Click on MAKE LIVE, and select your WhatsApp application (typically 'SandboxTest')
Go to your Webex Connect Sandbox Home page.
Click on the WhatsApp Message tab and select the Receive WhatsApp Message option.
Number to message is your Connect sandbox WhatsApp number. Write it down, or create a new contact in your mobile phone with this number.
Send a WhatsApp message with the text instantconnect
to your Tenant WhatsApp number. This is the experience that you should get:
As you through the WhatsApp conversation, you should see:
The customer name read from mockAPI used in the Surgery reminder WhatsApp message to the customer, and in the Webex message to the expert
The date properly set to two days in the future
CRM (mockAPI) updated with
= true and the name of the specialist chosen in the WhatsApp list -
The guest Instant Connect meeting link is sent to the customer on WhatsApp
The host Instant Connect meeting link is sent to the expert on Webex
Join the meeting as the customer on your mobile device, and as the expert on your desktop device.
Try some of the Webex Instant Connect features, such as:
Video call control (mute/unmute, turn your video on/off, ..).
Meeting end: guest can leave the meeting at any time, host can leave without ending, or end meeting for all
Change the video Layout
Share your screen
Blur your background
Remove background Noise
See the list of participants, and invite new guests
For more information, visit Webex Instant Connect @ Webex Help Center.