- Fixing Scribite plugin problems (#20)
- Updating Scribite plugins: functional Xinha and TinyMCE plugins for Scribite v4 and v5
Removed InteractiveInstall functions (deprecated on zk 1.3.6).
- Firs idea was move this functions to a Controller-Admin-config functions. Unnecesary after 1.0.1 goals.
- Removed also Files_init.tpl.
Created function checkingModule in Controller/User.
Every controller function will call it to check module configuration.
- For multisites ($ZConfig['Multisites']['multi'] = 1) folderPath will be $ZConfig['Multisites']['filesRealPath'] . '/' . $ZConfig['Multisites']['siteFilesFolder'];.
- If global $ZConfig['FilesModule']['folderPath'] use this like folderPath. It checks if this folder exist and is writable.
- If globar var not exist, use $ZConfig['System']['datadir'] like folderPath. It checks if this folder exist (and if not, it create it) and if is writeable (and if not, it change acces permissions).
If global $ZConfig['FilesModule']['usersFiles'] use this like usersFiles.Files folder keeps managing like a module_var (usersFolder). Default value is 'usersFiles'.- Function checks if this folder exists (or creates it) and if it's wirteable (or changes permissions).
Failed checks report a warning template.
Overcame checks return all config vars: folderPath, usersFiles, multisites.
Changed file.php not to start Zikula engine in any case.
- With global $ZConfig, files folder is known in every case.
- Removed also Controller-User-notPublicFile function, Files_user_notPublicFile.tpl and lang strings
Added Xinha and TinyMCE plugins resources to repo
Updated file.php request. Return to Controller-External functions and templates.
- Fixed ajax problems in thumbnail functions.
- Fixed insert problems
- Removed Controller-User request and fix popup creation problems.
Fixed problems win zip/unzip functions
- No zip .htaccess, .locked and .tbn folders.
- Updated PclZib lib to 2.8.2 and add callback function to skip these files
Changes in extenal templates
- New option to insert pictures (not only thumbnails). Only in public folders, add option to thumbnail img, insert img and inset thumbnails.
- Updated file links: url for public folders and title message for no-public.
- Added new functions to editor.response: insertImg, insertLink, copyURL and gotoURL.
- Added jquery_toogle menu with the new editor.responses.
- Added alert message to no-public files links.
- Updated warnings and template messages.
- Added select all feature (also in user template).
- Added core.css style to external template, and also referential jquery lib loading.
Agora implementation. If $ZConfig['iwmodules']['agora'] is true, module use Àgora functions (actually use getDiskInfo function and $ZConfig["centre"]["nomPropi"] var.
Update module: version number (1.0.1), installer and upgrade function.
Remake catalan translation.
Add documentation
- Problems with xinha plugin, when focus is in the editor but cursor is not in the textarea. Really is a Xinha plugin issue.