Hide webpage floating elements.js removes annoying floating elements on a webpage
Hide webpage floating elements (alt ver).js different implementation (see first comment in file)
*This one seems to work on all sites, and should be strictly superior to the original version.
Set the bookmarklet as home page, for easy Alt+Home activation
get document.title (alert)
javascript:alert(document.title); void 0;
get document.title (new window)
javascript:var myWindow = window.open(); myWindow.document.write(document.title); void 0;
toggle document.body.contentEditable
javascript:if(document.body.contentEditable != "true") document.body.contentEditable="true"; else if(document.body.contentEditable != "false") document.body.contentEditable="false"; void 0;
view on sci-hub
javascript:location.href = location.origin.replace(/^https/, 'http') + '.sci-hub.se' + location.pathname + location.search
view on sci-hub (new tab)
javascript: (function(){ window.open(location.origin.replace%28/%5Ehttps/, 'http') + '.sci-hub.se' + location.pathname + location.search, '_blank')})();