Swagger to azure wiki markdown conversion utility based on OpenApiDocument definition.
- Optional add OpenApiDocument Title
- Add OpenApiDocument Description
- group all OpenApiDocument paths by tags
- list of all tags, paths, operations, operation parameters, operation responses
- list of all schemes
- links between parameter schemas and schemes list
- optional subpages generation
dotnet build
./swagger2md -i /projects/webapp/swagger.json -o api.md -sp true -st false
./swagger2md -i /projects/webapp/swagger.json -o api.md -sp true -st false
Parameter short | Parameter full | Description |
-i | --inputFile | required full or relative path of the swagger.json file |
-st | --skipTitle | if true, open api document title will be skipped |
-o | --outputFile | optional input's file full or relative path (if empty output is standard output) |
-sp | --subPages | optional genration tags into subpages (files in subfolder), outputFile is required |