Releases: 0chain/0dns
Releases · 0chain/0dns
What's Changed
- Update README by @avanaur in #1
- Update Dockerfile by @anish-squareops in #2
- Gitactionsfix by @m-s-a-c in #7
- Gitactionsfix by @m-s-a-c in #8
- Github PR Template by @NoSkillGuy in #10
- Commands Update by @hm90121 in #11
- Obsolete 0dns MongoDB by @NoSkillGuy in #9
- feat(cli):added dev.local by @cnlangzi in #13
- Update build.yaml by @m-s-a-c in #14
- Adding staging tag feature to docker images by @m-s-a-c in #15
- Adding staging tag feature to docker images by @m-s-a-c in #16
- adding .idea folder to gitignore by @NoSkillGuy in #18
- changing default branch by @service-0chain in #19
- Git backup s3 by @anish-squareops in #20
- fix(docker): fixed go mod issue on docker build by @cnlangzi in #21
- feat(wasmsdk):0chain/gosdk#294 fixed cors on 0dns by @cnlangzi in #23
- change docker path from root folder by @Rizary in #22
- add system tests by @stewartie4 in #24
- Update build-&-publish-docker-image.yml by @Kishan-Dhakan in #25
- Fix/cli by @cnlangzi in #26
- feat(devops): automatically upgrade gosdk by @cnlangzi in #27
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.7.8 by @github-actions in #29
- add new filter param + new runners by @stewartie4 in #30
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.1 by @github-actions in #33
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.2 by @github-actions in #34
- fix(devops): fixed token issues by @cnlangzi in #36
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.3 by @service-0chain in #40
- Split mutable config into global state by @avanaur in #41
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.4 by @service-0chain in #42
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.5 by @service-0chain in #43
- Fixed github-backup command by @vinayakgautamops in #45
- Add conductor required scripts by @fabioDMFerreira in #46
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.7 by @service-0chain in #47
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.10 by @service-0chain in #52
- fix(config): disabled rate limit by @cnlangzi in #54
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.11 by @service-0chain in #55
- added docker-compose for dev. by @shahnawaz-creator in #56
- fix docker-compose-no-deamon context path by @fabioDMFerreira in #57
- Upgrade 0Chain GoSDK to v1.8.12 by @service-0chain in #58
New Contributors
- @avanaur made their first contribution in #1
- @anish-squareops made their first contribution in #2
- @m-s-a-c made their first contribution in #7
- @NoSkillGuy made their first contribution in #10
- @hm90121 made their first contribution in #11
- @cnlangzi made their first contribution in #13
- @Rizary made their first contribution in #22
- @stewartie4 made their first contribution in #24
- @Kishan-Dhakan made their first contribution in #25
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #29
- @vinayakgautamops made their first contribution in #45
- @fabioDMFerreira made their first contribution in #46
- @shahnawaz-creator made their first contribution in #56
Full Changelog: