Deepextract is a command-line tool for extracting and analyzing deep link configurations from Android APK files.
The tool decompiles the APK to access the AndroidManifest.xml
file and extracts details about activities, services, and broadcast receivers,
including their intent actions, custom URL schemes and mimeTypes.
Ensure apktool is installed
git clone
cd deepxtract
Build the tool
go build -o deepxtract main.go
./deepxtract <path_to_apk> <output_directory>
./deepxtract ~/Documents/aah.apk output
____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _ _____ ____ ____ ____ _____
/ _ \/ __// __// __\\ \///__ __\/ __\/ _ \/ _\/__ __\
| | \|| \ | \ | \/| \ / / \ | \/|| / \|| / / \
| |_/|| /_ | /_ | __/ / \ | | | /| |-||| \_ | |
\____/\____\\____\\_/ /__/\\ \_/ \_/\_\\_/ \|\____/ \_/
Decompiling apk file .......
[+] Services
[+] Receivers
[>] aah.challenges.Receivers.Challenge03Receiver(exported=true)
[+] Intent Action: android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE
[+] Custom URL Scheme: android_secret_code://600613
[-] MIME Type: none
[>] aah.challenges.Receivers.Challenge05Receiver(exported=true)
[+] Intent Action: aah.intent.LOAD_LIB
[-] Custom URL Scheme: none
[-] MIME Type: none
[+] Activities
[>] aah.challenges.Challenge09Activity(exported=false)
[-] Intent Action: none
[-] Custom URL Scheme: none
[-] MIME Type: none
[>] aah.challenges.Challenge08Activity(exported=false)
[-] Intent Action: none
[-] Custom URL Scheme: none
[-] MIME Type: none