live_server}

Yet another one of my own plugins.😁 A liveserver plugin for Vim. See:


Use [count]`gc`[motion] to comment out code.

Example: `3gcj` will comment out `3` lines to the direction of `j`, which is down. `gcc` will comment whole lines. `gcG` will comment from current line to the end of the file. etc ...


_Note:_ if you're using Vim 9.1+, there is an internal _comment_ plugin from habamax which is writen in vim9script. To use that instead of tpop's _commentary_ do the following:

- Disable _commentary_ by commenting out it's entry in the plugins section of the `vimrc`

- Inside Vim, issue: `:packadd comment`

- Use the internal _comment_ plugin the same way as _commentary_. The

 Keybindings are the same.

- To make the addition of the plugin permanent, add `packadd comment` to the

 end of the `vimrc`


rsi is another tpop plugin that provides basic readline bindings in vim's insert mode. Such as `C-a` to go to the beginning of the line, `C-e` to go to the end of the line etc ...



coc.nvim is really straight Forward LSP client. If you want to add LSP support for a language, you only have to install the appropriate LSP server. Consult the list [here]( and pick a language server to install,

Then simply install it by following the guide on the README which is usually something like, `:CocInstall coc-pyright` or `:CocInstall coc-css` etc ...

When you install the language server, you can start using it right away. CoC usually doesn't need much messing around with to get things to work properly, unlike most other similar plugins.

To avoid going to the browser, you can also use coc-marketplace. See coc-marketplace

coc-marketplace {#coc_marketplace}

Issue this command: `CocList marketplace`

Then start searching for the language server or programming language that you need. Press enter and install the language server.

coc-explorer {#coc_explorer}

explorer is coc's file explorer. I personally think they are much better ways to open files than to waste time with a file explorer, but still, coc-explorer is automatically installed in Wim.

Inside explorer window, press `?` to see the commands. You can make dirs, files, rename, copy, paste etc from explorer

Full Plugins List {#full_plugins_list}

   *LSP, Completion, Snippers*
   Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
   Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
   Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
   Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}

   Plug 'catppuccin/vim', { 'as': 'catppuccin' }
   Plug 'chriskempson/base16-vim'

   *Web Development*
   Plug 'wolandark/vim-live-server'
   Plug 'alvan/vim-closetag'
   Plug ''
   Plug 'DougBeney/pickachu'

   Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
   Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
   Plug 'rhysd/git-messenger.vim'

   *Usability, Enhancements*
   Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'
   Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
   Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
   Plug 'junegunn/vim-peekaboo'
   Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
   Plug 'mengelbrecht/lightline-bufferline'
   Plug 'voldikss/vim-floaterm'
   Plug 'tpope/vim-rsi'
   Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
   Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary'
   Plug 'tpope/vim-eunuch'
   Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
   Plug 'tpope/vim-unimpaired'
   Plug ''
   Plug ''
   Plug ''
   Plug 'mhinz/vim-startify'
   Plug 'Yggdroot/LeaderF', { 'do': ':LeaderfInstallCExtension' }

   *Jumping Around*
   Plug ''
   Plug ''

   *Utility, Integrations*
   Plug 'ptzz/lf.vim'
   Plug 'vimwiki/vimwiki'
   Plug ''
   Plug 'lifepillar/vim-cheat40'
   Plug 'wolandark/vimdict'

Table of Keybindings {#table_of_keybindings}

CoC LSP Keybindings {#coc_lsp_keybindings}

| Keys | Function | | --- | --- | | gd | Jump To Definition | | gy | Type Definition | | gi | Implementation | | gr | References | | [g | Diagnostics Prev | | ]g | Diagnostics Next | | <leader>{=html}ca | Code Action | | <leader>{=html}f | Format Selected Code | | <leader>{=html}? | diagnostic Info | | K | Show Hover Documentation | | \rc | Restart CoC |

