This example shows user's profile of signed in user, then downloads files in the root folder of user's drive.
$ msgraph-me
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code H5N62P7KQ to authenticate.
2019/12/07 02:39:21 Get current logged in user information
2019/12/07 02:39:21 GET
"@odata.context": "$metadata#users/$entity",
"id": "6764eb11-841c-444e-b770-0e0d8748ea0a",
"displayName": "八重樫 剛史",
"givenName": "剛史",
"mail": "[email protected]",
"surname": "八重樫",
"userPrincipalName": "[email protected]"
2019/12/07 02:39:21 Get files in the root folder of user's drive
2019/12/07 02:39:21 GET
2019/12/07 02:39:21 FILE 2019-10-27T07:57:28Z 7972 Book.xlsx
2019/12/07 02:39:21 FILE 2019-10-27T07:57:19Z 11395 ドキュメント.docx
2019/12/07 02:39:21 FILE 2019-10-27T07:57:36Z 29014 プレゼンテーション.pptx
Press ENTER to download files or Ctrl-C to abort:
2019/12/07 02:39:25 Download "Book.xlsx" (7972 bytes)
2019/12/07 02:39:25 Download "ドキュメント.docx" (11395 bytes)
2019/12/07 02:39:25 Download "プレゼンテーション.pptx" (29014 bytes)
It uses Azure AD v2 device code flow for the user authentication. You can authenticate yourself with your personal (Microsoft) or organizational (Azure AD) account.
It saves auth tokens in token_cache.json
in the current directory.
You won't be asked for authentication again until tokens in this file expires.