Custom Docker image for the XWiki project, used to spawn Jenkins Agents for but can also he used to build XWiki on any machine having Docker installed.
This image adds the following XWiki-required build tools over the
base image provided by Jenkins:
- VNC Server
- Docker Client (to run our Docker-based tests)
- Java 8 (Should be removed once no build is using it anymore)
- Java 11 is provided by the base image
- Java 17 (the java version required to build XWiki master)
- Firefox 32.0.1 (for running our Selenium-2 based functional tests)
- Latest Maven version
- Newer version of Firefox (for running our Selenium-3+ based functional tests that are not yet Docker tests)
This image is built automatically on each commit by a GitHub Action , which also publishes it to DockerHub. Note: We had to implement this since the image was no longer built automatically by Dockerhub when they moved that feature as a paying feature.
To build it locally and push it to DockerHub:
docker build -t xwiki/build .
docker push xwiki/build:latest
- Make sure that the following exist on the agent machine (see the explanations below for more details):
- Configure a Docker cloud
- Docker host URI:
tcp:/<ip of agent host>:2376
- Image:
- Volumes:
type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,destination=/var/run/docker.sock type=bind,source=/home/hudsonagent/.m2/settings.xml,destination=/root/.m2/settings.xml type=bind,source=/home/hudsonagent/.ssh,destination=/tmp/xwiki/.ssh,readonly type=bind,source=/home/hudsonagent/.xwiki,destination=/root/.xwiki type=bind,source=/home/hudsonagent/.m2/.develocity/,destination=/root/.m2/.develocity/
: to allow Docker out of Docker (DOOD) and be able to use Docker containers for our functional tests.source=/home/hudsonagent/.m2/settings.xml,destination=/root/.m2/settings.xml
: Provide the repositories where to find artifacts not located on Maven Central and potential credentials needed by various plugins.source=/home/hudsonagent/.ssh,destination=/tmp/xwiki/.ssh,readonly
: To allow some Jenkins pipeline (such as the Clover one) to publish output to some other machines in the network (such as publishing clover zip reports
: Inside this directory a cache file is used by the XWiki Docker Test framework to make sure that Docker images are not constantly pulled from DockerHub (which has a 100 or 200 pull rate limit every 6 hours). Without this persistent cache file, the images will be pulled every time they're used.source=/home/hudsonagent/.m2/.develocity/,destination=/root/.m2/.develocity/
: Authentication settings
(Develocity). Used for build caching.
- Remote File System Root:
- User:
- Docker host URI:
If you wish to log on a CI agent to reproduce a problem and manually execute a build you can do the following:
- Ssh to the agent
- Start the docker agent with
docker run -d --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /home/hudsonagent/.m2/settings.xml:/root/.m2/settings.xml -v /home/hudsonagent/.ssh:/tmp/xwiki/.ssh:ro xwiki/build
- Get a shell inside the docker container with
docker exec -it <container id> bash -l
- Git clone a repo, for example:
git clone
- Run a Maven build, for example:
cd xwiki-platform/<some path>; mvn clean install
- Docker test example: In
, runmvn clean integration-test -Dxwiki.checkstyle.skip=true -Dxwiki.surefire.captureconsole.skip=true -Dxwiki.revapi.skip=true -Dxwiki.test.ui.database=mysql -Dxwiki.test.ui.databaseTag=5.7 -Dxwiki.test.ui.jdbcVersion=5.1.45 -Dxwiki.test.ui.servletEngine=tomcat -Dxwiki.test.ui.servletEngineTag=8.5 -Dxwiki.test.ui.browser=chrome -Dxwiki.test.ui.verbose=true
- Docker test example: In
- If your build requires VNC, you can start a VNC server with
vncserver :1 -geometry 1280x960 -localhost -nolisten tcp
and set theDISPLAY
withexport DISPLAY=:1
. - Stop the container once you're done with
docker stop <container id>
It can be useful to be able to reproduce a CI issue locally on your machine or simply as a simple environment to build XWiki locally (all that is need is Docker installed).
If you want the minimal build setup and have something the most similar to what executes on the CI agents, you can run:
docker run --rm -it -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --entrypoint "/bin/bash" xwiki/build
- Git clone the repo to build, for example:
git clone
- Navigate to the directory you wish to build and issue the maven command
- If you want to map your machine's local Maven repository or other options, see below.
- If you run some Selenium2-based functional tests they require a DISPLAY (Selenium3+-based tests don't require a display). See below.
