Hello there, my name is Spencer Faith and this is my home for my Generative art pieces. I will be (attempting) to keep this updated.
For all these pieces as of right now it is utilizing p5.js with some webGL sprinkled here and there. I am still working my away around to other frameworks, however, there will most certainly be more to come so stay tuned.
Each folder of the repo should consist of a different project that I have either finished or currently working on. Hopefully each project will have it's own corresponding README with details on the project and screenshots, along with a README I will try my very best to have crisp and clean documented code.
I am still very much a newb to programming. I have done some programming for about 6 years of and off. I'm currently enrolled at ASU for a bachelors in computer science and am enjoying it very much. However, I am human and prone to mistakes if you see something and know of a better way or have any questions why I did what I did, please shoot me an email or message me on here. I would really enjoy connecting with people and hopefully become a little better in the process.
Cheers, Spencer Faith
Tidy up the Gravity Study
- make the colors nicer give it some pizzazz (check twitter header)
- intergrate webGL (possibly?)
- create README
Just go crazy with some walker experiments (more to come?)
Finish CircumCircle README
Finish ranSquare README
- Finished code for circumCircle
- Finished code for ranSqure