It's entirely possible that you're walking a happy road of a programmer who never had to write a parser by hand. That's not my case unfortunately. I remember incomprehensible indexing of hideous arrays of characters, a maddening cascade of unmaintainable if-else statements, and futile, indescribable attempts to abstract away parts of this unspeakable monstrosity.
If the above paragraph was hard to parse, good! Putting some Lovecraftian
adjectives into a description of events can be a way of coping with terrible
experiences. Those dark, eldritch (sorry, couldn't resist one more) days are
fortunately over. With
parser combinators we
can write composable and fast parsers. Rust adds another adjective here:
safe. nom
is a parser combinator library
that works by generating parsing code at compile time with a bunch of macros.
It also tries to avoid allocation and work through input bytes without copying.
I decided to split nom
article into two parts.
Today we're focused on parsing text (well, bytes that contain text),
while the next article in the series will cover binary parsing.
This is my first hands-on experience with parser combinators - I'm learning
as I write this. Feel free to let me know if the examples here could
be more nom-idiomatic.
We'll start our adventure with nom
by writing a simple parser for HTTP
headers. Even though HTTP itself is a plain text protocol, it's a complex
Note: this is by no means a complete, correct HTTP parser. Its purpose is only illustrative. In fact, we're only parsing the first line of the HTTP header. Parsing the rest of header fields is left as an exercise for the reader.
Let's take a look at the first line of HTTP header.
let first_line = b"GET /home/ HTTP/1.1\r\n";
According to RFC 2616,
which is the definition of the HTTP protocol, the first line of the request
starts with method name. It is followed by an URI (/
in our example) and
finally protocol version. Finally it's terminated by CRLF characters.
named!(parse_method_v1, alt!(tag!("GET") | tag!("POST")));
println!("{:?}", parse_method_v1(&first_line[..]));
We can create a new parser using named!
macro. It will create a function that
takes a byte slice (&[u8]
) and returns an
The tag!
macro matches the exact characters given. alt!
tries to match
any of sub-parsers separated by |
, returning the result of the first one
that matches. (Note: we're leaving out other HTTP methods for simplicity.)
$ cargo run
Done([32, 47, 32, 72, 84, 84, 80, 47, 49, 46, 49, 13, 10], [71, 69, 84])
is a variant of IResult
returned when the parser succeeds. We're
interested in the second field, which contains the byte sequence matched by the parser.
(We can check that the byte sequence [71, 69, 84]
is equivalent to GET
But we'd like to see some text, not raw bytes. We can do this in nom
or map_res!
named!(parse_method_v2<&[u8], &str>,
alt!(map_res!(tag!("GET"), str::from_utf8) | map_res!(tag!("POST"), str::from_utf8)));
println!("{:?}", parse_method_v2(&first_line[..]));
takes an existing parser (like tag!("GET")
) and applies a function
to its result. This function must return a Result
, like
in our
example. There's also a version for functions returning Option
- map_opt!
and one for functions returning "plain" values - map!
. If you need your
parser to produce something else than byte slices, you'll probably use these
macros a lot.
Note that we had to add type parameters to our parser inside angle brackets. First is the input type - a byte array slice, followed by output type. If you omit these types as we did in
, the default output type is also a byte slice.
enum Method {
named!(parse_method<&[u8], Method>,
alt!(map!(tag!("GET"), |_| Method::GET) | map!(tag!("POST"), |_| Method::POST)));
Here we're using a custom enum for HTTP methods. The parser uses map!
discard matched bytes (we already know we matched either GET
) and
return a respective Method
variant. We could also implement
for our enum.
The power of parser combinator libraries such as nom
lies in the combinator
part of the name. We can build very complex parsing machinery from small pieces.
Let's reuse our parse_method
function to actually parse entire first line of
HTTP header.
struct Request {
method: Method,
url: String,
version: String,
named!(parse_request<&[u8], Request>, ws!(do_parse!(
method: parse_method >>
url: map_res!(take_until!(" "), str::from_utf8) >>
tag!("HTTP/") >>
version: map_res!(take_until!("\r"), str::from_utf8) >>
(Request { method: method, url: url.into(), version: version.into() })
println!("{:?}", parse_request(&first_line[..]));
$ cargo run
Done([], Request { method: GET, url: "/home/", version: "1.1" })
The do_parse!
macro is new in nom 2.0. It's used to chain parsers one after
another. If an intermediate value is required, we can give it a name, for
example in method: parse_method
the method
name will hold the result of
parser. Subsequent parsers are put together with >>
the final result can refer to named intermediate results. When we run the code,
we notice it consumed all bytes and succesfully parsed a Request
What if our input doesn't conform to the specification?
let bad_line = b"GT /home/ HTTP/1.1\r\n";
println!("{:?}", parse_request(&bad_line[..]));
$ cargo run
This time our parser returns an Error
variant, indicating which of the
subparsers failed (Alt
points to alt!
macro). There is an
extensive guide to error management in nom
if we wanted to improve the experience.
See you tomorrow for part 2 on binary parsing!