Currently the tasks include: Gene-expression-profiling(Based on DeepCE model)
Please use conda to create your environment, since we have different models and methods, we recommand to create different envirionments for each cases, here are .yml files as shown in below:
For model GeneCompass(including generate embedding), testing Gene-expression-profiling task:
# Please confirm prefix in GeneCompass.yaml first !!
# if you have completed it in GRN inference task, you do not need to install it again, just activate it !!
conda env create -f GeneCompass.yaml
The Pretrained-weights are provided in "./model/GeneCompass"
Please run command as shown in below
It depends on different situations, if you get embedding file from yourselves, please place them under folder "tasks"
Before you test on this task, please generate embedding from model
After you get the embedding, please run command as shown in below
# activate GeneCompass environment
python # For GeneCompass
For Gene-expression-profiling task, we refer DeepCE model to complete our jobs, the paper is A deep learning framework for high-throughput mechanism-driven phenotype compound screening and its application to COVID-19 drug repurposing. The code is at:(