Examples for Inca Digital Market Data API usage.
For client generation you can use https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator
You can find swagger json here: https://api.financial.inca.digital/dictionaries/v2/api-docs
Example of generation with CLI client:
openapi-generator generate -i https://api.financial.inca.digital/dictionaries/v2/api-docs -g java -o ./java
Examples are demonstrated using Java with the template:
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
DataDictionariesOrderBooksApi orderBooksApi = new DataDictionariesOrderBooksApi(defaultClient);
DataDictionariesTradesApi tradesApi = new DataDictionariesTradesApi(defaultClient);
try {
// Example code
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling DataDictionariesOrderBooksApi#orderBookAssets");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
- Get all active pairs, with pagination.
int size = 10;
int page = 0;
boolean hasNext = true;
while (hasNext) {
PageWrapperTradePairDto pageWrapperTradePairDto = tradesApi.tradePairs(true, null, null, null, page, size);
hasNext = pageWrapperTradePairDto.getHasNext();
- Find all the active markets trading BTC on Binance
PageWrapperTradeMarketDto pageWrapperTradeMarketDto = tradesApi.tradeMarkets(true, "btc", null, null, "binance", null, true, page, size);
- Find all the pairs with BTC as symbol
PageWrapperTradePairDto pageWrapperTradePairDto = tradesApi.tradePairs(null, "btc", null, "spot", 0, 10);
- Find spot markets on binance with updates in last 30 days
int size = 100;
int page = 0;
boolean hasNext = true;
Instant thirtyDaysBefore = Instant.now().minus(30, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
List<String> markets = new ArrayList<>();
while (hasNext) {
PageWrapperTradeMarketDto pageWrapperTradeMarketDto =
tradesApi.tradeMarkets(true, null, null, "spot", "binance", null, true, page, size);
.filter(tradeMarketDto -> {
Instant marketLastSeen = Instant.parse(tradeMarketDto.getLastSeen());
return marketLastSeen.isAfter(thirtyDaysBefore);
.forEach(tradeMarketDto -> markets.add(tradeMarketDto.getMarket().getId()));
hasNext = pageWrapperTradeMarketDto.getHasNext();
- Find spot markets on binance with >= 3 trades in an hour metrics
int size = 100;
int page = 0;
boolean hasNext = true;
List<String> markets = new ArrayList<>();
while (hasNext) {
PageWrapperTradeMarketDto pageWrapperTradeMarketDto =
tradesApi.tradeMarkets(true, null, null, "spot", "binance", null, true, page, size);
.filter(tradeMarketDto ->
.flatMap(map -> Optional.ofNullable(map.get("1h")))
.filter(metrics -> metrics.getTrades() >= 3)
.forEach(tradeMarketDto -> markets.add(tradeMarketDto.getMarket().getId()));
hasNext = pageWrapperTradeMarketDto.getHasNext();
- Find all market venues where btc-usd pair traded, sort them by vwap
int size = 100;
int page = 0;
boolean hasNext = true;
TreeMap<BigDecimal, List<String>> sortedMap = new TreeMap<>();
while (hasNext) {
PageWrapperTradeMarketDto pageWrapperTradeMarketDto =
tradesApi.tradeMarkets(true, "btc", "usd", "spot", null, null, true, page, size);
.forEach(tradeMarketDto -> {
BigDecimal vwap = Optional.ofNullable(tradeMarketDto.getMetrics())
.flatMap(map ->
sortedMap.compute(vwap, (key, value) -> {
List<String> marketVenues = value == null ? new ArrayList<>() : value;
return marketVenues;
hasNext = pageWrapperTradeMarketDto.getHasNext();