Misc Keybindings {#misc_keybindings}

| Keys | Function | | --- | --- | | <F6>{=html} | Turn on SpellChecking | | <F8>{=html} | Compile and Run Basic C Code | | <F12>{=html} | Execute Bash, Python, Nodejs & Go Files | | gs | Fix Spelling To The First Immediate Match | | <ESC>{=html}<ESC>{=html} | Turn Off Search Highlights | | \a | Auto Save Toggle | | \t | FloatermToggle | | <leader>{=html}M | Maps | | <PageUp>{=html} | Buffer Next | | <PageDown>{=html} | Buffer Previous | | <Del>{=html} | Buffer Delete | | <leader>{=html}\ | Border Around Current Line Using Toilet | | <leader>{=html}e | File Explorer | | <leader>{=html}T | New Tab | | <leader>{=html}mk | Make View | | <leader>{=html}i | Startify Dashboard | | <leader>{=html}S | Add Empty Line Above & Below Current Line | | <leader>{=html}[ | Add Empty Line Above | | <leader>{=html}] | Add Empty Line Below | | <leader>{=html}w | Save | | <leader>{=html}so | Save & Source Buffer | | <leader>{=html}k | Move Line Up | | <leader>{=html}j | Move Line Down | | K | Move Line Up In Visual Mode | | J | Move Line Down In Visual Mode | | jj | <ESC>{=html} | | <leader>{=html}pli | PlugInstall | | <leader>{=html}plc | PlugClean | | <leader>{=html}plu | PlugUpdate | | <leader>{=html}pld | PlugUpgrade |

Split Navigation {#split_navigation}

| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | <C-h>{=html} | Focus Left Split | | <C-j>{=html} | Focus Bottom Split | | <C-k>{=html} | Focus Top Split | | <C-l>{=html} | Focus Right Split | | <C-LEFT>{=html} | Focus Left Split | | <C-DOWN>{=html} | Focus Bottom Split | | <C-UP>{=html} | Focus Top Split | | <C-RIGHT>{=html} | Focus Right Split | | <leader>{=html}R | Rotate Window Up/Left | | <leader>{=html}r | Rotate Window Down/Right | | <s-Right>{=html} | Resize Split Right | | <s-LEFT>{=html} | Resize Split Left | | <s-UP>{=html} | Resize Split Up | | <s-DOWN>{=html} | Resize Split Down |


| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | <M-Left>{=html} | Tab Previous | | <M-Right>{=html} | Tab Next | | <leader>{=html}1..9 | Go To Corresponding Tab Number | | <leader>{=html}0 | Tab Last | | <leader>{=html}x | Tab Close |


Other than `:Colors` and `:Buffers`, the rest of these are commented out. You can enable them at your will.

| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | \c | Colors | | <leader>{=html}b | Buffers | | <leader>{=html}ff | Files | | <leader>{=html}W | Windows | | <leader>{=html}h | History | | <leader>{=html}hc | History | | <leader>{=html}rg | Ripgrep | | <leader>{=html}li | Lines | | <leader>{=html}bli | BLines | | <leader>{=html}ma | Marks | | <leader>{=html}sn | Snippets | | <leader>{=html}com | Commands | | <leader>{=html}ag | Ag | | <leader>{=html}tag | Tags |

Aligning Text {#aligning_text}

| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | \\ta | Tabularize Tables |

Enuch Shell Commands {#enuch_shell_commands}

Other than ':Chmod', the rest of these are commented out. You can enable them at your will.

| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | <leader>{=html}ch | Chmod +x | | <leader>{=html}suw | SudoWrite | | <leader>{=html}sue | SudoEdit | | <leader>{=html}rm | Remove | | <leader>{=html}del | Delete! | | <leader>{=html}mv | Move | | <leader>{=html}dup | Duplicate | | <leader>{=html}mkd | Mkdir |


| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | \t | FloatermToggle | | \q | FloatermKill | | \n | FloatermNext | | \p | FloatermPrev | | \v | vifm Inside FloaTerm | | \ra | ranger Inside FloaTerm | | \\tr | Terminal Right | | \\tb | Terminal Bottom | | \rg | Run Go In Terminal | | \rb | Run Bash In Terminal | | \rj | Run Nodejs In Terminal | | \rp | Run Python In Terminal | | <leader>{=html}lf | Lf |


| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | <leader>{=html}' | Vim's Terminal | | \l | Clear Terminal In the Background (For F12) | | <C-j>{=html} | Focus Bottom | | <C-k>{=html} | Focus Top | | <C-DOWN>{=html} | Focus Bottom | | <C-UP>{=html} | Focus Top |


| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | <C-j>{=html} | Expand Snippet & Jump Forward In Placeholders | | <C-k>{=html} | Jump Backward In Placeholders | | <C-l>{=html} | List Snippets |


| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | <C-p>{=html} | SwitchKeymap In Insert Mode | | <C-p>{=html} | SwitchKeymap In Normal Mode |


| Key | Function | | --- | --- | | [b | :bprevious | | ]b | :bnext | | [B | :bfirst | | ]B | :blast | | [a | :previous | | ]a | :next | | [A | :first | | ]A | :last | | [<Space>{=html} | Add [count] blank lines above the cursor. | | ]<Space>{=html} | Add [count] blank lines below the cursor. | | [e | Exchange the current line with [count] lines above it. | | ]e | Exchange the current line with [count] lines below it. |

See: for more

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