Script to move files into a year/month structure, according to the time of its last change.
Copy into a folder that is included in your system path (see this wikipedia article on how to do this). Make the script executable by excuting chmod +x ./
in that folder.
Then call
in a folder of your choice to create a year/month structure and move your files in that structure.
movetoarchive accepts the following arguments:
-m, --month: create subfolders for years and months (default)
-y --year: only create folders for years (obviously cannot be used with --month)
-v, --verbose: extra verbose output
-q, --quiet: no output at all (can't use with -v, use this e.g. in your cron jobs)
- movetoarchive was not tested on any platform different from OS X (10.7.5). I don't know how all the python shutil library stuff will work e.g. on Windows.
- maybe others
Feel free to comment on that.