A book buy-sell platform for college students(backend side). This platform features separate authentication (used JWT auth) mechanisms for users and administrators, ensuring secure access (role-based access). Students can easily list their books for sale, providing details such as book title, author, condition, and pricing ( CRUD operations). Additionally, an admin section allows for efficient order management and real-time inventory control.
- Login/Sign Up available for the users and admins too.
- Listing of all the books which are available in the inventory + showing out of stock books.
- Order creation for book buying in draft mode i.e. order draft is always preserved in database until it is submitted or deleted.
- Order creation for book selling in draft mode i.e. order draft is always preserved in database until it is submitted or deleted.
- Admin controls for changing order status, validating the orders, etc.
- RBAC implemented for safeguarding the roles, For example - Only admins can change the order status not the user.
- API documentation is done via openApi and Swagger UI.
- Link for Swagger UI - {base url}/swagger-ui/index.html.
JAVA, SpringBoot, Swagger, OpenApi