- The project try to simulate it to resemble reality with 3 containers corresponding to 3 deamons in Hadoop Cluster which are 1 master and 2 slaves. Moreover, we can easily integrate other services run on top Hadoop such as: processing, manipulating, indexing, ... For instance, system is already integrated with Spark, HBase and the rest is for you.
- For more details of instruction, please follow this guide: guide.pdf
- This project uses:
- Version
Hadoop 2.10.1 Hive 3.1.3 Spark 3.0.0 HBase 2.3.7 Docker 20.10.12 Java 1.8
The image is built from Hadoop, Spark, Hbase base.
docker pull phanvigiaii/hadoop-v2.10.1:master
docker pull ghcr.io/zaivi/servs-run-on-top-hadoop-docker:master
- Step 1: Create subnets and bridge for hadoop-network
- docker network create --driver bridge hadoop-network --subnet=
- Step 2: Build image and run containers
- docker-compose up
- Step 3: Check whether containers are running which are daemons of Hadoop cluster
- docker container ls
If want to end sessions, run
- docker-compose down
- Attach node of HDFS cluster
- docker exec -it master/slave1/slave2/... /bin/bash
- Check daemons UI
- For Resource Manager (YARN): http://localhost:8080/
- For Spark Job Management: http://localhost:4040/
- For HBase Management: http://localhost:16010/
- For Master Management (Namenode): http://localhost:50070/