- Otherwise you'll get some failure such as
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: invalid argument: can't kill an exited process
- Otherwise you'll get some failure such as
If you want to execute everything in one go, here's an example that overrides the entry point and build the whole XWiki Platform (including functional tests):
docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --entrypoint "/bin/bash" xwiki/build -c " \
git clone && \
cd xwiki-platform && \
export MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx2048m -Xms512m' && \
vncserver :1 -geometry 1280x960 -localhost -nolisten tcp && \
export DISPLAY=:1 && \
/home/hudsonagent/maven/bin/mvn --no-transfer-progress install -Plegacy,integration-tests,docker,snapshot \
The following steps show how to run the image and have the GUI be displayed on your Mac (follow this tutorial to install the right tools).
socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"
open -a Xquartz
IP=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')
cd ...navigate locally in the maven module with the pom.xml to build...
docker run -d --rm \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2:delegated \
-v $HOME/.git-credentials:/root/.git-credentials \
-v $HOME/.git-gitconfig:/root/.git-gitconfig \
-v $HOME/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig \
-v $HOME/.gitignore_global:/root/.gitignore_global \
-v $HOME/.ssh:/tmp/xwiki/.ssh:ro \
-v $HOME/.gnupg:/root/.gnupg \
-v `pwd`:/root/`basename \`pwd\``:delegated \
-e DISPLAY=$IP:0 -p 8080:8080 --privileged xwiki/build
- First 3 lines are to be able to display the GUI on your mac
- For the
docker run
command:- The
parts are to try to speed up the volume mounting since that's very slow on Mac. - The
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
is for running Docker in Docker - The
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2:delegated
is to avoid redownloading all dependencies by reusing your local Maven repo - The
volume mappings are to have your Git config inside the container - The
-v $HOME/.ssh:/tmp/xwiki/.ssh:ro
is to have your SSH keys inside the container (there's an entry script that will copy them from/tmp/xwiki/.ssh
and set the correct permissions. Thero
is just safety to make sure the container can never modify your keys. - The
-v $HOME/.gnupg:/root/.gnupg
is to have your GPG key inside the container. This is needed when doing a Maven release for example. - The
-v `pwd`:/root/`basename \`pwd\``:delegated
is to avoid having to clone the Maven module to build and/or to build with local changes - The
is to forward the display to your Mac. - The
-p 8080:8080
is to be able to access any XWiki instance running in the container from a local browser withhttp://localhost:8080
- The
is because... not sure why but it might be required for some cases ;)
- The
Similarly to Mac, but with some extra arguments when staring the container:
sudo docker run --rm -it \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2:delegated \
-v $HOME/.git-credentials:/root/.git-credentials \
-v $HOME/.git-gitconfig:/root/.git-gitconfig \
-v $HOME/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig \
-v $HOME/.gitignore_global:/root/.gitignore_global \
-v $HOME/.ssh:/tmp/xwiki/.ssh:ro \
-v $HOME/.gnupg:/root/.gnupg \
-v `pwd`:/root/`basename \`pwd\``:delegated \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v $XAUTHORITY:/root/.Xauthority \
--net=host \
--entrypoint "/bin/bash" \
Note that these 4 lines are needed in order to be able to perform X11 forwarding (i.e. to allow the docker container to display the window of the firefox process it creates during regular Selenium tests, i.e. not the ones for the docker-in-docker executions):
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v $XAUTHORITY:/root/.Xauthority \
--net=host \
Run and individual Selenium tests class part of the "Flavor Test - *" ("Flavor Test - UI) build step (with Firefox running inside the docker container but displayed in your X11 session, for which we have set up forwarding):
# cd ~/xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-distribution/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-test/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-test-ui
# mvn clean install -Plegacy,integration-tests,jetty,hsqldb,firefox -Dpattern=UserClassFieldTest
Run the "Flavor Test - Upgrade" tests:
# cd ~/xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-distribution/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-test/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-test-upgrade/xwiki-platform-distribution-flavor-test-upgrade-1011
# mvn clean install -Plegacy,integration-tests,jetty,hsqldb,firefox
Run Docker tests, either part of the "Main" build step or of the "Docker" builds, with Firefox running inside the docker-in-docker container and visible only by connecting with a VNC client to the VNC server started by the container:
# cd ~/xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-flamingo/xwiki-platform-flamingo-theme/xwiki-platform-flamingo-theme-test/
# mvn clean install -Plegacy,integration-tests,snapshot,docker -Dxwiki.checkstyle.skip=true -Dxwiki.surefire.captureconsole.skip=true -Dxwiki.revapi.skip=true