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Outstanding Feature List

sliptonic edited this page Mar 3, 2015 · 3 revisions

The goal is to get the Path module ready to merge into master so the community can 1) contribute to the development of additional features 2) test and debug existing features, and 3) use it.

What follows is a list of outstanding work. We should decide whether each of these is 'in' or 'out' of the first release milestone.

Big Picture Architecture Stuff

The big ideas about how path works, is customized, and is extended should be pretty tight. A casual user should see lots of consistency between various operations and the workbench as a whole should work like the rest of FreeCAD. For power users and devs, the basic toolkit should be in place.

  1. Move the Path Python Feature add functionality from individual icons in a toolbar to an 'add dialog'. The dialog would be populated with the list of available PPFs when clicked. PPFs would exist either in Mod/Path/PathScripts or in user Macro directory. New PPFs can be added to Path workbench without recompiling.

  2. Transform function added to PostUtils so it can be used by any post to apply transforms to paths.

  3. Unit Handling a) conversion should be added to PostUtils so it can be used by an post.
    b) Move unit formatting to PostUtils so it can be used by any post to format units to user prefs. c) make tool table editor unit aware.

  4. Complete support for units. What's missing?

  5. consolidate project object with stock object. A project is created by selecting one or more things in the canvas and tree. The project object is created in the tree and a visual representation is added to the canvas. The visual initially corresponds to the bounding box but can be resized and placed independently. The visual can be toggled off. Operations added to the project can query the project object to get the stock object properties and set default depth properties.

  6. Visualization of 4+ axis tool paths. Visualization of toolpaths that involve the rotation of the tool.


  1. 3D surfacing. A basic operation to provide 2.5D/3D surfacing. OUT

  2. workable pocket operation.

  3. integration of libarea pocket.

  4. integration of libarea profile with holding tags

  5. lathe turning operations OUT

  6. Improve drilling. Allow ordering of drill locations.

Post Processing

  1. Transforms - translation. Ability to translate the path object and have the resulting gcode reflect the translation.

  2. Transforms - rotation. Ability to rotate the path object and have the resulting gcode reflect the rotation.

  3. LinuxCNC post. IN

  4. Centroid post.

  5. OpenSBP post. OUT

GUI (Not otherwise necessary but makes life easier for user)

  1. QT taskpanel for Profile operation

  2. QT taskpanel for Drilling operation

  3. QT taskpanel for Pocket operation

  4. Move default path color preferences to Path Preferences dialog.

  5. Add NC unit preferences to Path preferences

  6. Add stock representation preferences.

  7. add NC unit formatting to preferences (number of units of precision)

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