Simple wrapper to call vcsh
when the current directory is managed by it. I don’t use it anymore, so it may be broken.
# Git and vcsh related functions
use re
# Check if the current directory is a git repo
fn is-git-repo {
put ?(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>/dev/null)
# Wrapper around git that transparenly calls vcsh if the current
# directory is not a git repo, but it is a vcsh-managed directory.
fn git-vcsh {|@arg|
if (is-git-repo) {
# If we are in a git repo, run git normally
try {
e:git $@arg
} catch e {
if (not (re:match 'git killed by signal broken pipe' (echo $e))) {
fail (echo $e)
} else {
# Else, try to determine if we are in a vcsh-managed directory
var dirname = (path-base $pwd)
var vcsh-repo = ""
pwd=~ { set _ = ?(set vcsh-repo = (splits ':' (vcsh which $dirname 2>/dev/null | take 1) | take 1)) }
if (not-eq $vcsh-repo "") {
# If the last git argument is "status", add a "." to restrict the status to the current directory
# and avoid spurious output from vcsh
if (or (==s $arg[-1] "status") (==s $arg[-1] "st")) {
set arg = [$@arg "."]
# Execute vcsh with the correct repo and the git options given
vcsh $vcsh-repo $@arg
} else {
# If this is no vcsh dir, run git anyway, which will produce the expected error
e:git $@arg